Friday, February 8th 2008

Dell to Stop Selling AMD Based Computers Online
For years, users wanted Dell to include AMD processors in Dell builds. In May 2006, Dell was happy to announce that they were bringing AMD on board. Everything seemed to be working out, until now. Dell recently announced that they're discontinuing almost all AMD-based Dell computers. The few ones that are left cannot be purchased online, and are only found in stores like Best Buy and Circuit City. This is likely to be a huge blow for AMD, and could not have come at a worse time. AMD recently posted abysmal revenue/loss figures for Q4 2007, and is running a company (ATI) that is worth 30% less than it was at the time of initial purchase. Hopefully, AMD will find more people to sell their processors.
52 Comments on Dell to Stop Selling AMD Based Computers Online
Here is a recent post on Dell and HP:
Long-time electronics manufacturer Hewlett-Packard has been declared the most successful computer manufacturer of 2007.
According to figures released by Gartner, HP shipped 49.4 million computers worldwide during the past 12 months, an increase of 30% for the firm over its 2006 sales figures.
But Dell, once the darling of the PC world, saw its sales slow, shipping 38.7 million computers during 2007, a rise of just 1.7% over its 2006 figures.
The announcement shows that Hewlett-Packard now holds a record 18.2% of the worldwide PC market.
I'm not worried about there not being competition.
AMD and Intel signed a cross patent agreement back in 2001, so that AMD could make x86 processors. You can read it here:
At 6.2 it says: So, basicaly, if AMD goes bankrupt or is bought by someone else, Intel can say after 60 days: hold on a minute, you can't make processors anymore.
And who in they're right mind would buy AMD, if they could not make processors anymore?
I suppose AMD is giving Intel rights to use 64bit processors AND paying royalties, while Intel is giving AMD nothing... my, my, what a sweet deal.
If Intel was to void the contract, they would not be able to continue to produce 64-bit processors, not exactly a good thing for them.
This document isn't about x86, AMD has been free to use x86 since the 80s. Do you really think AMD had been using x86 since the 80s and Intel just finally got around to putting it on paper that they actually could twenty years later in 2001?
If you're AMD, WTF do you sign such a contract?
I think that AMD is in their norm right now. Sticking to the low to mid range area and selling products that offer "good bang for the buck". The few years that they were kicking Intel butt was actually out of their norm. Now, people expect them to stay up at that level... and say that AMD is in trouble because they can not make a high end CPU that will only sell to a small percentage of consumers that can afford it.
Seems that Nintendo has recently proved that selling a lower priced product can be more beneficial. The recent ATI HD3850 and HD3870 video cards also prove this point. I think AMD is doing fine and are back in their comfort zone. ;)
As for Dell... they may regret this move because AMD PCs typically sell for less... and people that just want a new PC are going to stick with the $400-$500 HP PCs instead of the more expensive Dell PCs.
Shame that AMD lost a contract but that will punch dell in the stomach in 6 months.
Anyway, if Dell is dropping AMD it is from a pure profit reason. Dell is in business to make money. By the laws of the US, the BOD of Dell must try to make as much money as possible for their shareholders.
So, if AMD is not making them money, why would they continue to use them?
And for them dropping AMD I see that affecting Dell more than AMD. AMDs run cool and are a great proc for the 400 - 800 dollar computer price range. Granted intel does have good parts there too, but the low end intel parts suffer from small cache and low clocks. I dont see it being that big of a deal, they didnt even sell AMD in retail did they?
I think AMD is gonna make some good cheap procs in the near future(tri-core phenoms) that will be cheap and very powerful, perfect for what Dell would need. I dont know if they are stopping for now or for good but I dont see this being a permenant change. Whoever is on top of the game will be supported by anyone who can get their hands on it. If AMD can succeed Dell will be back.