Wednesday, August 1st 2007

Intel Advertising Faces Racist Accusations

While a lot of people would say that Intel's Core 2 Duo series advertises itself, Intel thinks that a little help from PR doesn't hurt. Unfortunately, Intel's latest advertisement seems to be a little racist. As The Inquirer puts it, the advertisement...
shows a white IT manager looking pretty pleased with himself, having successful managed to "multiply computing performance" and "maximise the power" of his employees. For some bizarre reason, the employees are all depicted as black athletes, crouched as if starting a sprint race - but also appearing to all bow down before the smug white dude.
Public response to this advertisement ranges from "stupid ad but not racism" to "This one is a s*** storm waiting to happen". On a side note, the people over at Gizmodo, who caught the possible racism, feel that the advertisement "might be racist, but boy does it make me want a Core 2 Duo."
Source: The Inquirer
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53 Comments on Intel Advertising Faces Racist Accusations

Azn Tr14dZ
The comment was probably made by some Caucasian guy. If a black guy sees the ad, and says it's not racist, then it isn't. And I say it's not racist.
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Azn Tr14dZThe comment was probably made by some Caucasian guy. If a black guy sees the ad, and says it's not racist, then it isn't. And I say it's not racist.
you know, thats who whole issue. in the uk, we got white politicians etc, saying we cant do this or call this that incade it offends this race or this religion (were all human imo so that dont count) but they do this without even ASKING these peeps if they find it offensive, or they just assume, its just plain daft.... i know plenty of peeps from all over the world, asians, black peeps from new york, chinese etc, all great friends, and they just plain laugh at the political correctness here, half the stuff the gov/insane peeps spouts as potentially offensive they think is amusing, the rest they dont even bat an eyelash to....
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omg where's all the mexicans, germans, birts, frenchies, portuguese, chineese, etc... RACIST
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Jimmy 2004
65tweetKind of hard to tell for sure but it looks like all six athletes are the same guy. :wtf: This whole thing is stupid though.
Hence the 'multiply computing performance' - the athlete has been multiplied and used as a metaphor for computing performance.
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Stupid but not racist...intentionally. I can see how some may be offended. People are lazy and want everyone to conform to them, especially us Americans. So I read these posts about how we all have to be sensitive and all that complaining, typical lazy American response. If society is going to get better we will have to work at it and yes try to be more sensitive. This ad is just another subliminal message of millions. If anyone saw Family Guy the other night, Adam West sent all the Police out to Columbia to help find Jan Wilder from the movie "Romancing the Stone", when all the white people realized that there weren't any Police they unzipped themselves and black people came out and starting singing and dancing like it was eutopia, LOL. We need more of this kind of truth.
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Man, some people really can't stop making typhoons in water glass.
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It doesn't matter what you do, SOMEONE has to jump on their soapbox...

Isn't it just the same dude multiplied???

I mean you would be spewing if you multiplied your "athlete" and some of em were chinese, or eskimos or Aussies... I mean if they were all aussies you wouldn't get any fkin work done... lol
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I don't think it was intended to be racist, but it sure does propagate stereotypes pretty hard. Black=Physical, White=Intelligence. hahah - lame.

While I'm almost positive it's not racist, Intel should've picked up on it before they printed it. We do live in a sue-happy world ya know, gotta watch that shiz.

C2Ds are def black btw. w00t hahaha
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While we're on the subject of hilarious racial stereotypes and we know we're all joking... I thought Core 2 Duo was beaner, they run so fast and hop so many fences...:(.
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LoL this is funny!

I showed it to my wife, asked her if it was racist and she said I guess it could be taken that way. I asked her who it was racist against and she said whites. Reasoning:
It shows that blacks are required to have performance thats why they used a black guy, a white guy couldn't do it. (if you wanted to take it as racist)

HaHaHa, so much for everyone thinking its black racist.
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Bird of Prey
ZOMG! The stupidest thing I ever heard...let it go man.
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WarEagleAUZOMG! The stupidest thing I ever heard...let it go man.
If you had read my posts on this you would have known that nor my wife or I have a problem with racism. I was giving an example of another point of view. If you want this to die why did you continue to post?
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I personally find it offensive, its like no other race other then white can be management, even in a company where every empolyee happens to be black.

Thats the first subliminal message that comes to my mind when looking at this ad

From an azn dude :rockout:
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Posted on Reply
People is just getting more stupid as we talk... how sad it is. Anything is actually interpreted by that stupid people in it's worse way always.
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They should of seen it coming.. its not racist but hey could of dropped the multiply thing and just put a bunch of different runners in the cubicles to show c2d performance.

Case closed!
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Intel says they are sorry

Nancy Bhagat Vice President Director of Integrated Marketing had the following to say
Intel’s intent of our ad titled “Multiply Computing Performance and Maximize the Power of Your Employees” was to convey the performance capabilities of our processors through the visual metaphor of a sprinter. We have used the visual of sprinters in the past successfully. Unfortunately, our execution did not deliver our intended message and in fact proved to be insensitive and insulting. Upon recognizing this, we attempted to pull the ad from all publications but, unfortunately, we failed on one last media placement. We are sorry and are working hard to make sure this doesn’t happen again
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