Monday, November 12th 2007

Some Maxtor Personal Storage 3200s Shipped With Virus
Seagate is advising those who have purchased a Maxtor Basics Personal Storage 3200 hard drive since August 2007 to check them, if they haven't already, for viruses. Some 3200 drives may have came preloaded with a Virus.Win32.AutoRun.ah virus right out of the box. The malicious code is searching for passwords to online games (World of Warcraft included) and sends them back to a server located in China. It can also disable virus detection software. In order to determine whether your drive is preloaded with this virus, feel free to phone Seagate with the serial number in hand, or update your anti-virus software with the latest definitions.
24 Comments on Some Maxtor Personal Storage 3200s Shipped With Virus
ok maybe not. thats sad they would do this, even by accident, its sad. Such a big company should know better. :shadedshu
I bought a new Peavy guitar amp the other day. its american but it says made in china on the box.
If u want something done right then do it yourself, if not lets see you do better
So your guitar was made in china? But it has an American name.... what exactly is your point?
Yeah, I did do better, I bought a hard drive without a virus on it.
THAT is my point either then taking advantage of the 'CHEAP LABOR' thats available. Bring everything back where its under one roof & not outsourced.
so sorry if i sound 'assholish' but please make sure you FULLY understand my point before insulting me & also my intelligence. I am not deaf, I am not blind, I have limbs & fingers to type out a response If you have difficulty understanding what I am saying.
Please be more diplomatic & refrain from belittling/insulting others in your comments in the near future.
refrain from belittling/insulting? isnt that pretty much what you did to me (either me or america in general) before i quoted you? yeah, good job turning it around on me...
your the one who said & I quote "Yeah, were ALL morons in America. We couldn't possibly build a hard-drive factory if we wanted to"
so what am i saying other then the fact that your country is technologically incapable of being so technologically advanced on a grand scale such as the Chinese who run their economies & their lively hoods day in day out off it.
Do you see my point now?
If you think America is so good then lets see it step up to china's level
I don't think the technology in the 117 stealth bomber has 'made in taiwan' stickers on it... and the Chinese would never come close to building a plane like that.
So... bit of a vague point.
& in reply to your comment that we would never come close to building a plane like that?
Please keep your patriotism to yourself & your own spare time. if the chinese really wanted to put something together they could do it a lot faster & cost effective as well as making it even more effective to surpass all current models - its history, take a look at the mig. thats Russian but the chinese/Japanese took it & made it 20times better.
but hell if it makes you feel better then you can have an 'empty' 117 stealth bomber chassis anytime to stare at till it rusts
We pretty much do have technology coming out of our ears by the way. Not so much like JAPAN though. And china.... Most people there live in the mountains and their houses are mad out of sticks and dirt.
As for my comment: "Yeah, were ALL morons in America. We couldn't possibly build a hard-drive factory if we wanted to" That's sarcasm.....
This gets scarier the more I think about it. Don't they test for this stuff before it leaves the factory? And how is it that a blank harddisk can hold virii?
Oh yeah, then there was the tainted pet food that came from china not too long ago, thousands of pets died. Like 20 different brands of pet food got recalled. ALL came from china.
Either we need to hold higher standards for product testing (if we even have any)from our overseas labor, or just do it ourselves, and pay a little bit more, it's not like we don't have the money. The poorest people here in America live like kings compared to a lot of people in china.
Every companie you can think of now probs has stuff made in china,would these companies use chinese manufacturing if the quality was'nt upto standard? no.
anyway. any mod/admin out there ive said my peace. lets carry on with more hard drive banter