Wednesday, February 25th 2009

Intel Wants Netbook Trademark Canceled too

Now that Dell started the legal war with PSION, it's time for Intel to go in persuit of the "Netbook" trademark. The latter has filled a petition in the U.S. District Court against PSION TEKLOGIX. This action arises from the allegations recently launched by PSION that it has the exclusive right to use the term "Netbook". Intel claims PSION trademarked the term for its laptop computers, but discontinued its line of laptops in 2003. Effective that date, the term is no longer under PSION's supervision. Now Intel demands cancellation of the "Netbook" trademark for little computers. Intel claims the public already uses the term generically, as "extensions of the notebook category, smaller computers purpose-built for mobile Internet access." Accordingly, the court should cancel PSION's trademark registration and enjoin PSION from asserting rights in the netbook term. A copy of the petition is posted here.
Source: Courthouse News Service
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7 Comments on Intel Wants Netbook Trademark Canceled too

"I go fast!1!11!1!"
So Intel wants to make Netbook ineligible for trademarking? Sounds good to me.
Posted on Reply
so much fuss for a single word. I wish they focused their energy to do usefull things instead :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
I'm sure glad nobody has the trademark for "Childish A$$holes", cause that's what these stupid lawsuits make them look like.
Posted on Reply
I want the term Intel cancelled too. The term "intel" for "intelligence" is rife throughout intelligence agencies and Hollywood.

Cancel trademark on the name Intel. :pimp:

I want the term Dell cancelled too. The term "oh no, not another dell" is used in corporate circles to mean a box of proprietary parts with expensive service contracts serviced by muppets. The term is rife throughout US and European companies.

Cancel trademark on the name Dell. :pimp:

Too many lawyers; too much time (TM)

You can sign the petition here
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pr0n Inspector
what? "Netbook" is a trademark?! well then GO INTEL GO sue their asses off.
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Super Dainty Moderator
yay im glad all the money iv given to intel gets put twords arguing with some random compay over a word...a WORD that was trademarked years ago.....does that seem to anyone else like a total waste of resources?
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The Lurker
lemonadesodaThe term "oh no, not another dell" is used in corporate circles to mean a box of proprietary parts with expensive service contracts serviced by muppets. The term is rife throughout US and European companies.
Classic. LMAO :roll:
Posted on Reply
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