Wednesday, February 18th 2009

Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2 Days Away From Clinching Top Spot

ASUS chose last month's CES event to announce its flagship gaming notebook, the W90. Usual high-end specifications aside, the most distinct component used in it is the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2, AMD's flagship mobile graphics platform, which is on the brink of snatching the performance crown away from NVIDIA for the platform. A North American sales representative for ASUS tells GPU Café that the W90 will be available from February 23, which perhaps makes it the launch-date for the Mobility HD 4870 X2. It is also noted that the Mobility HD 4670 will be out around the same time, while Mobility HD 4850 will arrive a week or two later.

XtremeSystems forum member Kinc posted some early performance numbers relating to the Mobility HD 4870 X2, featured on the ASUS W90 with an Intel Core 2 Quad T9400, which effortlessly overclocked to 4 GHz on the notebook's stock cooling system. The Mobility HD 4870 X2 carried clock speeds of 600/900 MHz (core/memory). The notebook used Intel's X38 core-logic. At the said parameters, it was put through 3DMark 06. The notebook secured a score of 20,284 3DMarks at default setting. When released, the Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2 will replace NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTX SLI as the fastest mGPU solution, replicating a similar feat by its desktop cousin.
Sources: GPU Café, XtremeSystems
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78 Comments on Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2 Days Away From Clinching Top Spot

Vanguard Beta Tester
:rockout: NICE!!
Posted on Reply
wow, nice - will be interesting to see the fan noise/temps from that laptop with the CPU oc and the gpu setup, my stock puma based 2.1ghz laptop gets way too hot and loud for my taste...

Shame they seem to have had to squash the numberpad keys on the lappy's keyboard when there is more than enough spare width to have a numberpad with proper sized keys, however it is a bit too difficult to see exactly what size they are due to the angle of the photo..
Posted on Reply
KILLER!!! Thats a real reason to drop $2000 on a laptop! I might look into buying an Asus lappy for my next gaming laptop.
20000 3D marks!!! Amazing!
Posted on Reply
wow... that is insane. I kinda want one... no need... but damn. Awsome.
Posted on Reply
4GHz Quad in a notebook with stock cooling...Damn, desktop part plezz?
Posted on Reply
Wow they are putting a 4870x2 in a laptop? What's the heat going to be like in this beast?
Posted on Reply
wow that is stonking fast

I bet that thing chews through batteries in a matter of minutes
Posted on Reply
Whilhelmwow that is stonking fast

I bet that thing chews through batteries in a matter of minutes
I wonder what they spec the battery life at, 1 hour? :D
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mlee49I wonder what they spec the battery life at, 1 hour? :D
Indead, lol how long is the battery gonna last

Aswell heat issue, I wonder how hot those things get...

20k 3Dmark ... amazing..
Posted on Reply
mlee49I wonder what they spec the battery life at, 1 hour? :D

Ha my lappy hardly gets one hour and its got nothing special on it at all...I would estimate max 30 minutes
Posted on Reply
Hmm.. ok.

This small piece of equiptment yielded a higher 3dmark06 than my desktop. wth. :D. In anycase, I'm guessing with its battery life, it would become a desktop anyways. hehehe
Posted on Reply
Bjorn_Of_IcelandHmm.. ok.

This small piece of equiptment yielded a higher 3dmark06 than my desktop. wth. :D. In anycase, I'm guessing with its battery life, it would become a desktop anyways. hehehe
Its definitely a "Desktop Replacement" laptop. Constant power supply a must and active cooling required for overclocking/gaming.
Posted on Reply
Pretty awesome. I'd like to see this in action.
Watch them give it a tiny resolution to reduce costs...
Posted on Reply
screw the 4870x2.WHERE did they get a quad core:eek:
Posted on Reply
AltecV1screw the 4870x2.WHERE did they get a quad core:eek:
Quads fore notebook's have been out for a while now lol :p
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Not a Potato
Laptop = battery life > performance
Desktop replacement notebook = performance > battery life
Posted on Reply
the heat! My GOD the HEAT! I think you would have burn marks on your thighs LOL.
Posted on Reply
AltecV1not STOCK you fool
I could read. 4GHz Stock cooling. Forgot to add the c word. :D
Posted on Reply
Can you bake a cake with it?
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Better Than Native
over 99% of us wont buy mobility gear anyway, so meh, unimpressed.

as for ATi "snatching" the crown back off nvidia, hardly. :laugh:
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GPU Cafe Representative
wolfover 99% of us wont buy mobility gear anyway, so meh, unimpressed.

as for ATi "snatching" the crown back off nvidia, hardly. :laugh:
So I guess Matrox has the fastest gaming solution for notebooks? ;)
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
GPUCafeSo I guess Matrox has the fastest gaming solution for notebooks? ;)
dont count them out just yet :rolleyes:
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