Friday, January 4th 2008

Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity

The HD disk market has seen another twist with the news that Warner Bros. plans to make all of its high definition film releases exclusive to Blu-ray. The movie label is claiming that the decision was a strategic move, saying:
The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers. A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry. Consumers have clearly chosen Blu-ray, and we believe that recognizing this preference is the right step in making this great home entertainment experience accessible to the widest possible audience.
Warner Bros. will stop releasing HD DVD movies in May this year, and any movies it does release before that cut-off will be initially launched on Blu-ray and released on HD DVD after a "short window." This news follows Paramount and DreamWorks announcing that they would release movies exclusively on HD DVD four months ago.
Source: DailyTech
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58 Comments on Warner Bros. Opts for Blu-ray Exclusivity

Your pretty passionate about this spacejunky lets just say may the best format win and leave it at that.
Posted on Reply
btarunrOkay you've made a point. You could've made it a little more polite. As for prices, that's a useless point, in a market economy if two forces compete, they do so in prices. Eventually a BRD will sell for just as much as an HD-DVD. Even at nect-to-neck pricing the BRD will donminate for its supreior technology to the HD-DVD. As for PS3, it's a brilliant piece of machinery everyone need not own it to attest its technology. End of the day you simply cannot dismiss Sony's contribution to the world of technology. They invented a huge chunk of things we see around and their brands are what go on to become verbs, Walkman, Discman, Handycam...
You're right...those were great products but they also used open formats. Since when have we seen a Sony proprietary product succeed except for the game consoles? i.e. Minidisc and Beta-Max. They are making the same mistakes as before. I don't fault them, for being a business, and trying to get the most money out of the consumer as possible but I certainly choose not to contribute when I have a choice. Unfortunately, I have to get some movies in BR because of their tactics with the movie producers. I did stop using Blockbuster and signed up with Netflix so i could rent HD though.

The point I made about prices holds true for BR as well. If we see the exclusive BR producers cross the picket line and BR is up against the ropes, you can bet BR prices will fall to restore balance.

The only way Sony is able to subsidize right now is because the market is still so small. Once the market increases beyond critical mass, the loss that producers will realize by not offering dual formats will be to great to ignore and Sony will not be able to compensate. Right now the producers see it going either way so why not take the money and put out a little BR propaganda and if HD maintains then they just offer both next year.

Block Buster is the most probable to breakdown first as they are getting their tails whipped by Netflix already. So now they just handed Netflix a few thousand customers wrapped in a bow. It will start with the CEO getting fired then the anouncement to offer both formats again. That will be the first domino.
Posted on Reply
TripriftYour pretty passionate about this spacejunky lets just say may the best format win and leave it at that.
I just get tired of people bashing others in this format war when they know nothing except they think BR is better because of disc size. I want to see the format better for the consumer win. I don't want to hear the usual propaganda.
Posted on Reply
I'm still waiting to see how the squabbaling is going to pan out - although, I do have the feeling HD-DVD will end up prevailing . . .

but, until there is a firm winner (read: standard), I don't intend to buy any HD hardware.
Posted on Reply
ktrAlso the porno industry chooses blu-ray as their official hd media.
im sold!
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
yea, i just read that the porn industry is starting to release "movies" on blu-ray as well. it first chose hd-dvd because production cost of blu-ray was too high but that is no longer the case!!!

and i just read the new line cinema, the sister cinema of warner bros is going blu-ray exclusive as well!!!!
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
Kind of a shocker. I was all for their dual format discs. I thought that was an intriguing route to go.
Posted on Reply

Im just glad a good portion of my HD DVD's are dual format so at least I do have an expensive DVD should HD DVD not win.

I still will support HD DVD as long as Microsof strongly supports it though. I wonder what Bill Gates big announcement is going to be at CES
Posted on Reply
spacejunkyThe only reason BR is about the same price as HD is because of HD. Without the competition, BR players and movies would be way more expensive. Do you really think the Movie producers will sit back and miss out on HD-DVD revenue for long? They will only do it for as long as Sony subsidizes their losses.

