Tuesday, August 7th 2007

80GB PS3 Hits Shelves

The new 80GB PlayStation 3 console was launched today in the USA and Canada, with a recommended price tag of $599. This comes after Sony decided to reduce the price of the 60GB model and drop the 20GB version altogether, with Sony Computer Entertainment America's senior vice president of marketing saying:
The 80GB PS3 offers expanded options in the PS3 family of products for those who want to enjoy more downloadable content. The new model will provide ample storage space to meet the appetites of those who wish to download content today, and for many more years to come. With the expanded disk capacity and dynamic system upgrades, we have effectively created a system that is 'future-proof', providing consumers an exceptional entertainment value that will stand the test of time.
The 60GB sale saw a nice 135% increase in sales after the recent price drop, although Sony also plans to discontinue this model after all current stock has been sold, leaving just the 80GB model. The new 80GB model ships with one SIXAXIS controller and a free copy of off-road racing game MotorStorm, and should be available from major online and high-street stores immediately.
Source: DailyTech
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28 Comments on 80GB PS3 Hits Shelves

rip off, if you want a ps3...get the 60gb while supplies last!
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004
ktrrip off, if you want a ps3...get the 60gb while supplies last!
I'm not sure what's going on with the emotion processor in the states, does the 60GB still ahve one? If it does, then it might be good to get one while you can because I'm not sure the 80GB has one.
Posted on Reply
$100 for 20gb? And I thought the 360 Elite model was a ripoff.
Posted on Reply
Jimmy 2004I'm not sure what's going on with the emotion processor in the states, does the 60GB still ahve one? If it does, then it might be good to get one while you can because I'm not sure the 80GB has one.
the NTSC 60gb still has the emotion engine (pal does not).

check one of my older posts: forums.techpowerup.com/showpost.php?p=414141&postcount=29
wazzledoozle$100 for 20gb? And I thought the 360 Elite model was a ripoff.
It does come with motorstorm (another 50 bucks)...

How much it the elite? 480 bucks? then another 150 for hd drive (to match the ps3's blue ray)...so total is 630... A steal deal is the 60gb ps3, buy it from sony, and get an additional 150 off when you open a sony card, and on top of that...5 free blue ray movies.

edit... and look at this... www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822149057, buy that i have a 120gb ps3...simple as that.
Posted on Reply
You forgot to add the extra $$$ for the additional wifi adapter that is already built-in to the 60gb ps3. :)
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
Ooer Linkin, good call. I dont think the elite has the built in Wifi, but I may be wrong.

I dont agree with the $100 for 20GB more deal, but Sony seems to be bleeding that dry.
Posted on Reply
We've had the 80gb PS3 in stock at the Gamestop I work at for about a week and so far we've sold a whopping 0 of them. We usually sell 1 ps3 every other day of the 60gb variant. It does seem like a rip off for the 80gb over the 60gb as all you get is 20gb more and motorstorm (and you loose the ps2 hardware emulation), so Sony better have something sneaky up its sleave...
Posted on Reply
devguyWe've had the 80gb PS3 in stock at the Gamestop I work at for about a week and so far we've sold a whopping 0 of them. We usually sell 1 ps3 every other day of the 60gb variant. It does seem like a rip off for the 80gb over the 60gb as all you get is 20gb more and motorstorm (and you loose the ps2 hardware emulation), so Sony better have something sneaky up its sleave...
i bet when some sunday ads start floating around, sales will pick up.
Posted on Reply
ktrthe NTSC 60gb still has the emotion engine (pal does not).

check one of my older posts: forums.techpowerup.com/showpost.php?p=414141&postcount=29

It does come with motorstorm (another 50 bucks)...

