Tuesday, December 18th 2007
Apple Issues New Security Update
Apple has shipped a major Security Update 2007-009 (10.4.11 Universal), recommended for all Mac OS X v10.4.11 and Mac OS X v10.5.1 users. This update corrects multiple critical flaws and improves the security of many Mac OS apps. Those wanting to know more about the updates may click here.
16 Comments on Apple Issues New Security Update
And at 27.4 MB, thats quite a BIG patch!
Does Apple OS have an automatic "update" system like windows update, or does every mac user need to do a manual download and patch installation?
Because if the second... oh dear... all those poor "alternative" people not knowing about it... and even if they did... not knowing how to do it!
there goes another argument mac... just go die... i hate you
I'm more than satisfied with Apple, and they are one (and the only) company I will continue to buy proprietary lap tops from in the future.
Cheers for the updates! :toast:
Mac is thought to be more secure when it's not, in fact Windows is a hell of a lot more secure. The problem is virus coders/hackers/what have you are focusing thier attention on Windows because that's what everyone uses.
It really comes down to your definition of secure. I define secure as a box with lots of locks on it (windows). Apparantly, you find secure to be a box with no locks on it, but nobody messes with it anyway.
I guess I just didn't make myself clear enough.
Linux is exactly the same way too. An OS where the entire shell is open to anybody just begs hackers to screw with it. Just because there's a "community" there to fix problems, doesn't mean anything regarding its security. If anything Linux has a complete lack of security, because there is potential for a single virus that is bad enough to wipe out everything.
If either OSX or Linux become popular enough, they'll turn exactly into what people think of Windows. If Windows was really as insecure as people say it is, why would it have ~80% market share, and why wouldn't there be catastrophic problems on an HOURLY basis? When more and more people use a piece of software, that's how most bugs are found. So the logic of, in this case, OSX users, is that because more bugs are found, it is "insecure"? Wow, that's hilarious.
@ fatforester; You've had windows for 12 years and haven't had a virus? Guess you just got the internet this year. :laugh: Where are you from in Tennessee again lol?...
What kills me is that you guys put a product down that you've never used (except occasionally, if that) and then try to point out all these flaws to convince yourselves not to buy it. Reminds me of how I can't get my Grandfather to vote for a democrat even though he really doesn't know anything about the party or the candidates.
All software (be it OS or otherwise) has security holes, regardless of platform. The frequency of security patches in no way proves or disproves a piece of software's security.
And last but not least, it gets really old to see all the Mac bashers come into these threads, just to spout off a bunch of anti-Mac nonsense, and useless drivel. It's just as bad as the anti-MS posts. If you don't like the subject of the thread, just leave it alone.
You're right about the frequency of security patches, it proves zilch by itself. When you consider the massive user base Windows has, patches every week mean quite a bit. The same applies with OSX and its smaller user base. It doesn't have as many bugs being exploited that MS does, so there's no rush to fix them. Their security is pretty much equal, because if you use both OS's as they're intended and with common sense, you shouldn't see any problems. When Windows has 92% market share, a handful of viruses to break through out of the millions upon millions of threats shouldn't deem it "insecure". In this case OSX is sheltered by its lower market share. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but when people use that as the reason it's more "secure", that's what bothers me.
I'm gonna stop beating a dead horse, because this argument isn't really against you guys. This is towards the people that can't put things into perspective. Hopefully I didn't sound off as "Mac bashing", although where I chose to lay this argument, that's exactly what I'll be accused of.