Friday, January 4th 2008
Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity
The HD disk market has seen another twist with the news that Warner Bros. plans to make all of its high definition film releases exclusive to Blu-ray. The movie label is claiming that the decision was a strategic move, saying:
The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers. A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry. Consumers have clearly chosen Blu-ray, and we believe that recognizing this preference is the right step in making this great home entertainment experience accessible to the widest possible audience.Warner Bros. will stop releasing HD DVD movies in May this year, and any movies it does release before that cut-off will be initially launched on Blu-ray and released on HD DVD after a "short window." This news follows Paramount and DreamWorks announcing that they would release movies exclusively on HD DVD four months ago.
58 Comments on Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity
Microsoft may be disliked by many a person here but you still cannot doubt their influence in the world of technology. That had a large influence in my decision but it wasnt the only reason I support HD DVD.
I researched the two formats and realized that hey HD DVD is cheaper and I can get HD alot cheaper with the same quality as the other format.
Plus I didnt have to wait for the BD Java pip thing to finally come around it was already a set feature that wwas supported from the start for HD DVD.
And lets not forget that while Wile E has a point isn that the combo HD DVD's may be pointless to him but it helped me to realize that hey I can just say that I can watch it on more than one TV in my house. I can watch it on the one HDTV in our house (yes we finally got an HDTV) and if I want to watch it in our guest room on our Standard Def tv I vcan as well I wont have to buy the standard def DVD seperatley. Because remember most people have only one maybe two HDTVs in their house or none at all.
What are you a Commie?:rockout:
And by the way thjeres no - in HD DVD
maybe you haven't been paying attention!
i told everyone that i owe both hd-dvd and blu-ray player and i have tried them both!
so this doesn't mean that i support microsoft!
but after testing them both i found out that the hd-dvd player has much better upscaling quality than the bluray player.also a friend of mine has both toshiba hd-dvd hd-e1 and sharp bluray player and he has the same opinion!
i think that the most important thing is not the cost of the player (since you pay it once!) but quality of reproduction and the cost of bying movies (which is much more important since you pay until the end of the technology)! also consider that most of us already have a collection of dvd's and until the high definition format becomes manistream , why shouldn't we been allowed to enjoy them as well?