How much it the elite? 480 bucks? then another 150 for hd drive (to match the ps3's blue ray)...so total is 630... A steal deal is the 60gb ps3, buy it from sony, and get an additional 150 off when you open a sony card, and on top of that...5 free blue ray movies.

edit... and look at this... www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822149057, buy that i have a 120gb ps3...simple as that.
The xbox 360 is (in a few hours of this post) priced at $350 which comes with a 20 Gig HD, etc. With the HD-DVD player @ $163 that's a total of $513 (roughly). You get 5 free HD-DVD movies. I didn't add the 120 Gig HD because:
-its more then what Sony is offering in this thread
-There is no universal use for a large HD on gaming consoles.
-Even if you added the elite it already comes with a 120 Gig HD. In which it can be argued that the Elite is offering more then PS3 at $599.

This alone debunks your thoughts on xbox360 as a whole. I am pretty sure that if you add 1 game its still less then $600 total for this configuration. Unless you somehow what to start factoring in hi definition movies. Lets see, the Spiderman 3 will cost $50 if you want to add that! Is that things to come with future BR movie titles? Is this an indication that the format war is over?
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleThe xbox 360 is (in 2 hours of this post) priced at $350 which comes with a 20 Gig HD, etc. With the HD-DVD player @ $163 that's a total of $513 (roughly). You get 5 free HD-DVD movies. I didn't add the 120 Gig HD because:
-its more then what Sony is offering in this thread
-There is no universal use for a large HD on gaming consoles.
-Even if you added the elite it already comes with a 120 Gig HD. In which it can be argued that the Elite is offering more then PS3 at $599.

$This alone debunks your thoughts on xbox360 as a whole. I am pretty sure that if you add 1 game its still less then $600 total for this configuration. Unless you somehow what to start factoring in hi definition movies. Lets see, the Spiderman 3 will cost $50 if you want to add that! Is that things to come with future BR movie titles? Is this an indication that the format war is over?
First, yes we are considering the elite, main reason...hdmi. secondly, 20gb vs. 80gb is a 60gb difference... when compared to 80gb vs. 120gb being a 40gb difference. In other words, the elite is MS closes product to PS3. And as you said there is no use for HDD in gaming, regardless, its there and it there to stay.

so, $450 for an elite...and that HD-drive is $150, so we are at $600. Also wifi...360 has no wifi, wireless adapter on new egg is $85 bucks...ouch, (also no card reader, but it does come with a head set, so we will cancel them out) so we are at $685 vs. the ps3 still at $600. Now about a game...no game with 360, so another 40 or so, new price is $725. Also sony has a promo for 5 bluray movies too...

being that 120gb hdd is about $70 bucks, so the ps3 is now 670 vs 725...

Now that Format wars, you say that HDdvd is cheaper than blue ray... actually, do to hddvd are double sided, one side having hd, other sd, therefore they are about 10-20 bucks more. Really, for some one who buys an HDDVD and really needs the standard dvd.

And that spiderman movie, is it on the HD-DVD format? no... Bluray has more studios signed under it than HD-DVD. simple as that. And who is winning the format wars...bluray. Just check you favorite gaming/tech news, for the last couple of days, blu-ray is selling a lot more. More stores promoting bluray over hddvd, rental stores are now having bluray, etc, etc...


And game devs around the world says that 360 limiting factor is its media...
Posted on Reply
ktrFirst, yes we are considering the elite, main reason...hdmi. secondly, 20gb vs. 80gb is a 60gb difference... when compared to 80gb vs. 120gb being a 40gb difference. In other words, the elite is MS closes product to PS3. And as you said there is no use for HDD in gaming, regardless, its there and it there to stay.

so, $450 for an elite...and that HD-drive is $150, so we are at $600. Also wifi...360 has no wifi, wireless adapter on new egg is $85 bucks...ouch, (also no card reader, but it does come with a head set, so we will cancel them out) so we are at $685 vs. the ps3 still at $600. Now about a game...no game with 360, so another 40 or so, new price is $725. Also sony has a promo for 5 bluray movies too...

being that 120gb hdd is about $70 bucks, so the ps3 is now 670 vs 725...

Now that Format wars, you say that HDdvd is cheaper than blue ray... actually, do to hddvd are double sided, one side having hd, other sd, therefore they are about 10-20 bucks more. Really, for some one who buys an HDDVD and really needs the standard dvd.

