Wednesday, November 7th 2007

New PlayStation 2 Revision Announced for Japan

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in Japan officially announced a new PlayStation 2 revision. The new hardware will be similar to the existing PS2 Slimline console, but integrates the power supply unit inside the console rather than relying on an external power brick. As suspected, the new model, designated with number SCPH-90000, experiences a slight weight gain over the previous SCPH-79000 model due to the addition of the PSU. The SCPH-90000 weighs 720 grams, while the SCPH-79000 is only 600 grams. The new SCPH-90000 will come with an improved vertical stand that demands a much smaller footprint than the previous model. The new stand is also sold separately for approximately $13. Internals and other specs of the SCPH-90000 remain unchanged.
Source: DailyTech
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11 Comments on New PlayStation 2 Revision Announced for Japan

i have to say the ps2 was the best of the last generation consoles for my money, the xbox came to late and nintendo had some great games but the controller sucked.
Posted on Reply
I'm in love... and that although I already got a slim.
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Semi-Retired Folder
I would be all over these, or any of the slims, if my PS2 wasn't modded and most of my games weren't played off the hard drive...
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Cold Storm
I think its something to buy my nieces for Christmas!
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This is still probably my favorite console of all time, with the SNES right behind it. Lots of good role playing games, and many other good times and memories with other games. May have to snag one of these just for the hell of it. (Never owned a slim-line)
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Bird of Prey
I never knew the Slim line PS2's had a power brick like the Xbox 360....
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Whats the point in this console revision?
Haven't most of the game devs stopped making games for the PS2?
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where the hell are my stars
WidjajaWhats the point in this console revision?
Haven't most of the game devs stopped making games for the PS2?
nope most still put them out and the PS2 still outsold both the 360 and PS3 last xmas i expect a similar sale this year but the Wii i suspect will be crowned best seller
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cdawallnope most still put them out and the PS2 still outsold both the 360 and PS3 last xmas i expect a similar sale this year but the Wii i suspect will be crowned best seller
Everything you said is totally opposite to what I expected.:o
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where the hell are my stars
lol really? i honestly expect the PS2 to stay a strong seller until the PS3 and 360 drop to the $250 range
Posted on Reply
holy crap... its already so slim... now its even slimmer O_o
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