Monday, July 16th 2007

AMD Seeking Additional Financing

AMD shareholders have scheduled a meeting today in order to discuss the possibility of raising additional financing to maintain stable operations, as the company is going through a tough time.
AMD by selling a great part of its assets ( fabs in Germany ), has negatively influenced the company's debt holders thus the need for money is great. Main reason is that AMD is again to post a larger than expected loss and if they cant find a way to raise money fast they could be going out of business really soon.
This is truly a hard time for AMD , perhaps the hardest ever and all fans around the world can do is cross fingers and hope AMD makes it.
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66 Comments on AMD Seeking Additional Financing

Normally I don't give a crap about AMD but since they bought ATi I don't want them to die.. purely cos I want ATi to live on!
Posted on Reply
not burst everyones bubble or anything, but hello Source?

there is no source listed there so my gut tells me this story is bogus. especially about the part of them going under. amd has gone through plenty other bad times, none of which did they even get close to going under (ie bankruptcy talks) and those were dunring much longer times of much more dominance (pentium 2 vs k6 anyone?)

so wheres the legitimate source of this article and don't say fuzilla or the inq cause they've been wrong about 60% of the time.
Posted on Reply
The source isnt 1 site but many throught the internet....Thus i cant start listing one after the other...One thing is for sure, if this was bogus AMD wouldnt leave it at that and they would call for a press release....Besides AMD is falling back in profits and we are all aware of that for almost a month now....
Posted on Reply
so was intel for 3 years straight, and as I've posted up before so way amd for more than 5 years during the intel pentium1,2,3, and early 4 dominance.

not doubting that amd had the meeting about finances, doubting that the opiniosn in the so called news are correct, staing that amd is about to go under is an opinion, not a fact.


stocks are up 1.36 pts from june

edit2: AND actually contary to this bogus thread, here is an actual source stating otherwise (again not the meeting but the Opinions stated in this so called news)
Posted on Reply
yogurt_21so was intel for 3 years straight, and as I've posted up before so way amd for more than 5 years during the intel pentium1,2,3, and early 4 dominance.

not doubting that amd had the meeting about finances, doubting that the opiniosn in the so called news are correct, staing that amd is about to go under is an opinion, not a fact.


stocks are up 1.36 pts from june
Good point. I doubt they will bankrupt, they are in a bind though.
Posted on Reply
Even if the news are true i doubt AMD would allert the public , that would mean even more trouble for them. Im saying that cause in over 100 sites statesman is one of the only ones to state AMD is doing well. Like i said i dont know if this news is real since i wasnt in the Shareholders meeting but if it is AMD is more likely to try and cover it by counterattacking using other websites. Easy and to be honest i would had done the same :)
Posted on Reply
Web at it's worst!

The original post is bogus.

It's a bad paraphrase of a blurb over at which was quickly proven wrong.

AMD had a meeting July 16 at 10am - it was a vote on employee stock options. That was the only topic of the meeting. The vote passed 290m to 10m, and the meeting was over in ten minutes. There was no discussion about "raising additional financing to maintain stable operation".

Nearly every word of the original post is wrong: AMD did not sell "a great part of it's assets", "negatively affecting it's debt holders". AMD is in the process of selling it's out of date 200mm fab equipment, as it moves to new 300mm equipment.

Whether AMD will post a larger than expected loss is complete speculation... but we'll know for sure on Thursday at 5:30 pm.

Now, for the good news:

-AMD did in fact get Gateway, Dell and Toshiba which were all "Intel only" accounts until recently.

-AMD's stock is trading at a 6 month high, up over $2.50/share in just the last 30 days.

-AMD is better capitalized than ever, after selling a $2.2 billion dollar bond at just 6%. (AMD already had $1 billion in cash at the time of the offering.

