Tuesday, June 10th 2008

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 Available for Pre-order in Europe
A week ahead of its release date, NVIDIA's next generation flagman the GeForce GTX 280 1GB is already starting to appear on various European etailers. Both the French TDShop.fr and the German HW ELEKTRONIK are now offering the card for roughly 590 Euro ($912). I sincerely hope the price will drop after the cards are out.
94 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 Available for Pre-order in Europe
Edit: Also i retract " Nvidia being elitist " Bad wording on my part it wasnt what i was trying to convey. Ignore that comment.
Both of these chips were in development prior to the release of the last generation if you believe the heresay ;)
R580- 384 million transistor
R600 - 700 million transistors
G80 - 680 million transistor + unknown number for the daughter die
RV670 - 666 million transistors
G92 - 754 million transistors, daughter die eliminated
RV770 - 800 million transistors, we'll see if the number is correct when it launches, by the cost it would be correct.
GT200 - 1400 million transistors, again we'll see at launch, by costs seems correct.
Do you see any trend in the first cards from both camps that changed in the last one?
EDIT: Also maybe you want to put those cards in order of performance and see what happens? Probably G80 + die daughter is bigger than G92, FYI.
God, but you did show the generation gap of the G71 & G80. The GT200 is just as an impressive gap :p
The R700 has the paper ability to beat the GT200. Sticking 2 RV770's together is probably more brute force than NV has ever pulled. ATi must be like if one of our cheapo GPUs can't cut the competition then lets play two :p
It'll leave NV in a hole because it costs $150 for one GT200 chip. It won't be cost effective for a GT200 GX2 or something. Maybe the die shrink will allow for more transistor w/o added cost like the G80 - G92.
HOT SPOT against GT200.
NEW against 9800 cards. I don't think HD4 cards are going to be better price/performance wise than 9800 cards once they go down to the price they should be: 8800's price. They will be faster but not improve p/p by much.
That's my view. Nvidia won't be out of the game at all. By your comments that's what I thought you were saying. That's all I was disscusing to.
That said, my CPU alone cost more then $1500Au.
I remember when i preordered my EN8800GTX as soon as i heard of its release.
I paid $1250Au, cash on delivery 29th September 2006 and was worth every cent.
I really got what i paid for, for a long long period of time, and it was only recently i was able to upgrade the single slot EN8800GTX with a 3870x2, which i replaced with the 9800gx2.
I wont be preordering a 280GTX because i will be doing a Greek Island tour thingo over the release date, which i think is ideal because when im done rocking the islands, ill be back intime for a price battle.
So is it to high to charge a grand?
If not then OUCH it aint happening for me . . .
Remember the 6800 Ultras went for similar price at first.
Ether way, I'm not looking into getting one... just spent 2/3rds that on mine! :roll:
Even still, either go for dual 9600GT's or the HD3870 and dont even think about buying that over priced lump of ego. Promise me! :D
(and the Napoleon Quote is pretty cool too)