Thursday, October 4th 2007

Halo 3 Records More Than $300 Million in First-Week Sales Worldwide
Interactive entertainment will never be the same, with the launch of one title that has changed the way the world thinks about video games. Halo 3 has captured the attention of consumers worldwide and has made history as one of the biggest entertainment launches of all time. Microsoft Corp. today announced that Halo 3 has officially become a global phenomenon, garnering more than $300 million in sales in the first week alone. The critically acclaimed Xbox 360 exclusive, which was released worldwide on Tuesday, Sept. 25, is the fastest-selling video game ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history. Record week-one sales come on the heels of the previously announced $170 million in sales in the U.S. within the first 24 hours of the game's release, which marked not just the biggest video game launch, but the biggest entertainment launch in history. The Xbox 360 title beat previous U.S. sales records set by blockbuster openings for entertainment events such as the release of "Spider-Man 3" and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."
29 Comments on Halo 3 Records More Than $300 Million in First-Week Sales Worldwide
I will bet that this game has made more money than all PS3 software games combined to date:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Also I hate to put in fanboyism again but I wouldnt be surprised if the 360 has overtaken the Nintendo Wii in total console sales for at least the rest of the year. (though admittedly the Wii wil probably retake the lead once Halo 3 settles down a little)
BTW im almost done playing Halo 3 campaign I think (though I cant be sure without a shadow of a doubt)
Another yay for Halo 3.
PS: Can please somebody hit the French with a stick? Hard? They call the MasterChief "Major" which might be correctly translated, but hell, it's (basically) his NAME, don't fucking translate that. (Nobody calls him Spartan 117 or Alex iirc ;P)
Agree with that all the way, if you where to ask me I'd say Halo was nothing special and still after two releases is nothing more than an average game which for some reason is hyped beyond anything i've ever seen.
As an example, just look at the workmanship that went into HL2 compared to Halo 2 or even three, the way in which valve continuosly update the engine etc, and with each itteration of game the engine itslef changes. Halo 3 to me looks just as crap as the 2nd and the weapon system is still boring and so is that stupid jump. Ill never understand what people like in it... but then each to their own i guess. :ohwell:
They sold millions of them.
Halo Series = Pet Rocks
If Halo 3 can make 1$ Billion that would put the gaming industry right up there with the film industry!
It will be close but I think it may fall short of 1 billion dollars:(:( maybe 750 million though cant complain too much about that though:laugh::laugh:
Try using your mouse with your thumb away from where it is used to sit and see how awkward it feels.
But yeah. Console controls are pretty stupid.
That's why I'm comparing it to the highest grossing film of all time.
But even if it reached 750$ Million, Bungie is sure to be stinking rich.