However AMD is expected to report a loss, as they continue to absorb the merger of ATI, and learn to work with Dell and Toshiba, after years of primarily serving the white box market. But the new Barcelona cpu is due in August, and AMD seems to be strong in both server and mobile. Intel will continue to prevail in desktop and workstation.
Posted on Reply
if this is true... I think that when posting news we need to be careful that we are posting news and no not an opinion or rumor. You have the badge of "Staff" so you now reflect on TPU directly with what you post and what you say..... something like this can cause a lot of trouble and do absolutely no good for anyone here

Of course... this is only if what the above poster said is true.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlock
Citing a source you can trust when posting news helps cover your back as well...
Posted on Reply
Links for above:

I'm including some links to back up my earlier post. I personally listened to the meeting, and heard them say no other topics were on the agenda. The meeting was very brief.

Toshiba goes AMD:

Dell goes AMD:

Listen to the July 16 meeting here (about 10 minutes or less)

30 day amd stock price chart:

$2.2 billion dollar bond:,,51_104_543~117246,00.html
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
If AMD goes under, does that mean ATI is out too? Giving Intel and NVidia both monopolies?
AphexDreamerWhy do you say money wasted? I think that was a good move, no?
It isn't a good move when your in a money crunch to spend huge amounts of money to buy companies you don't need.
Posted on Reply
AMD has zero chance of going under - at least not in the next couple years. What's important is that they get a working, profitable relationship with the big OEM's, which will cement their status in the biz. The OEM's don't want to return to an Intel only deal, but at the same time, like squeezing AMD for the lowest price possible.

The ATI deal was less about high frame rate graphics, and a lot more about delivering platforms for both desktops and notebooks that are ready to go for the OEMs.

If you're concerned about AMD, read their cash flow statements, rather than their profit and loss reports. Based on the Q1 cash burn, they could last a couple years. I expect them to return to profitability well before that time, however.
Posted on Reply
Is there anymore information as to the legitimacy of this "News"?
Posted on Reply
Its funny that 1 member has only posted 3 times and all 3 times in this thread....
AMD/ATi follower perhaps ?
Well for your info this has been reported by many websites ( use google ) so it aint just fudzilla....On the other hand did you expect AMD/ATi to come out saying
"Hey guys do you have a dollar to spare ? We need money..."
Having said that you might wanna check the profit loss AMD/ATi sustained since Motorola cut back on its order from them due to Q2 profit loss.
And having the badge like someone suggested of staff DOESNT make me Pope.
Posted on Reply
HellasVagabondAnd having the badge like someone suggested of staff DOESN'T make me Pope.
I don't recall saying any of that nature.....

I did say that with being a member of the TPU staff, your actions do reflect on TPU.

ESPECIALLY since your postings are going on THE FRONT PAGE of TPU for everyone to read.

Do you really think that you can go off posting your opinions and rumors in the news section and it doesn't reflect on TPU or their "staff"?
Posted on Reply
All of those refer back to fudzilla (which we all know how reliable they are) ;)
Posted on Reply
So yahoo along with dozens of sites refer to it and i shouldnt ? Nice...
Enough with the offtopic people :)
Posted on Reply
HellasVagabondSo yahoo along with dozens of sites refer to it and i shouldnt ? Nice...
Enough with the offtopic people :)
Lets clarify something here.... YAHOO does not refer to it... their message boards do, along with every other message boards listed there.

Sure, you can refer to it if you want..... I was just trying to help keep rumors to a minimum in the NEWS section. ;)

Back to the topic.
Posted on Reply
Like i said its a rumor and the only way for us to know is if we where in that meeting...Since we werent whatever happened for real is something neither of us will ever know.
( Its intriguing however that Fudzilla knew about the shareholders meeting before any other online forum , webpage......Makes you wonder... )
- End Of Offtopic -
Posted on Reply
HellasVagabondLike i said its a rumor and the only way for us to know is if we where in that meeting...Since we werent whatever happened for real is something neither of us will ever know.
( Its intriguing however that Fudzilla knew about the shareholders meeting before any other online forum , webpage......Makes you wonder... )
- End Of Offtopic -
The meeting is right here

-Now End Of Offtopic- :D
Posted on Reply
Mr. Hellasvegabond,

Frankly, I'm amazed at your position. All of the links point back to Fudzilla, as was already mentioned. Your post was a bad paraphrase of Fudzilla - you actually piled it on to make it sound worse.

I gave you the link to the meeting, which was a live webcast - hardly private. If you had listened to the link, as I did, you'd know your post was in error, as was the Fudzilla "industry sources". Actually, if you did any independent research after your post was challenged, you'd know as the rest of us do that it's 100% bogus.