And that spiderman movie, is it on the HD-DVD format? no... Bluray has more studios signed under it than HD-DVD. simple as that. And who is winning the format wars...bluray. Just check you favorite gaming/tech news, for the last couple of days, blu-ray is selling a lot more. More stores promoting bluray over hddvd, rental stores are now having bluray, etc, etc...


And game devs around the world says that 360 limiting factor is its media...
1st, no we are not considering the elite to justify argument. When another xbox 360 is available. Which will not be discontinued.
2nd a wifi is about as important as a 2nd controller therefore you are pulling straws to jusitfy your argument.
3rd you added the cost of a 120 Gig drive when it's not necessary. As I said before, the use of a larger HD for a gaming console is not universal therefore, not needed nor essential.
4th the difference between 300 BR and 300 HD/Combo was not $20 but $3.96
5th Spiderman is from Sony, unless I am mistaken they are not in the business of making HD-dvd as of yet. Therefore, your argument about it is redundant.
6th BR is not winning the format war as of yet. Although you post is "angled" regarding this, it's also said they are not gaining market share either :D
7th You again are angling about BR support in stores. All we are seeing is shelf space purchased nothing more, nothing less. But it's obvious you are making more of a deal about this then anything else. As we enter the holiday season you will see new changes from both formats. Therefore, no need to live in yesterday, LOL.
8th the only way the format war is over is if either Sony or Toshiba concede.
9th Why haven't you informed the viewers that on Nov. 31, 2007 BR will finally be standardized. This means that all BR players and BR movies will finally be using a standard which is called profile 1.1. For some with existing BR players this means there will be no firmware update but, they must purchase a new BR player if they want to enjoy those future feature rich BR titles and other perks. A new BR player (after this date) should come with a lan port so that they will be able to update to profile 2.0 (hopefully). Will Spiderman 3 @ $50 be one of them? Something that HD-DVD players had since day 1. And, have been getting firmware update regularly through lan. So, can you honestly tell someone to buy a BR player right now? LOL! Oh, I forgot, according to you BR has won the format war!! :roll: And, they don't even have a standard yet and about to redesign their BR players to the degree were it's still questionable if current BR player will still properly play profile 1.1 BR movie titles when released. :shadedshu
10th Did you get your firmware update for profile 1.1 for your PS3 yet?

In any case, all that you post is debunked:
-it only serves to validate your point then provide facts
-your post in general is not accurate (as proven)
-your post only proves your preference not provide accurate information.

Have a nice day;)
Posted on Reply
Best Buy sells alot more PS3s and XBOXs, as well as Wiis, than Gamestop. I move a PS3 off the shelf every day!
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandle1st, no we are not considering the elite to justify argument. When another xbox 360 is available. Which will not be discontinued.
2nd a wifi is about as important as a 2nd controller therefore you are pulling straws to jusitfy your argument.
3rd you added the cost of a 120 Gig drive when it's not necessary. As I said before, the use of a larger HD for a gaming console is not universal therefore, not needed nor essential.
4th the difference between 300 BR and 300 HD/Combo was not $20 but $3.96
5th Spiderman is from Sony, unless I am mistaken they are not in the business of making HD-dvd as of yet. Therefore, your argument about it is redundant.
6th BR is not winning the format war as of yet. Although you post is "angled" regarding this, it's also said they are not gaining market share either :D
7th You again are angling about BR support in stores. All we are seeing is shelf space purchased nothing more, nothing less. But it's obvious you are making more of a deal about this then anything else. As we enter the holiday season you will see new changes from both formats. Therefore, no need to live in yesterday, LOL.
8th the only way the format war is over is if either Sony or Toshiba concede.

In any case, all that you post is debunked:
-it only serves to validate your point then provide facts
-your post in general is not accurate (as proven)
-your post only proves your preference not provide accurate information.

Have a nice day;)
sigh...looks like my turn again ;) I will respond to each of you numerical response.

