Saturday, January 3rd 2009

NVIDIA Value and Mainstream GPUs Rebranded Too

NVIDIA is seems to be recycling a broader range of existing GPUs with new branding that merely some mainstream GPUs such as the G92. According to a set of advertisements by a channel vendor, of Acer and Packard Bell PCs, they feature the GeForce G 100, GeForce GT 120 and GeForce GT 130. These graphics cards feature 512 MB, 1 GB and 1.5 GB of memory respectively and fill the entry-level graphics cards lineup.

From the information TechConnect Magazine gathered about these, they are rebranded variants of GeForce 9400, GeForce 9500 GT and GeForce 9600 GSO (aka GeForce 8800 GS). This new naming scheme will be operationalised by the end of this month, towards February, around the same time when another portion of graphics cards based on the G92 GPU get rebranded to the GeForce GTS series.
Source: TechConnect Magazine
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36 Comments on NVIDIA Value and Mainstream GPUs Rebranded Too

Overclocking Surrealism
If some local moron does not come to me to buy a PC and buys that POS to feel better about himself then so be it. Go nVidia! Confuse those who have not the sense to research their products!
Posted on Reply
BingeIf some local moron does not come to me to buy a PC and buys that POS to feel better about himself then so be it. Go nVidia! Confuse those who have not the sense to research their products!
I'm pretty sure thats what they're aiming at, they can't catch up with ATI sales so they are resorting this
Posted on Reply
Swansenok, but are any of these cards really needed?? no, they offer such a little gain in performance its not even worth any of it, especially when there is a new generation of cards just around the corner.
But as I said it's NOT Nvidia who must be blamed for the higher memory cards. Reference will most probably be 256, 512 and 768 MB respectively, if not 384 in the case of the GT "8800GS". The higher memories is not something Nvidia made to fool anyone, in any case it's Packard Bell who asked OEM manufacturer to make the cards with those buffers. Blame them and not Nvidia for something they are not related at all.

TBH blaming Nvidia for everything is becoming the norm in these forums, and is so much to degust from a site that was supposed to be neutral. I always side with the part with less support, in honour to neutrality, and that's always Nvidia, and I'm starting to get tired of having to defend Nvidia for something they shouldn't be blamed. Every day it passes I realise more and more this is an Ati biased forum, that's the truth, because otherwise Nvidia wouldn't be blamed for something that not only Ati did in the past but, also still now is doing...

Sad but true.
Posted on Reply
Meh, I could really careless about the renaming of things, but I guess that is just how it goes, I hate to say this but unless none of you plan on buying cards again then this trend will continue and if the names are that bad you only get 1 option, and that is to deal with it, as much as we all hate to do that...heck g92 is a pretty decent chip, and I figure Nvidia just isn't banking on making another chip to fit into their midrange set, so they are just kicking these out there and letting driver improvements and minor things do the rest. really unless you happen to work for nvidias marketing and R&D group and plan on telling them to STFU, the only thing we can do is just deal with it, or move to the red camp, or move the blue camp when larrabee comes out yes, I spelt it and wrong I don't think I care.
Posted on Reply
DarkMatterBut as I said it's NOT Nvidia who must be blamed for the higher memory cards. Reference will most probably be 256, 512 and 768 MB respectively, if not 384 in the case of the GT "8800GS". The higher memories is not something Nvidia made to fool anyone, in any case it's Packard Bell who asked OEM manufacturer to make the cards with those buffers. Blame them and not Nvidia for something they are not related at all.

TBH blaming Nvidia for everything is becoming the norm in these forums, and is so much to degust from a site that was supposed to be neutral. I always side with the part with less support, in honour to neutrality, and that's always Nvidia, and I'm starting to get tired of having to defend Nvidia for something they shouldn't be blamed. Every day it passes I realise more and more this is an Ati biased forum, that's the truth, because otherwise Nvidia wouldn't be blamed for something that not only Ati did in the past but, also still now is doing...

Sad but true.
that comment right there shows you are an nvidia "fanboi"(aka your nvidia bias)

see, till the 4800's came out this forum was VERY much the oposite, it was FAR more pro nvidia, then the 4800s come out and it becomes quite the other story, mostly because for the price most people feel that the ATI cards are the better choice.

its just like how till c2d this and most other forums where very pro AMD, then as soon as c2d hits, most people cant do anything but talk shit about AMD and suck intel off, Now amd's putting out the phenom2 and people are starting to show more intrest in AMD again.

again its the cycle, Oh and DarkMatter, a little FYI for you, this site gained alot of people due to its ATI bios collection, it was originally an ATI forum, if u dont like it, move over to HardForum(hardocp forums) they will be happy to have another "nvidia is the best always" person, I have seen plenty of people banned for asking about or reporting problems with nvidia cards that nvidia says dont excist(like the high HIGH fail rates on g84/g86/g92 chips)

