Thursday, October 9th 2008

AMD Responds to Intel's Publication Earlier Today
AMD spokesman reassured today that the deal between AMD and Advanced Technology Investment Company won't violate any of the patent agreements AMD made with its main competitor Intel. Let me remind you that earlier that day Intel said it would review its processor licensing agreement with AMD, especially the agreement which allows AMD to use Intel's x86 chip instruction set, to ensure the ATIC deal does not violate any patent agreements. Phil Hughes, an AMD spokesman, wrote in an e-mail today:
"We are completely confident the structure of this transaction takes into account our cross-license agreements,"
"Rest assured - we plan to continue respecting Intel's intellectual property rights, just as we expect them to respect ours."
Financial analyst Hans Mosesmann even believes that the dispute between the two giants may become a weapon for Intel to solve some of its problems in court. If Intel manages to find something is wrong with this deal it can use it against Advanced Micro Deviced and make AMD drop the long-standing anti-trust suits against the company. Continue reading the full story here.
"We are completely confident the structure of this transaction takes into account our cross-license agreements,"
"Rest assured - we plan to continue respecting Intel's intellectual property rights, just as we expect them to respect ours."
Financial analyst Hans Mosesmann even believes that the dispute between the two giants may become a weapon for Intel to solve some of its problems in court. If Intel manages to find something is wrong with this deal it can use it against Advanced Micro Deviced and make AMD drop the long-standing anti-trust suits against the company. Continue reading the full story here.
33 Comments on AMD Responds to Intel's Publication Earlier Today
this is gonna get interesting, like one of those never ending mexican soap operas.
If that's the worst that happens out of this, AMD'll be fine, in the end -- it sucks that they'll have to drop the cases, but their business is getting a huge injection of capital out of the deal. Better learn to love that Nehalem system you're building then, because it'll probably be one of the last chips you'll be able to afford. :banghead:
And how can you be so sure it breaks Intel's intellectual property? The people at AMD know better than to kill their own company, I'm sure they went over this thing very closely and concluded it'd be fine.
just look at teh cash crash in us atm
if you like Intel so much, did you even TRY AMD Athlon 64 when it was released? it blew intel out of the water for years!
its still fast if you look at AMD Opteron in a server environment, HyperTransport Scaling ftw
They keep intel's prices somewhat moderate. lol.
As for games: Umm, how about SupCom? It's fully Quad supported, and guess which chip wins?
You should actually do a little research on cpus and how they work before making nonsensical posts like this.