Friday, January 4th 2008

Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity

The HD disk market has seen another twist with the news that Warner Bros. plans to make all of its high definition film releases exclusive to Blu-ray. The movie label is claiming that the decision was a strategic move, saying:
The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers. A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry. Consumers have clearly chosen Blu-ray, and we believe that recognizing this preference is the right step in making this great home entertainment experience accessible to the widest possible audience.
Warner Bros. will stop releasing HD DVD movies in May this year, and any movies it does release before that cut-off will be initially launched on Blu-ray and released on HD DVD after a "short window." This news follows Paramount and DreamWorks announcing that they would release movies exclusively on HD DVD four months ago.
Source: DailyTech
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58 Comments on Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity

Hmm this is quite interesting.
Now the HD DVD market has gotten hit with another company leaving them.
I myself am Blue - Ray (a lil biased) since I have a PS3.
There seems to be a lot more companies doing Blue Ray than there are that are doing HD DVD.
Posted on Reply
Completely Bonkers
What does "opt" mean? Outright bribery and collusion? (Or, to be politically correct, that certain contracts were signed that had commitments on both sides to protect and benefit certain interested parties?).

What poppycock nonsense in their PR statement. "The consumer", "confusion" bs. Think of the parallels in other industries to see how bogus that claim is: imagine a car manufacturer saying "no more left hand drive vehicles", or the EU courts saying "no more french", or MS saying "no more Apple OSX software", or the supermarkets/bakers saying "no more brown bread". LOL.

Time for those PR spinners to fall on their swords.
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Jimmy 2004The HD disk market has seen another twist with the news that Warner Bros. plans to make all of its high definition film releases exclusive to Blu-ray. The movie label is claiming that the decision was a strategic move, saying:

Warner Bros. will stop releasing HD DVD movies in May this year, and any movies it does release before that cut-off will be initially launched on Blu-ray and released on HD DVD after a “short window.” This news follows Paramount and DreamWorks announcing that they would release movies exclusively on HD DVD four months ago.

Source: DailyTech
Good news because Warner produces some very good movies. :toast:
Posted on Reply
No suprise here clearly Blueray have the advantage. I only seen my first Hd dvds recently in Jb Hifi yet i see Blueray everywhere.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
I like both formats, but the titles is what's going to decide who wins and who loses. I myself have a PS3, so I'm happy about this move.
Posted on Reply
i myself have a DVD player plain old £20 DVD player

i see lots more HD DVDs everywhere in Glasgow so i dont know where you live but its common near me

blu ray is just a stupid ps3 feature im a pc gamer first and foremost not saying anything but i laughed when they stoped making umd movies it would never work

i thought they were making the total hd thing aw well at least hd dvd is cheaper than a blu ray player and the movies are cheaper also

not that i care im only a dvd user i dont own a hd tv
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
this is good news for me, a blu-ray fan boy. i give HD-DVD until the end of this year. by that time the studios that are exclusive HD-DVD will also be releasing blu-ray.
Posted on Reply
GOOOOO BlueRay Disk!! :roll:
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Warner no doubt wants to keep the price of films on disk high and with Blu-ray being more expensive they will certainly do this. For the consumer sake lets hope that Hd-dvd wins so that prices for disk films will stay as they are on the next generation media, but anyway digital downloads of movies will be the next generations of the movie and film industry.
Posted on Reply
dont care either way which wins tbh ,i really cannot be bothered watching another Betamax/VHS war.

i'll just w8 and see who wins then buy that,not gonna waste my money before then.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
kieran_fletchi myself have a DVD player plain old £20 DVD player

i see lots more HD DVDs everywhere in Glasgow so i dont know where you live but its common near me

blu ray is just a stupid ps3 feature im a pc gamer first and foremost not saying anything but i laughed when they stoped making umd movies it would never work

i thought they were making the total hd thing aw well at least hd dvd is cheaper than a blu ray player and the movies are cheaper also

not that i care im only a dvd user i dont own a hd tv
LOL @ you. Blu-Ray isn't a PS3 feature unlike UMD's for the PSP. It's actually a High Definition format, not a gimmick (like UMD) and IMO is better than HD-DVD (better titles, more space). But I guess you don't know that...

And by the way, HD-DVD's and Blu-Ray movies are about the same price, more evidence that you don't know what the hell you're saying. HD-DVD players might be cheaper, but just by $100. But does that matter if you're format doesn't have good titles? Nah...
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Also the porno industry chooses blu-ray as their official hd media.
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xubidooi really cannot be bothered watching another Betamax/VHS war.
With that 1 the better one lost out cant see it happening again then ive been wrong before.
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ktrAlso the porno industry chooses blu-ray as their official hd media.
then im going to buy a ps3:roll:
Posted on Reply
No porn for me unless me and my gf split :rolleyes:
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Wile E
Power User
jocksteelukWarner no doubt wants to keep the price of films on disk high and with Blu-ray being more expensive they will certainly do this. For the consumer sake lets hope that Hd-dvd wins so that prices for disk films will stay as they are on the next generation media, but anyway digital downloads of movies will be the next generations of the movie and film industry.
The price argument isn't 100% true. Many of my Blu-Rays were cheaper than their HD-DVD counterparts. By as much as $6 a movie. The problem is that many of the HDDVDs are in a DVD/HDDVD combo format. Those average about $30. Even when that isn't the case, they're pretty much priced the same. Usually they are the same, or within a dollar. This is another issue blown way out of proportion.