You will love it, they suck more nvidia cock then any other site i have seen!!!!!

ofcorse the gotta be at least a bit bias since the staff/owner is an nvidia beta tester and insider, if he didnt support nvidia he would loose his inside track to fun new free hardware.
Posted on Reply
Go to bestbuy,the GT130 equiped computers are already there.I looked at one and said to myself,whats a GT130?
Posted on Reply
So the 9300 would become G100, the 9400GT - GT100, 9500GT - GT120 and the 9600GSO - GT130

GTX will mean that you get a high-end/performance card, GT is reserved for mainstream while G means you have an entry-level card.
Posted on Reply
Rebo&Zootythat comment right there shows you are an nvidia "fanboi"(aka your nvidia bias)

see, till the 4800's came out this forum was VERY much the oposite, it was FAR more pro nvidia, then the 4800s come out and it becomes quite the other story, mostly because for the price most people feel that the ATI cards are the better choice.

its just like how till c2d this and most other forums where very pro AMD, then as soon as c2d hits, most people cant do anything but talk shit about AMD and suck intel off, Now amd's putting out the phenom2 and people are starting to show more intrest in AMD again.

again its the cycle, Oh and DarkMatter, a little FYI for you, this site gained alot of people due to its ATI bios collection, it was originally an ATI forum, if u dont like it, move over to HardForum(hardocp forums) they will be happy to have another "nvidia is the best always" person, I have seen plenty of people banned for asking about or reporting problems with nvidia cards that nvidia says dont excist(like the high HIGH fail rates on g84/g86/g92 chips)

You will love it, they suck more nvidia cock then any other site i have seen!!!!!

ofcorse the gotta be at least a bit bias since the staff/owner is an nvidia beta tester and insider, if he didnt support nvidia he would loose his inside track to fun new free hardware.
I stopped reading soon after you called me. Anyway the first lines of your comment just shows you know nothing about the forums, and your join date explains it all anyway. First of all just look at how many people is under the Ati forum and under the Nvidia one at ANY TIME.

Just some examples of bias:

-When I joined, the forums where more neutral, yet the overall reaction was to defend the indefendable HD2900 XT and almost always recommend it over the 8800 GTS in a time when it was clear Nvidia's was better.
-The HD3870 has been always recommended over the 8800GT when obviously the GT was far superior. That was true until very recently: you have to eventually fall to evidences...
-When GT200 and HD4000 came in, it was just an excuse to praise Ati and blame Nvidia when GT200 should have been defended just as HD2900XT was.
-PhysX is not worth it, but DX10.1 that offers much much less is.
-G92 failure rate: there's no such thing. It only affects mobile chips. What Charlie D. says=:roll::roll::roll:

As I said because I always defend the one with less support, that is Nvidia here and maybe because of that in this forums my comments are Nvidia biased. Not outside the forums or in other forums though. It's easy to see and you just have to take a look at this thread to see how biased the forum is. Whenever someone says Nvidia sucks (and that's very common here) I always say NO. You won't see the opposite, but I would say the same.

Don't continue with this subject, as it's offtopic.
Posted on Reply
you assume that my join date dirrectly correlates with when i found tpu??

you are dumb-stupid if you belive that.........just because i lurked for a good long time insted of joining up dosnt mean jack shit........

I found tpu back in the 8500(Flash mod) and 9500pro(256bit) and 9800se(256bit) days looking for bios i could use to unlock their potintials, I joined when i did because thats when i had something to say.

i know people like you, gt200>ati 8800gt>3870 or even 3870x2 because, its nvidia after all...

as to the fail rate, u clearly dont know anybody who works in RMA's at a videocard "oem"(rebadger) the fail raits have been climbing, especially on the 8800gt's and other cards with less then addiquit cooling, the hotter the card gets IN USE the quicker it fails, even if those temps are in the rated safety zone of the chip itself, the packaged is flawed, to much lead, so eventually they start failing, the 8800gt being the most susceptible due to the stock coolers nvidia put on them, OH WAIT Im sorry, you probably feel that the stock 8800gt cooler is PERFECT and that all the bitching about how its a POS is just more ati fanboi bs.........

im using a 8800gts 512, dosnt mean im an nvidia fan, infact with the evidence about the flaw in the design, i wish i could have waited and gotten a card with an ati chip....least they dont have flaws like this.

but hey DarkMatter enjoy your percussion complex, yes everybody here hates nvidia and you by extention!!!!
Posted on Reply
like i have said b4, if u dont like a forum thats ati centric/sided, move over to hardforums u will love it, they will bann people for saying nvidia has problems!!!!!
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