Saturday, July 12th 2008
Microsoft Windows 3.11 to Finally Disappear Forever
Now we all know that Windows 3.11 is long gone, but after that you read this strange title again and start wondering? Yes, although you know that retail distribution of Windows 3.11 has been out for very long, it had been around for a good 15 years selling through the so called Embedded Channel. Windows for Workgroups (WFW) 3.11 is still used in a countless number of low-horsepower platforms such as cash registers and train schedule displays. That's until today, when Microsoft is officially ending all sales of Windows 3.11 for good. Microsoft's John Coyne announced:
for those that were not aware, we recently announced that effective November 1st, 2008, OEM's will no longer be able to license Windows for Workgroups 3.11 in the embedded channel. Now we all know that it's been long gone in the standard (retail/OEM) channel, but one of the unique things in the embedded business is that we allow the classic OS products to be sold longer than the other channels. it's *finally the end of an era!
31 Comments on Microsoft Windows 3.11 to Finally Disappear Forever
We run Windows 3.11 on a 486DX4 computer lol with wait for it, wait for it, 8mb of ram
So You Never Get Your Money Again! :D:D:D
i think the main reason behind this is because ms is in trouble, due to limited vista sales, and their profits are falling low, and they need to push for more upgrades, and now they are targeting a new niche to push.
oh god i hope that i will not see more blue screens on train schedules, cash registers, and atms..
[me] lalalala time to withdraw some money from the bank.. running low on some rubber and need to buy more
*goes to atm*
[me] yes now, lets see, lets withdraw $500 bucks from this here debit card, that should be enough for now
[atm] please take take the money from the bot---
*puts foot brutally through the atm screen*
[cops] Oh yay.... another mexican idiot that doesn't know how to work an atm :shadedshu:
*i ends up in jail... without my moneh :(*
To be honest, this really was a surprise that 3.11 was even in use. shoulda been nerfed a long time ago.
Looking at the WFW screenshot is auite funny. Doesnt it look terrible! LOL.
BUT with the announcement of the abandonment of WFW, what does that mean for it w.r.t copyright? Does it officially become abandoned? Is it in a grey zone... since MS official says it will not longer attempt to extract any commericial activity from the product.
... but more importantly, what is the replacement for WFW and those low powered simple embedded devices? I'm still waiting for that elusive micro-NT kernel. Where is it? We want it for embedded devices.
I guess everyone running WFW will have to revert back to DOS 6.22 if they're concerned about stability :laugh:
I've still got a few MS-DOS operation manuals around here that list all the DOS commands, their flags and what they do . . .
man, I was ticked when I found out with XP there was no longer a DOS mode . . . only a command prompt :mad:
and for this new: MS you stupid as hell, linux will replace the embedded 3.11 version as 98se and xp embedded just crash.
we change xp embedded every day to bloated xp home standart as it runs stable.