Tuesday, September 4th 2007

Sales Gap Thinning Between PS3 and Wii in Japan
At first, in Japan, Nintendo seemed to have it made. While Sony could do nothing more than call the Wii an "impulse buy", Nintendo was outselling the competition by 6-1. However, nowadays, it seems as though what Sony said a few months back is ringing true. Wii sales are falling in Japan, as PS3 sales begin to rise. Currently, there are three Wiis sold for every PS3 sold, however, we could soon see a reciprocal of that figure.Source:DailyTech
22 Comments on Sales Gap Thinning Between PS3 and Wii in Japan
I just got back from my trip to Japan, and there are a lot of iPod-inferior MP3 players being used. I think it's a pride issue.
However, Xbox360 has virtually no marketing in Japan - so maybe it's not so much a pride thing?
And I think that the fact that the PS3 is catching up makes total sense.
All of the cheap bastards that wanted something cheap have gotten it.
Now, people who are looking for a real console are stepping up.
Sony have to rely on a percentage cut of every game sold for their console, gigantic differences here, the attachment rate for the PS3 are something like 4-5 games just to break even and that was before any price cuts, now the attachment figure probably closer to 8+ games.
This doesn't matter to Microsoft of course, they can absorb huge losses (as if M$ would make a loss!) on their console division over number of years without a scratch to their bank balance, having an early start advantage over the other two I think it was reported that their console division are starting to make a profit now.
Not that the current profits matter to Bill, they are slowly building up the Microsoft gaming brand with the aim of total domination, nothing new here huh? :D
The kind of profits Nintendo are making with their DS and Wii sales is what even the mighty Microsoft Corp are after!
BTW, here's proof that graphics make games more fun. Without 3D technology, and more powerful hardware, Grand Theft Auto would still be 2d Birdseye, and you KNOW that GTA is more fun now that it's 3rd person.
Nintendo has made a crappy product and they are selling it at a much higher price than it costs to make.
Sony has made an incredible product and they are selling it at a much lower price than it costs to make.
Nintendo is laughing all the way to the bank.
But you know who they are laughing at?
The consumers.
Which is why we should NOT encourage what Nintendo is doing, and demand they make better hardware next time.
i.e. :respect: ID Software :respect:
Even so some people dont really care about the price difference when they can make their kids happy or if they themselves are crazy about gaming.
Party games sure! Anything serious... No chance.
Its not gaming its just toying.
also, while the wii sucks beyond belief, it does bring some nice innovation. i would LOVE to play more light-gun games, the only issue being that they don't work above regular tv resolution, which is why as far as i know, the wii doesn't do HD tv. if they would have put more time into it, i would get a wii.
edit: how hard do you think it would be to make a light-gun that would work at high resolutions? maybe, for the 1337 ppl, you could get a light-gun kind of thing, but with a giant ball thing, like for a hamster so that you could move your guy around, and stereo vision for super realism, for super-gaming? >.>
Much like Beta-Max, Blue-Ray is more expensive but holds more data.
Much un-like Beta-Max, Blue-Ray has the PS3 to highten it's sales. It was pure genious on Sony's half to promote Blue-Ray via the PS3. The PS3? It's not too happy about it because now it's too expensive.
Hopefully that explains it all.