As for me, I'm not a fan boy of either. I buy whichever is cheaper. If they're the same price, I buy whichever lands in my hand first.

And digital downloads will not be the delivery of choice. In general, consumers want something tangible when they buy movies. There are a few download services, but they aren't near as popular as having a disc with extras, artwork, and a case.

I think flash media may be an option.
Posted on Reply
another blow for the open format (HD-DVD), i do hope that HD-DVD does win as licensed formats will only push up the costs of movies that we see the in cinema and watch at home.

yes, blu-ray fans, licensed formats are bad....have you not learnt anything from this site

open formats rule!!

VHS, DVD & HD-DVD forever!!!
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1nf1n1ty blu ray combo drive looks happy after this news.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
It pays to get a multi-format player now. LG electronics makes a player that plays both these discs. And a HDTV that's 1080i and 1080p.
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btarunrIt pays to get a multi-format player now. LG electronics makes a player that plays both these discs. And a HDTV that's 1080i and 1080p.
Yes i no and i could get both dirt cheap as my sisters partner werks for LG :cool:
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZI like both formats, but the titles is what's going to decide who wins and who loses. I myself have a PS3, so I'm happy about this move.
wrong. prices will decide. If BR starts to dominate and hd player and content prices drop to the floor, what do you think will happen?

Wake up people and try to see past your nose. Not everyone owns a PS3 or wants to own a PS3. Same old Sony...get em hooked and jack the price. That has always been their M.O. and will continue to be. This is why they will fail.
Posted on Reply
We wont no the true winner for a year or so when the prices of players goes down and the same for truehd panels. Im only saying that here on Adelaide i see buggger all hd dvds yet see blueray readily available everywhere.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
spacejunkywrong. prices will decide. If BR starts to dominate and hd player and content prices drop to the floor, what do you think will happen?

Wake up people and try to see past your nose. Not everyone owns a PS3 or wants to own a PS3. Same old Sony...get em hooked and jack the price. That has always been their M.O. and will continue to be. This is why they will fail.
Okay you've made a point. You could've made it a little more polite. As for prices, that's a useless point, in a market economy if two forces compete, they do so in prices. Eventually a BRD will sell for just as much as an HD-DVD. Even at nect-to-neck pricing the BRD will donminate for its supreior technology to the HD-DVD. As for PS3, it's a brilliant piece of machinery everyone need not own it to attest its technology. End of the day you simply cannot dismiss Sony's contribution to the world of technology. They invented a huge chunk of things we see around and their brands are what go on to become verbs, Walkman, Discman, Handycam...
TripriftYes i no and i could get both dirt cheap as my sisters partner werks for LG :cool:
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZLOL @ you. Blu-Ray isn't a PS3 feature unlike UMD's for the PSP. It's actually a High Definition format, not a gimmick (like UMD) and IMO is better than HD-DVD (better titles, more space). But I guess you don't know that...

And by the way, HD-DVD's and Blu-Ray movies are about the same price, more evidence that you don't know what the hell you're saying. HD-DVD players might be cheaper, but just by $100. But does that matter if you're format doesn't have good titles? Nah...
The only reason BR is about the same price as HD is because of HD. Without the competition, BR players and movies would be way more expensive. Do you really think the Movie producers will sit back and miss out on HD-DVD revenue for long? They will only do it for as long as Sony subsidizes their losses.

Just so you know, UMD is also a format. And when does more space = better format especially when next gen HD-DVD will have more space and be backwards compatible? Will you then say BR is a better format because of more titles only? I think not. Most BR are only single layer anyway which is less capacity than HD-DVD. If you ask me, I'd say the fact that HD-DVD discs are available with double sides, DVD on 1 side HD on the other is pretty powerful. The fact that Sony does not allow this shows their true intentions. They want to force everyone into more expensive players and content. Will you be signing up for your Government coupon to help you replace your obsolete stnd def DVD player??? That's what Sony wants. :nutkick:
another blow for the open format (HD-DVD), i do hope that HD-DVD does win as licensed formats will only push up the costs of movies that we see the in cinema and watch at home.

yes, blu-ray fans, licensed formats are bad....have you not learnt anything from this site

open formats rule!!

VHS, DVD & HD-DVD forever!!!
Now here is someone who knows what they are talking about!:toast:
Posted on Reply
ktrAlso the porno industry chooses blu-ray as their official hd media.
wrong...Why do you think Disney is only using BRD? Because Sony is blocking porn on BRD

In Raw World of Sex Movies, High Definition Could Be a View Too Real
Published: January 22, 2007
The New York Times
The pornographers’ progress with HD may also be somewhat slowed by Sony, one of the main backers of the Blu-ray high-definition disc format. Sony said last week that, in keeping with a longstanding policy, it would not mass-produce pornographic videos on behalf of the movie makers.

The decision has forced pornographers to use the competing HD-DVD format or, in some cases, to find companies other than Sony that can manufacture copies of Blu-ray movies.
In the end this is what could determine the final outcome. This is what did in Beta.
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