Monday, April 21st 2008

Intel Drops 65nm Processor Prices

Intel slashed today the prices of its 65nm Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad Q6600/Q6700 Kentsfield processors. The tray price of the Q6600, which has been the universal quad-core in Intel's line-up for more than a year, was dropped 16% from $266 to $224. More important than the Q6600 drop, Q6700 which had a tray price of $530 now costs $266 - almost 50% cheaper.
Other price reductions include the 65nm, 3.0GHz Core 2 Duo E6850 (-31% to $183), which now matches the price of the 45nm E8400 (3.0GHz) as well as the Pentium E2200 (-12% to $74), the E2180 (-14% to $64), the Celeron 560 (-20% to $107), the Celeron 550 (-20% to $86), the Celeron 440 (-17% to $44) and the Celeron 430 (-23% to $34).
Source: TG Daily
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38 Comments on Intel Drops 65nm Processor Prices

wh00tcakes .. now q6700's seem like a good buy.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
I can't see those Celeron prices being right. I can't see Intel selling a single core Celeron for over $50 more than the E2180 and almost $30 more than the E2200.

Edit: Nevermind, those are the Mobile Celerons they are talking about.
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bad news for AMD they can't cut now prices only jobs
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q6700 for $299!!

Just bought one!

This means my q6600 is for sale!
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The Q6600 didnt drop much.. I was hoping they would be 200$
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~Technological Technocrat~
Hells yeah - defo more worth it buying a Q6600 over a E8400 now bitch! :pimp::pimp:
Posted on Reply
ill wait til the q6700 goes on sale ... or just get a q6600 ...

btw i dont think the prices have fallen in teh retail channels yet.
Posted on Reply
[I.R.A]_FBiill wait til the q6700 goes on sale ... or just get a q6600 ...

btw i dont think the prices have fallen in teh retail channels yet.
newegg has on the q6700
Posted on Reply
how much was it before thought it was around that?
Posted on Reply
the q6700 was 529 -> now 299

the q6600 retail was 249 > now 229
Posted on Reply
Wow, lucky US guys!
We have some crap prices in Europe:
In Romania for example, the q6600 goes for 330$ ("special price" they say)! The q9300 is even more expensive, at 380$...
I hope this price drop will make itself felt here also...
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w00t time to upgrade
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Semi-Retired Folder
Man, I am really tempted to buy a Q6700...but I need to upgrade my 8800GTS to 9800GTX first.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Man, I am really tempted to buy a Q6700...but I need to upgrade my 8800GTS to 9800GTX first.
is that GTS a g92??

Its about time they dropped the q6700 down!!!!!!!!

Ive been dyin for a 10 multi for over a year now!
ShinyGWow, lucky US guys!
We have some crap prices in Europe:
In Romania for example, the q6600 goes for 330$ ("special price" they say)! The q9300 is even more expensive, at 380$...
I hope this price drop will make itself felt here also...
Ill sell you my q6600 for 200US and ship it what ever it costs.......
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseHells yeah - defo more worth it buying a Q6600 over a E8400 now bitch! :pimp::pimp:
Don't be so sure. The new batches of Q6600's are LOUSY overclockers. I just bought 3, and none of them liked fsb over like 425, and could not get any of them to clock stable beyond 3.32ghz. So, I sold them and went back to a e8400.
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q6700 for me then.. !
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PauliegDon't be so sure. The new batches of Q6600's are LOUSY overclockers. I just bought 3, and none of them liked fsb over like 425, and could not get any of them to clock stable beyond 3.32ghz. So, I sold them and went back to a e8400.
check to be sure you got the SLACR G0 cores. Those are the new"ish" Q6600's. I just bought 2 for a few office computers, and both clocked to 3.6 without issue. 400FSB with the 9 multi.

My q6600 runs at 8 multi with a 450 FSB all day long. I can run it at 485FSB but the temps creep into the 60s. And I dont really like that.
Scrizzq6700 for me then.. !
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Semi-Retired Folder
asb2106is that GTS a g92??
Posted on Reply
Just OC it to GTX speeds and get a q6700!!

That would be a great rig setup!

**You probably wouldnt benefit that much from a q6700, but getting a 9800GTX over your g92 GTS is the same as upgrading that proc
They are both using the same core structures, just different clock speeds.
Id personally go for the bigger proc, I love my CPU speeds! Especially because you could easily get your g92 to GTX speeds
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Bird of Prey
Nice. Not sure what AMD can do to combat this.
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUNice. Not sure what AMD can do to combat this.
pretty much nothing. They still cant even match the speeds of the q6600, and we are an entire generation past that now.

AMD needs to jump up to the next level soon or I could see the processor division loosing its market control even faster than they are !

I did see the tri-core procs out now, thats probably gonna help with alot of bestbuy purchases.

But AMD has pretty much no control of the performance market anymore :( I used to love AMD
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Cold Storm
Well, I guess there was a reason why in Feb, Clubit was selling the Q6700 for $299! I can't wait to get some time and re oc my system!!!
Posted on Reply
Just wait till Deneb, those ought to run fast enough to satisfy the performance-hungry :cool:
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Man its about time those q6700s became reasonable. $500+ is crazy for the increase over q6600. But at $266, that should become the new standard.
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