I am an AMD investor, and I found your post being used as backup to the Fudzilla post on the yahoo message boards. It was quoted as it it was factual, being you're techpowerup staff.

This seems like a nice site. Certainly there is an ongoing war between AMD and INTC, and it is being fought not just on the manufacturing side. It works best if we all stick to facts as much as possible.

Posted on Reply
Plus i figured as much..But do try to understand that rumors exist Prior to everything thus the rumor about that shareholders meeting....I dont know about the live broadcast....I cant even vouch that it wasnt cut and clipped at a later moment....As far as i aint present where a meeting occurs i cant be certain of anything. I would say the same for AMD , Intel , ATi , Nvidia and just about every brand out there.
Posted on Reply
plusMr. Hellasvegabond,

Frankly, I'm amazed at your position. All of the links point back to Fudzilla, as was already mentioned. Your post was a bad paraphrase of Fudzilla - you actually piled it on to make it sound worse.

I gave you the link to the meeting, which was a live webcast - hardly private. If you had listened to the link, as I did, you'd know your post was in error, as was the Fudzilla "industry sources". Actually, if you did any independent research after your post was challenged, you'd know as the rest of us do that it's 100% bogus.

I am an AMD investor, and I found your post being used as backup to the Fudzilla post on the yahoo message boards. It was quoted as it it was factual, being you're techpowerup staff.

This seems like a nice site. Certainly there is an ongoing war between AMD and INTC, and it is being fought not just on the manufacturing side. It works best if we all stick to facts as much as possible.

I have to say something...please don't say that because you are an AMD investor that AMD is not under any financial pressure. I will sight AMD's stock prices in February of '06 it was at $40, it then dropped to $18.26 on July 21, 2006. On Oct 16, 2006 it was back up to $25.38, then it started a gradual fall and now it sits at ~$15.84. That's not a good thing. Intel has been on a slow but steady gain since July 21 ($17.15).

There is an obvious correlation, and it's very obvious Intel has been doing better business. No one is saying AMD is going to go bankrupt, however people are saying AMD is trying to raise money, espically since they are trying to roll out their new chips on time and get 65 nm kicking completely (I'm sure they'll have it soon), open up new fab plants, get ready for Intel's next price cuts and penryn, and continue to shrink it's fab sizes.

AMD doesn't have the cash reserves that Intel does, so they need to raise money to stay's bad for AMD but not as bad as you think HellasVagaBond is making it seem. He is just reporting what I have said, AMD needs money to stay competitive and they are doing so.
Posted on Reply
kwchang007I have to say something...please don't say that because you are an AMD investor that AMD is not under any financial pressure. I will sight AMD's stock prices in February of '06 it was at $40, it then dropped to $18.26 on July 21, 2006. On Oct 16, 2006 it was back up to $25.38, then it started a gradual fall and now it sits at ~$15.84. That's not a good thing. Intel has been on a slow but steady gain since July 21 ($17.15).

There is an obvious correlation, and it's very obvious Intel has been doing better business. No one is saying AMD is going to go bankrupt, however people are saying AMD is trying to raise money, espically since they are trying to roll out their new chips on time and get 65 nm kicking completely (I'm sure they'll have it soon), open up new fab plants, get ready for Intel's next price cuts and penryn, and continue to shrink it's fab sizes.

AMD doesn't have the cash reserves that Intel does, so they need to raise money to stay's bad for AMD but not as bad as you think HellasVagaBond is making it seem. He is just reporting what I have said, AMD needs money to stay competitive and they are doing so.
STOCK PRICE doesnt mean anything. People that invest know that.

Just compare RIMM vs INTC...Or even compare INTC vs AMD, a 152B dollar company vs a 8B dollar company. Why only a 7dollar difference in share price? There are reasons for this, dont bring up stock price as a fact in stating company performance, its just wrong.

AMD is gathering extra cash, approximately 1.8B because since the purchase of ATI, and the processor wars vs a much larger company, AMD is operating @ a loss currently. They are offering bonds, which many companies offer along w/ stocks as well
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