Friday, February 8th 2008

Professional Eating Comes to Video Games

It's apparently the season for oddball game pitches. Except, this time, the game pitch has already been accepted and is in development. Publisher Mastiff recently took up the concept for a game that will be called "Major League Eating", based off of what some call America's favorite past time. The game itself sounds like something out of a 7-year old's dream. The contest of the "world's greatest gurgitory athletes" will play much like many other fighting games, such as Mortal Kombat. However, instead of using swords and fists, the aforementioned athletes will attack and defend using "burps, belches, and mustard gas", all while making sure that they get their fair share of munchies. Mastiff's announcement did not mention any timeframe for release, or finalize any platforms.
Source: 1Up
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19 Comments on Professional Eating Comes to Video Games

x2mA mPn
1. who the hell is Mastiff?

2. wth is a eating fighting game... that makes no sence at all, i mean rly who's gonna buy this crap! i mean defending with belches and burps come on!

i normally wouldent post on somthing this stupid...but jesus, this just made my morning
Posted on Reply
I could picture a knife and fork add-on for the Wii so you can work up a sweat while you eat dinner!
Posted on Reply
Wow, people were paid to come up with this idea and put it into a game? :confused: This one has "failure" written all over it.
Posted on Reply
im an amature eater, and this is just stupud, totally doesnt represent our sport at all.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Pac-Man anyone? :shadedshu
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Cold Storm
So... this is going to do what!??! Make the kids in america become more Obese then they are now!?!? I know of it as a sport, and I've seen tons of behind the scenes footage, but this just doesn't help people when it comes to food... We'll be seeing how this game does in the coming months... This will probably be the icing on the cake for the government to put a restriction on everything gaming..
Posted on Reply
there is nothing wrong with competive eating, i do it myself. But i also exercise to keep my matabolism high
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Cold Storm
you got me all wrong there.. I said I know of the sport and this game does nothing to help it.... I'm sorry if the last post got you thinking wrongly about how I feel... Its a sport, and I'll never think of it not.. Just that this game is WRONG FOR THE SPORT... IMO
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Senior Monkey Moderator
This has to be one of the dumbest game ideas I've heard in a long time.

That being said, I'll bet this game does well. Anyone remember "Pet Rocks"?
When they first came out I though, "What kind of dumbass would pay for a rock in a box?"
They sold millions.

Do not underestimate the power of marketting and the general moronicity of the average consumer.

Please note : "Moronicity" is a new word I just invented and claim all copyright too. If you want to use I will be happy to license the use to you. Licensing cost is 1 (one) twelve pack of Guiness Stout (not draught, that stuff is lame).
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Bird of Prey
Eh, can we go ahead and say, retarded?
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I can understand trying to come up with something new but this is taking things to extremes who would buy this honestly.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
TripriftI can understand trying to come up with something new but this is taking things to extremes who would buy this honestly.
How many kids watch the "burp, belch, fart" mentality of the current TV animations ?
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Good point it will probably sell squillions then very sad :shadedshu
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Senior Monkey Moderator
TripriftGood point it will probably sell squillions then very sad :shadedshu
Lol ... true. And if I were you I would quick grab the copyright on the word "squillions".

Posted on Reply
dear god... :shadedshu
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Already have paten pending hehe and back to the game you wach it #1 in ozz with every sims game making up the rest of the chart.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
What is going to be the genre? FPS? (Farts Per Seconds)
Posted on Reply
Masticulations per second

someone needs to give Mastiff a goodswift :nutkick: - followed promptly by a :slap:
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