Saturday, August 30th 2008

LAN Party at NVISION '08 Sets World Record

One of the highlights at the NVISION '08 event was a world-record attempt LAN Party organised by NVIDIA and sponsors for the longest continuous LAN party. The BYOC (bring your own computer) event saw 203 gamers battle it out for 36 hours, and winners awarded gold medals. Several multiplayer LAN Party favourites such as the Quake series, Unreal Tournament series and Team Fortress 2 were played. Some were seen continuing their (never-ending) World of Warcraft campaign too.

During the events, gamers were allowed 10 minute breaks every 60 minutes of play or six of such breaks could be saved up for a 1 hour break every six hours. During the course, they were provided free food and drinks. An adjudicator from the Guinness Book of World Records was flown in from London to monitor the attendees and keep records of the event. An attendee, Raymond Yuen captured the event to compile a public album of the GeForce LAN 4, worth taking a look here.
Sources: TG Daily, images courtesy Raymond Yuen
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23 Comments on LAN Party at NVISION '08 Sets World Record

btarunrSome were seen continuing their (never-ending) World of Warcraft campaign too.

But thats cool. 203 gamers for 36 hours...jesus...I can hardly play games for longer then an hour.
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I Love This Parties!

I wonder in five years hove many laptops will be in Lan Parties, because the Laptops are better and better in visuals and cheaper of course year by year!

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Editor & Senior Moderator
For the price of a highest-end gaming laptop, you can build an even larger e-penis better performing desktop with more to show off.
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i wonder what would happen if i sneaked an ATI powered PC there :rolleyes:
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warup89i wonder what would happen if i sneaked an ATI powered PC there :rolleyes:
LMAO! YES! I like you.
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PP Mguire
You can use ATI cards in your machines. You just dont qualify for any of their contests or raffles they have for Nvidia owners.

I wonder how pissed they would be if i brought a 30" screen and a huge rig with a Mach II cooling system and a "IM A CAMPER" mousepad.

Edit: Nvm, i see 30"ers and a guy even with a dual screen setup. *sigh* Wish i could do that with local LANs.
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man i hear you pp, i wish i had local lans, there hasn't been a lan around here in god knows how long. it sux. to bad.. i think i'm gonna go to next years nvision though if it's a little closer to the east coast.
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PP Mguire
I believe Nvision is always in Cali so it wont be. We have local LANs here but due to space they restrict you from bringing large monitors.
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PDX LAN could easily beat this, the guys there are hardcore.
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PrudentPrincessPDX LAN could easily beat this, the guys there are hardcore.

I hope they give it a try at the one in Peoria!
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
What if you act like you have an Ati card, know one will no;)
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PP Mguire
If i was a hxc ATI fan id get a Geforce card anyways just to be eligible for other things. A friend of mine who went to Nvision sold his 8800GT to get 2 8600GTS's to be in club SLI. He also won over 1200 bucks worth of prizes, sold some of that, and bought a 4870X2 before the LAN was even over!
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
PP MguireIf i was a hxc ATI fan id get a Geforce card anyways just to be eligible for other things. A friend of mine who went to Nvision sold his 8800GT to get 2 8600GTS's to be in club SLI. He also won over 1200 bucks worth of prizes, sold some of that, and bought a 4870X2 before the LAN was even over!
Thats very smart. Very lucky.:)
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PP Mguire
Oh, and he returned the 8600GTS's to Newegg and got his monies back :) So now he has a free case, 1100watt CM PSU, 4870X2, had the luxurys that came with being in club SLI, and a bunch of other stuff. Lucky guy!
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
PP MguireOh, and he returned the 8600GTS's to Newegg and got his monies back :) So now he has a free case, 1100watt CM PSU, 4870X2, had the luxurys that came with being in club SLI, and a bunch of other stuff. Lucky guy!
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btarunrDuring the events, gamers were allowed 10 minute breaks every 60 minutes of play or six of such breaks could be saved up for a 1 hour break every six hours
isnt that bending the health rules lol
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Graphical Hacker
PP MguireOh, and he returned the 8600GTS's to Newegg and got his monies back :) So now he has a free case, 1100watt CM PSU, 4870X2, had the luxurys that came with being in club SLI, and a bunch of other stuff. Lucky guy!
He is so lucky. Sounds pretty cool!
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PP Mguire
Even the local LANs i attend (when i get the chance) i usualy never go home empty handed. So getting alot of stuff at a big LAN seems like it would be pretty easy. Specialy Nvision.
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what the heck is the guy on the very left playing?


edit i see it now it guitar hero - DOH!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was at GeForce LAN 2.0 start to finish and 4 (first day anyways). I missed nVision as I spent the 25th-28th of this month at the Redwoods. nVidia sure puts on a awesome LAN. You can bring huge monitors. Flight sticks/game pads, whatever. At 2.0 a guy brought in a job site quality 4 foot diamond plate power strip/surge protector. I ran ATi cards both times. I didn't get the club SLI perks, but no big deal. They do a great job! The bawls go fast though. :laugh: I do believe TPU's MKmods went to nVision. :toast: I would liked to have met him there.
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haahaaa, I can't believe someone carted along that massive CRT monitor in the second pic. :laugh:
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