Monday, January 19th 2009

Phenom II X4 In For Price-Cuts?

Barely a month into its launch, AMD's newest processors, the Phenom II X4 920 and Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition, are already in for global price-cuts, of as much as 20%, in the days to come. Sources close to the company indicate that the price-cuts are in view of the recent announcement by Intel to significantly lower the prices of certain models of its Core 2 Quad lineup, which pose direct competition to AMD's new chips.

Once implemented, the Phenom II X4 920 would sell for US $195, down from its launch-price of $235, and a whole $50 would be waived off the $275 price-tag of the Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition, sending it down to $225. These price-cuts are not yet officially confirmed or announced by AMD, and so it isn't known as to when exactly they get officially implemented. All prices in 1000 unit tray quantities.
Source: Hardware-Infos
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31 Comments on Phenom II X4 In For Price-Cuts?

Though i7 seem to be the performance toppers of the tests, AMD still amazes me how much of a fight they have put up in the price segment. Go AMD!
Posted on Reply
Once those 940's hit 200$ I'm getting one.
Posted on Reply
I wonder if it's possible for AMD to truly release something spectacular in terms of price/performance that Intel will not meet.
Posted on Reply
No its not possible, in fact impossible.

Intel's latest results saw an incredible -90% decrease in sales compared to the same period last year (>$200M instead of $2B+), AMD has been bleeding cash for years now, they simply cannot afford it.
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Odin Eidolon
Go amd, go! :rockout:
we need more competition!
Posted on Reply
Hmm .. now a phenom is looking attraactive
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Damn great news for us, bad for AMD (they are selling well from what I can gather) :(
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will there be a possibility the 920 go for under $150 because of new budget Quad bubble gums from I monster?
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suraswamiwill there be a possibility the 920 go for under $150 because of new budget Quad bubble gums from I monster?
Yes but not this week :D
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like someone said above, this is good for us, bad for the company. They just aren't making any money when they keep dropping the prices like this
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Graphical Hacker
I'll pick one of these up after the price cuts. Good prices now!
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Big Member
My 8650 seems very slow all of a sudden :D
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Semi-Retired Folder
This is great for the consumers, I love it. AMD is forcing Intel into price cuts, and Intel is forcing AMD into price cuts, which will force Intel into more price cuts...

I love competition, hopefully the new AM3 Phenoms are out at similar prices, I'll more than likely pick one up to replace my aging s939 machine.
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Bird of Prey
I like it but they need to make some money. I dont know how much they are losing, but eventually sales should overtake the loss :D
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Hell Yeah! Decent Quads for as low as a Phenom X4 B2 OC!
Love the price wars, lets hope AMD holds on.

Go AMD Go! :cool:
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Newegg just cut theirs...
$195 for 920
$235 for 940
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:eek: You can build a monster rig with those prices.
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I don't know if I should be happy because I've already got one and paid the extra $25 for the extra time I've had with it.....or sad that I didn't wait a couple days haha.

Oh well I gladly give AMD a few more bucks if it helps them at all. Anyone that was on the fence about these processors has no reason not to jump now, they're truly excellent even if you go with the locked multiplier PII 920 like I did. It still clocks like mad as long as you've got the board to do it.

3.724Ghz on the stock heatsink I think is pretty good haha. This is a STEAL for anyone getting one at these prices now!

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spearman914:eek: You can build a monster rig with those prices.
Massive understatement :toast:
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KeiMassive understatement :toast:
lmao. :laugh:
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COME ON, they didnt even get here and already are getting price cuts ? I want to live in us :cry:
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FlyordieNewegg just cut theirs...
$195 for 920
$235 for 940
Wow, that's nuts! This was supposed to be the price in volume quantities after the price cuts. Grab them quick guys!
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The Exiled Airman
insiderNo its not possible, in fact impossible.

Intel's latest results saw an incredible -90% decrease in sales compared to the same period last year (>$200M instead of $2B+), AMD has been bleeding cash for years now, they simply cannot afford it.
IDK amd has been in a tough spot before and then they released something very revolutionary that intel was running for the hills, i call that a Diamond in the Rough.
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