1) the elite is the closest comparable unit from MS that is equal to the PS3, CASE CLOSED. You are saying that there is no discontinued models for the 360, so why not compare the core to the 80gb, why the next model up? doesnt make sense does it...

2) Its like say, I am willing to pay more for less, and I am happy.

3) But again, the console has an HDD, so how can you ignore that. It has it, therefore it part of the package, its part of the cost.

4) Ok, maybe not 20 but it does cost more...

5) You brought the spiderman movie up ;) Saying that I have to pay 50, while you cannot buy it. I win, you lose...unless you dont like spiderman.

6) Look at the latest news, blu-ray has more retailers supporting it, and has more studios producing for it. Heck paramount said they gonna focus more on BR because HD-DVD is have poor sales and size restraints (but who cares about more special content).

7) Retail sales it what makes the winning format. If stores are to promote a media over the other, that media has an advantage over the other.

and the ending finally! Quote just from you for you...

In any case, all that you post is debunked:
-it only serves to validate your point then provide facts
-your post in general is not accurate (as proven)
-your post only proves your preference not provide accurate information.

your turn :toast:
Posted on Reply
ktrsigh...looks like my turn again ;) I will respond to each of you numerical response.

1) the elite is the closest comparable unit from MS that is equal to the PS3, CASE CLOSED. You are saying that there is no discontinued models for the 360, so why not compare the core to the 80gb, why the next model up? doesnt make sense does it...

2) Its like say, I am willing to pay more for less, and I am happy.

3) But again, the console has an HDD, so how can you ignore that. It has it, therefore it part of the package, its part of the cost.

4) Ok, maybe not 20 but it does cost more...

5) You brought the spiderman movie up ;) Saying that I have to pay 50, while you cannot buy it. I win, you lose...unless you dont like spiderman.

6) Look at the latest news, blu-ray has more retailers supporting it, and has more studios producing for it. Heck paramount said they gonna focus more on BR because HD-DVD is have poor sales and size restraints (but who cares about more special content).

7) Retail sales it what makes the winning format. If stores are to promote a media over the other, that media has an advantage over the other.

and the ending finally! Quote just from you for you...

In any case, all that you post is debunked:
-it only serves to validate your point then provide facts
-your post in general is not accurate (as proven)
-your post only proves your preference not provide accurate information.

your turn :toast:
Please re-read my post I made some edits :D
Oh and stop copying me LOL
So far you are not making your case :wtf: and your ignored "8th". However read 9th and 10th.
Posted on Reply
1) HDDVD is still cost more than BR, still havent proved a point...

2) you said spiderman3...as for HDDVD wont get it. so the answer is clear. No competition between price for there is none for HDDVD. So why are we talking about this?

3) quote from wiki
1.1 (mandatory November 2007)

What is typically referred to as "Profile 1.1" (but is more formally known as "Final Standard Profile") adds a secondary video decoder (typically used for picture in picture), secondary audio (typically used for interactive audio and commentary) and capability of supporting a minimum of 256 MB of local storage (for storing audio/video and title updates). Compliance with this profile will be mandatory for player models introduced to the market after October 31, 2007,[1] but existing products will be unaffected. As of July 24, 2007, only the Denon DVD-3800BDCI and DVD-2500BTCI have been announced as supporting this feature when they become available in the fall of 2007.[2]

Some profile 1.0 players may be upgradeable via firmware update to profile 1.1 if they have the appropriate hardware, but no manufacturer has announced any such upgrade. When software authored with interactive features dependent on Profile 1.1 hardware capabilities are played on profile 1.0 players some features may not be available or may offer limited capability. Profile 1.0 players will still be able to play the main feature of the disc, however.
Whoppy more extra content!!!

edit: did more reading, profile 1.1 is more or less interactive content (mostly PIP), and being the ps3 is the major selling BR player, it has the grunt to be updated.
Posted on Reply
Alright, why are you guys arguing ps3 vs 360. Each has its ups each has its downs. PS3 has blu ray (which is the winning format) while 360 is a cheaper way for people to get into consoles right now. PS3 doesn't have problems like overheating, but MS has tried to fix that with the elite (did it work? idk, anyone know?). 360 has many games that are good and have a name, but PS3 has games from the PS2 that haven't had a continuation. PS3 has blu ray which means it doesn't run out of storage for games, but 360 may end up using what the original xbox used.

