Saturday, July 12th 2008

No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned Says Ubisoft

Clint Hocking, the creative director behind the upcoming Far Cry 2, has confirmed that there will be no demo released for the game. Developed by Ubisoft, future Far Cry 2 players won't be able to play a level or two to get the idea, before the full game is out. According to Hoking there's no easy way of making a Far Cry 2 demo, because of the open nature of the game that will leak almost 12 hours of gameplay from a possible demo. "One reason is, even if we were to give out what you played today - even if we put invisible walls around it and said, here's the demo, you can go anywhere you like inside these walls and play it how you want - that's potentially right there eight-to-ten hours of gameplay," said Hocking. "I don't know too many people who are willing to give away a 12-hour game for free", he continued. In related news, Clint Hocking also informed that Far Cry 2 is almost complete and it only needs a good testing before retailing.
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12 Comments on No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned Says Ubisoft

I just cant buy a game any more with out a demo, i dont DL hacked games or any thing like that, i dont belive thats right for ppl to do, so with out a beta or demo I just skip it.
Posted on Reply
I see it online now for $40 preorder. I liked Far Cry. I liked Crysis. I'll pay the $40 for Far Cry 2. Maybe not on launch day, but I am sure I will buy it. :)
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I'll just wait for the reviews. I wonder how many people will be like me? A lot of people still plays demos if they are unsure about a game. Without a demo they're not going to put down £30-40 for a game on release day, or even pre-order.

Stupid move from Ubisoft, I understand what they are saying, but a demo is a good thing, just restrict it more duh.
Posted on Reply
that kinda sucks if i liked it in the demo i would of pre-ordered it im just going to wait for reviews too now
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thats just bs that guy is saying . it will hurt them .
I'll just get a try before i buy version :p

I can see were he is coming from though.
Easy solution: 30 minute timer. You always start in the same location and you have 30 minutes to play until the timer lapses and the demo ends.
Posted on Reply
Problem with demos is GRID and CRYSIS. TBH the demos were rubbish, and potential buyers decided NOT to buy the full game. I think I would have bought both, but after playing the demos, decided not to get either.

Demos are GREAT for consumer choice... but possible bad for business if a game doesnt meet the hype and expectations of the people demoing.

Strategically what is the better marketing method? Good PR and sponsored/controlled reviews, or free-in-the-market demos and uncontrolled reviews?

I know which one I prefer as a consumer, BUT I also know which one I prefer as a business owner. And it aint the same answer.
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lemonadesodaProblem with demos is GRID and CRYSIS. TBH the demos were rubbish, and potential buyers decided NOT to buy the full game. I think I would have bought both, but after playing the demos, decided not to get either.
i thought GRID demo was good, y didn't u like it ?
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as long as i hear its not a bad port to PC ill get it.
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he say's massive testing hope there are little bugs as games now a days are morre bugged than any thing before:)

but no demo for hardware testing? :wtf: won't buy that before some good reviews rise
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Dr. Spankenstein
Maybe they will do an "Invite Only" beta, like they did with Crysis....
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