Just so you know, UMD is also a format. And when does more space = better format especially when next gen HD-DVD will have more space and be backwards compatible? Will you then say BR is a better format because of more titles only? I think not. Most BR are only single layer anyway which is less capacity than HD-DVD. If you ask me, I'd say the fact that HD-DVD discs are available with double sides, DVD on 1 side HD on the other is pretty powerful. The fact that Sony does not allow this shows their true intentions. They want to force everyone into more expensive players and content. Will you be signing up for your Government coupon to help you replace your obsolete stnd def DVD player??? That's what Sony wants. :nutkick:
You're wrong, as more people are buying the same format it will decrease the price of the player. Bleh, I hate how biased people are over hardware.
Posted on Reply

Im just glad a good portion of my HD DVD's are dual format so at least I do have an expensive DVD should HD DVD not win.

I still will support HD DVD as long as Microsof strongly supports it though. I wonder what Bill Gates big announcement is going to be at CES
Lol, you support HD DVD because MS does? Lol, can you not make descions for yourself? :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Also, I don't know if this has been said or not, but New Line Cinema (Warner's sister company) also went blu-ray exclusive! LOTR for the Blu-ray masses!!!
Posted on Reply
Unfortunately the Indian market i believe is more susceptible to branding.
as is the US. The majority of US citizens don't research a product before they buy it, many people buy products even based on which brand logo they've seen more - recognition buying; they're also easily duped by 'truth-stretched' advertising, also. The US market has got to be the most fickle in the world.

Remember, the average IQ is quoted at 90-110 (depending on which IQ scale you use) . . . but the average IQ of Americans has been quoted between 70-80. We've become a nation of morons who can't think for themselves.
Posted on Reply
I fear a Sony monopoly, if they gauge the prices once BR wins then I'll just be downloading my HD movies...
And why would i pay for porn frig off i can get it for free off the internet.

Okay lets take your HD DVD is dearer than Blu Ray argument i see that HD DVD is the cheaper to manufacture disk but i think that most movies are the same price fair game blu ray trying to match out by losing a bit of profit

Why would a movie need to be on a bigger disk HD content should be the same on a smaller disk it should be the same size on both disks, okay a few more bonus features on a bigger disk but to justify that is stupid.

I dont actually give a damn but all i see is better moveis on HD DVD like Transformers and The Bourne Ultimatum.

But if you think that a larger choice of crappy movies is better then your daft.

Seriously i just like normal dvd coz you can get a box set of dvds for the price of a normal HD format disk.

AND AHEM yes blu ray is a feature on PS3 just like the wireless connectivity to a psp is a feature.

Ill wait untill the formats slug it out till the end and then by that time ill have a hd tv.

Not to mention that a xbox 360 hd dvd player can work on a pc aswell
but im not getting one.

Just saying that not everyone wants a ps3 or a console so just saying that blu ray will win is a sony fanyboy idea.

Just like your dreams of a ps3 winning the console war all i see is DS DS DS every where and the wii selling more.

If anything im a pc fanyboy if those exist and a DS fanboy.

Whats the point in owning a blu ray drive or a hd dvd drive for your pc unless all you do is watch moveis sure a lot of people will use it for back up but a hard drive is cheaper for that. Also its not like HD DVD and Blu Ray have games for the pc.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
kieran_fletchAnd why would i pay for porn frig off i can get it for free off the internet.

Okay lets take your HD DVD is dearer than Blu Ray argument i see that HD DVD is the cheaper to manufacture disk but i think that most movies are the same price fair game blu ray trying to match out by losing a bit of profit

Why would a movie need to be on a bigger disk HD content should be the same on a smaller disk it should be the same size on both disks, okay a few more bonus features on a bigger disk but to justify that is stupid.

I dont actually give a damn but all i see is better moveis on HD DVD like Transformers and The Bourne Ultimatum.

But if you think that a larger choice of crappy movies is better then your daft.

Seriously i just like normal dvd coz you can get a box set of dvds for the price of a normal HD format disk.

AND AHEM yes blu ray is a feature on PS3 just like the wireless connectivity to a psp is a feature.