It really comes down to a few things, do you want to be in console gaming for the cheap? Or are you willing to spend a little more and get the better value? Do you need all the fancy gadgets that come with the more money? Do you want Blu ray or Hd dvd? What titles do you want on your system? Do you want to do massive folding for TPU? (threw that one in just cause I felt like it)
Posted on Reply
I bought the "300" movie on Blue-Ray and it was only $5 more than the DVD version......So I am very happy. :D
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
LiNKiNI bought the "300" movie on Blue-Ray and it was only $5 more than the DVD version......So I am very happy. :D
Or you could have just downloaded it & saved yourself some hard earned cash. with the only negative of not being able to watch it on blue ray
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseOr you could have just downloaded it & saved yourself some hard earned cash. with the only negative of not being able to watch it on blue ray
if you have dled a hd version of 300, then just convert it to a hd format playable on the ps3, and then transfer it to the hdd and play. only issue i can see its gonna take a large amount of space, around 15-20gb (i think) but the good thing is that you can use an external hdd.
Posted on Reply
Thanx guys but I'd rather physically have the disc. (I guess I am old-fashioned) I don't mind paying for something with my hard earned cash, especially if I have a physical copy to show for it. It helps the economy, ya know. :p My whole point was the fact that Blu-ray movies aren't as expensive as some people think. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
LiNKiNThanx guys but I'd rather physically have the disc. (I guess I am old-fashioned) I don't mind paying for something with my hard earned cash, especially if I have a physical copy to show for it. It helps the economy, ya know. :p My whole point was the fact that Blu-ray movies aren't as expensive as some people think. :rolleyes:
I guess you are talking about me :rolleyes:
I never said nor implied that BR movies is expensive. What I said was that the future release of Spiderman 3 will be :shadedshu
In any case what's the consumer value of a PS3 with a 60/80 Gig HD when watching just movies? It certainly isn't as high as it's asking price. Also, if I were to inform anyone to buy a PS3 for BR movies I would ask them to hold off until Dec 2007. At least they will have profile 1.1 ready system at the same price. I found no information that suggests that they will charge more for the standard.
Be that as it may, the points that I've provided are solid.
Posted on Reply
EastCoasthandleI guess you are talking about me :rolleyes:
I never said nor implied that BR movies is expensive. What I said was that the future release of Spiderman 3 will be :shadedshu
In any case what's the consumer value of a PS3 with a 60/80 Gig HD when watching just movies? It certainly isn't as high as it's asking price. Also, if I were to inform anyone to buy a PS3 for BR movies I would ask them to hold off until Dec 2007. At least they will have profile 1.1 ready system at the same price. I found no information that suggests that they will charge more for the standard.
Be that as it may, the points that I've provided are solid.
Wow, jumping to conclusions eh? I forgive you. :D You're sounding awful protective/defensive. :p Actually I didn't want anything to do with the argument between you guys. :p :roll: For the record, I did own a 360 up and till two months ago. But, I wanted more, and now I have it. ;) My response was aimed at the two posts prior to mine.....sorry for the confusion. :toast: P.S. I am not here to argue anyone's points. :)
Posted on Reply
I just picked up a 60gb PS3 on craigslist for $325. I put a 250gig seagate 2.5 hdd into it and it's wonderful!
Posted on Reply
erockerI just picked up a 60gb PS3 on craigslist for $325. I put a 250gig seagate 2.5 hdd into it and it's wonderful!
Very nice! :toast: Dont forget to post your info in the PS3 Club Hizouse! You're getting Madden '08, right?
Posted on Reply
erockerI just picked up a 60gb PS3 on craigslist for $325. I put a 250gig seagate 2.5 hdd into it and it's wonderful!
Welcome to the darkside...i mean the ps3 club :toast:
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