Wednesday, August 27th 2008

Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 Released

The latest beta of Microsoft's next web browser has been released today. This time it is a public beta, unlike Beta 1, which was aimed at developers, this version has many of its new features enabled. Some of these include, tab groups, accelerators and compatibility view, which enables Internet Explorer 8 to better display web pages designed for older browers.

You can find out more information and download the beta here.

From the MSDN IEBlog:
You'll find versions for 32- and 64-bit editions of Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. In addition to English, IE8 Beta 2 is available in Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), and German. Additional languages will be available soon.

While Beta 1 was for developers, we think that anyone who browses or works on the web will enjoy IE8 Beta 2. Before the team blogs about our Beta 2 in detail, here's an overview of what you'll find in IE8.

We focused our work around three themes: everyday browsing (the things that real people do all the time), safety (the term most people use for what we've called 'trustworthy' in previous posts), and the platform (the focus of Beta 1, how developers around the world will build the next billion web pages and the next waves of great services).
Source: Microsoft
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89 Comments on Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 Released

Only a few more releases before we HAVE to download it. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Well, that PrivateOn feature is a great thing when going to nude sites :D
Posted on Reply
make sure you have an amd vvv check my sig
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Graphical Hacker
I have firefox.

I tested the IE8B2. I was not impressed. I am still using IE6 if I have to use IE.
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
blueskynisWell, that PrivateOn feature is a great thing when going to nude sites :D
lol, yay for PrivateOn feature.!!
Posted on Reply
I just installed it and not surprising to me its still not better than firefox


and that checking for malicious software crap took 24 minutes, and it found nothing, waste of time man
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
ever notice how screenshots of browsers always look so sleek, but then you download it and its always meh.
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Bird of Prey
Im going to grab it and try it out. The first beta was a right down knicker.
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Eww! I think ill stick to Firefox and Opera. :)
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I think ill pass on this one for now.
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Did they fix the zoom feature from IE7?
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Pffftt! Just installed it and tried it.

I will stick to Firefox, with the theme I am using it actually matches vistas theme better than Microsoft own product.
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paybackdamanOnly a few more releases before we HAVE to download it. :rolleyes:
no one was forced to install IE7
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candle_86no one was forced to install IE7
Except anybody running Vista :cool:
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Lol it's funny how they give the newest IEs to XP users but not DirectX...What a shaft!

I was talking to my cousin today, telling him he should get Vista for DirectX 10. He will not f**king buy Vista. Guess the Mac adds scared him off. I told him its nothing amazing, but Direct X 10 is always a plus :)
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Another one f*cking IE.
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Error 404
Easy Rhinoever notice how screenshots of browsers always look so sleek, but then you download it and its always meh.
Except for Opera; it is ALWAYS sleek. ;)

Also, IIRC, wasn't IE8 meant to fit in with the Office 2007 Ribbon idea? Some screenshots of early betas looked like Office 2007...
Posted on Reply
Still using mozilla 4 ??

I wonder can anyone tell me if M$ has advanced there browser engine yet from IE6 which was Mozilla 4? Which they still used in IE7. If you notice In IE7 they don't even show it in the info. you have to find it by reading online. IE6 was the last time it was give in the info. Some advanced info programs can pick it out for us, but i am just not going to upgrade to IE8 to find out, since i don't use the program anyway.

Another thing that gets me is they say IE is fast to start up. Anyone figure out that IE is so integrated that it mostly started before the program is even started. If you know the registry like i do then you can read the IE is loaded well into the windows start up that when you start IE basically the GUI starts everything else is already loaded. Whereas Fire Fox loads completely each time it starts, except when shut down and relaunched (program is still in the swap file or cache). Still I use Fire Fox 3.01 religiously, new browser engine Mozilla 5 updated versions, its fast, and there are tweaks to make it work better for you, and customizable....
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Vista at least has a block access to IE function that works (no matter how many times you put firefox as default browser, some links still open in IE after a while). I have no icon of Internet Explorer anywhere and will be hiding IE8 update as soon as it pops up in windows update.

IE8 would have to have something amazing for me to even try it and community plugin support, but doubt that is going to happen :) Haven't even gone FF3 yet, so that's next when I have the urge upgrade my browser.

But the 64-bit edition is cool, I'll give them that. Only thing with IE7 64bit was that you couldn't default that, links always opened 32-bit version (or I just didn't know how :p)
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Wile E
Power User
I wonder if they fixed the MS update site using 8 yet. Beta 1 won't connect for me unless I use IE7 compatibility mode.
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I have actually gone back to IE7 about 6 months ago from being a solid firefox user. I was getting fed up of incompatibility on some sites, and I have actually found the latest version of IE7 on my Vista install, a lot more stable than firefox.
I went to firefox after IE7 was so buggy and unstable when I first got Vista, and I would imagine IE8 is going to be the same. I'll ust hide the update and give it two years for them to iron out the bugs. :rolleyes:
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
ive never had a problem with any version of IE. of course, i am not really into all those mods and plugins and stuff.
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All the people who say meh to ie,i say meh to firefox.It uses too much ram and has far too much crap on it.All a browser has to do is browse the internet,why do you need all the crappy plugins and add ons and stuff,which just make vista even bloated and prone to crashing.Are plugins etc for firefox certified by ms fo use on vista? i doubt it.
Easy Rhinoive never had a problem with any version of IE. of course, i am not really into all those mods and plugins and stuff.
You haven't had any problems with because you haven't actually developed for different browsers. And IE 6/7 is a nightmare for a developer :banghead:
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