Ill wait untill the formats slug it out till the end and then by that time ill have a hd tv.

Not to mention that a xbox 360 hd dvd player can work on a pc aswell
but im not getting one.

Just saying that not everyone wants a ps3 or a console so just saying that blu ray will win is a sony fanyboy idea.

Just like your dreams of a ps3 winning the console war all i see is DS DS DS every where and the wii selling more.

If anything im a pc fanyboy if those exist and a DS fanboy.

Whats the point in owning a blu ray drive or a hd dvd drive for your pc unless all you do is watch moveis sure a lot of people will use it for back up but a hard drive is cheaper for that. Also its not like HD DVD and Blu Ray have games for the pc.
Yes, Blu-Ray is a feature on the PS3, but it wasn't made exclusively just for the PS3 (unlike UMD which is just for PSP). It's an actual format. I never said it wasn't a PS3 feature, I just said it wasn't just solely for the PS3 (unlike UMD for the PSP). There are stand-alone Blu-Ray Disc players out there.

And when did I say that the PS3 would win the console war? Never said that in my post, the PS3 has a lot of potential but the Xbox 360 is ahead because of the immense game library compared to the PS3, but again it's been out 1 more year than the PS3. That's one year they could have taken to fix the RROD issue.

IMO the Wii has a great chance of winning the console wars because of it's wider audience, which now also includes mature audiences. And don't say that I'm biased towards one of the consoles because I'm not. I own ALL 3 consoles. And also, I really want to get an HD-DVD player, but the only 2 titles that I want are the Bourne Collection and Transformers, besides that the rest of the titles that I want are on Blu-Ray.
Posted on Reply
I'm with the people that say they're waiting til theres a clear winning. That's me no doubt about it.
Posted on Reply
it's all rubbish, IMO - between the two formats, there are too many hardware manufacturer's that have their hands involved at this point, and that means there are too many blind-eyed views. Each company is worried about their losses if they give in to someone elses demands.

Whipping out my crystal ball here . . . although many of the Hollywood film companies might be readily accepting BR, once BR takes the majority of the market, you can bet hardware and software support is going to become dodgy - I can easily see Microsoft, Intel and HP (all HD-DVD supporters) pulling some devious stunts at this point at both a hardware and software level, and I can also forsee Blu-Ray optical drives either dwindling in supply as under-the-table dealings force manufacturers to quit building the BR capable devices, or prices will sky rocket to stoopid levels (prob citing supply and demand as the cause), and consumers will merge back over to HD-DVD in response to price gouging . . . and who will follow suit at that point? The film companies - god forbid they lose a dollar on the deal (as if they don't make enough at the box office).
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
I don't really care who wins. I have both, and will continue to buy my movies on the format that is cheaper at the time of purchase.

And I hate the HD DVD/DVD combo format. Those movies are 30 frickin dollars. I'll take the $24 Blu Ray version, thank you very much. If I need a standard def version that bad, I'll re-encode or download it.
Posted on Reply
Please Have In Mind My Post

Warner Just Made The Mistake Of Their Life As A Company! And They Managed To Hit All Consumers In The Bulls Eye! Have They Ever Seen The Superior Quality Of Hd Dvd Over Blu Ray In The Same Television ? I Have Seen It Because I Own Both Format Players! Wait Until All Of You See The 10+ Quality Of Upscaling The Hd Dvd Players Have In Your Dvd Movie Collection Andcomparing It With The Sh..ty Quality Of Even The Most Expensive Bluray Player!
All Of Us Allready Have Some Dvd Movies, Why Not Allowing Us To See It In Higher Quality By Supporting The Bluray Format Which Is Inferior!
Some Of You Might Ask Why I Choose To Own Both Format Players And The Answer Is That Because Some Movie Are Released In Only One Format And Because I Had To See What Were The Differences In Quality! Since The Cost Of Production Of A Bluray Disc Is Much Higher The Hd Dvd Why All Didn't They Support It Fully?
It Would Cost Less For Them And Less For Us The Retailers! And Given The Lower Prices Of Hddvd Players The Format War Sound Have Finished Along Time Ago. So Since I Am A Consumer I Say To S O N Y That Blu Ray Is Not What We Want!
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
pseferWarner Just Made The Mistake Of Their Life As A Company! And They Managed To Hit All Consumers In The Bulls Eye! Have They Ever Seen The Superior Quality Of Hd Dvd Over Blu Ray In The Same Television ? I Have Seen It Because I Own Both Format Players! Wait Until All Of You See The 10+ Quality Of Upscaling The Hd Dvd Players Have In Your Dvd Movie Collection Andcomparing It With The Sh..ty Quality Of Even The Most Expensive Bluray Player!
All Of Us Allready Have Some Dvd Movies, Why Not Allowing Us To See It In Higher Quality By Supporting The Bluray Format Which Is Inferior!
Some Of You Might Ask Why I Choose To Own Both Format Players And The Answer Is That Because Some Movie Are Released In Only One Format And Because I Had To See What Were The Differences In Quality! Since The Cost Of Production Of A Bluray Disc Is Much Higher The Hd Dvd Why All Didn't They Support It Fully?
It Would Cost Less For Them And Less For Us The Retailers! And Given The Lower Prices Of Hddvd Players The Format War Sound Have Finished Along Time Ago. So Since I Am A Consumer I Say To S O N Y That Blu Ray Is Not What We Want!
BS. HD DVD is not of higher quality than Blu-Ray. They are both identical when playing an HD movie. In fact, most titles that are in both formats are actually using the same codecs and bitrates. HD playback is what matters the most, not they're DVD upscaling abilities.

The difference in upscaling DVDs has nothing to do with HD DVD or Blu Ray. It has to do with the upscaling engine of the player you're using. My PS3 upscales better than any standalone I've seen.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
ghost101I wouldnt imagine as much, since most people probably have internet at home.
Doesn't mean they use it wisely. lol
Posted on Reply
pseferWarner Just Made The Mistake Of Their Life As A Company! And They Managed To Hit All Consumers In The Bulls Eye! Have They Ever Seen The Superior Quality Of Hd Dvd Over Blu Ray In The Same Television ? I Have Seen It Because I Own Both Format Players! Wait Until All Of You See The 10+ Quality Of Upscaling The Hd Dvd Players Have In Your Dvd Movie Collection Andcomparing It With The Sh..ty Quality Of Even The Most Expensive Bluray Player!
All Of Us Allready Have Some Dvd Movies, Why Not Allowing Us To See It In Higher Quality By Supporting The Bluray Format Which Is Inferior!
Some Of You Might Ask Why I Choose To Own Both Format Players And The Answer Is That Because Some Movie Are Released In Only One Format And Because I Had To See What Were The Differences In Quality! Since The Cost Of Production Of A Bluray Disc Is Much Higher The Hd Dvd Why All Didn't They Support It Fully?
It Would Cost Less For Them And Less For Us The Retailers! And Given The Lower Prices Of Hddvd Players The Format War Sound Have Finished Along Time Ago. So Since I Am A Consumer I Say To S O N Y That Blu Ray Is Not What We Want!
Don't tell me you own a ps3. Ps3's DO NOT upscale. So if you have one, well you get the point. Also, a good upscaling dvd player can be bought for under $100 now, and I mean really it's quite good. Good as in it's a step between HD and SD....which is exactly what upconverting is.
Posted on Reply
Doesn't mean they use it wisely. lol

I'm sure there's more p0rn on the HDDs of US citizens then all of EurAsia combined
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
kwchang007Don't tell me you own a ps3. Ps3's DO NOT upscale. So if you have one, well you get the point. Also, a good upscaling dvd player can be bought for under $100 now, and I mean really it's quite good. Good as in it's a step between HD and SD....which is exactly what upconverting is.
my PS3 upscales my dvds to 1080p....
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhinomy PS3 upscales my dvds to 1080p....
Hmm maybe the early ones. Or maybe they came out with a firmware update. Because I know when they were coming out I was like WTF is wrong with them for not doing upscaling. Just googled was a firmware update?
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