Monday, July 16th 2007

AMD Seeking Additional Financing
AMD shareholders have scheduled a meeting today in order to discuss the possibility of raising additional financing to maintain stable operations, as the company is going through a tough time.
AMD by selling a great part of its assets ( fabs in Germany ), has negatively influenced the company's debt holders thus the need for money is great. Main reason is that AMD is again to post a larger than expected loss and if they cant find a way to raise money fast they could be going out of business really soon.
This is truly a hard time for AMD , perhaps the hardest ever and all fans around the world can do is cross fingers and hope AMD makes it.
AMD by selling a great part of its assets ( fabs in Germany ), has negatively influenced the company's debt holders thus the need for money is great. Main reason is that AMD is again to post a larger than expected loss and if they cant find a way to raise money fast they could be going out of business really soon.
This is truly a hard time for AMD , perhaps the hardest ever and all fans around the world can do is cross fingers and hope AMD makes it.
66 Comments on AMD Seeking Additional Financing
Good luck amd... :cry::cry::cry:
AMD should never had bought ATI....Too much money wasted.....
Sorry if I offend anyone lol... Its good if there is a merger imho. AMDTIntel?
im no fan of intel, big monopoly etc, and they can afford to purposly hurt AMD when tbh they really dont need to.
and no tk, 1 company offering the goods is BAD. BAD BAD BAD, not technologically bad, but really bad for consumer costs
Hmmm. The AtelMD lol, interesting concept their. Hey what ever saves AMD form going out is just fine with me.
the Only reason AMD & Intel exist is to try & out do each others efforts. these 2 brands have been forever competing with each other & if they did merge that would mark a really sad day in history as AMD giving in & selling on not to forget that ATi also comes with AMD so if Intel acquire AMD then they also acquire ATi & I doubt intel ever wanted ATi in the first place. Intel wanted Nvidia last time i heard. so if theres going to be any merging at all then it will be between Nvidia & Intel, & life will carry on as usual with 2 brands competing each for a bigger share of the market...
If there was no longer any AMD, Intel would own 99.99% of the market which would make intel lazy & thus they will slack on quality because theres no one to challenge them & make them fight for the market anymore because they own 99.99% of it. all they will do is sit their raking in tonnes of cash each day because they can.
forget customer service forget being the first to make & distribute new technology. Intel will realease a new CPU where & when they like because theres nobody there to keep them on their toes.
& after all that AMD has been through it would be a sad day in Pc history if they went under...
Intel has not deliberately "hurt" AMD... its those gay OEMs. If they do merge, think of this, they will have double the manpower and AMD+Intel? Obviously intel WONT just chuck AMD away; it doesnt work like that.
p.s. monopoly is bad for our pockets see apple if the os x was install and among others manufactures the price of a os x pc would be like an windows pc ............... about 500euros
And gain some money back while we still have a fantastic craphics company.
Altho i think intel could learn a trick or two from AMD with its processors. Just think of a Core2Quad with a hypertransport and onboard memory controller.... SUPER quick!!!
Meh time will tell
And if AMD teams up with Intel we will get a nice monopoly :P
They can raise the cash they need NOW and quickly. They would do that before they merged with intel. No one over there wants that.
Im sure they will get the cash they need someway. AMD is down but far from out, regardless of what the new story says..
They should sell Ati now and at least get some cash out of it, the problem I see is that they'll never recover the money they invested.
Always 2 companies competing is better for low price, innovation and good customer service :D
Fire all the damn incapable CEOs and CFOs. Put younger brains in those positions. New ideas and strategies will flow.
All of you guys that are saying intel and amd together would be good...that's not true. imagine if we only had intel...we would probably still be stuck on single core p4's at about 3ghz for like $300. only amd's complete dominance over intel in the desktop segment made intel totally rethink their game. anyone that thinks a monopoly is good is wrong....look at microsoft. they do create a good product, but 5 years between xp and vista? imagine if they had real competition... maybe 3 years, that's what they're predicting for the next version, but you know there will be delays.
also, i don't think there will be need for intel to buy amd. it's not so drastic that amd has to start spinning off ati or even split their stocks (although that may be a good idea). amd just has to produce some winners at their respective price ranges. before intel buys amd, amd will almost certainly file for bankruptcy. amd isn't even close to backruptcy so i don't see why everyone is worried. why don't we just see what phenom can do before we decide if amd is going to die....anyways GO AMD GO!!!! :rockout: