Tuesday, May 12th 2009

Windows 7 to Hit Retail This Holiday Season
Laying to rest months of speculation surrounding the launch date of Windows 7, Microsoft categorically stated that it is readying the OS to ship in time for the holiday shopping season (aka Christmas 2009 shopping season). "With early RC testing and extensive partner feedback we've received, Windows 7 is tracking well for holiday availability," says Bill Veghte, senior VP of the Windows Business at Microsoft. The launch comes ahead of what was earlier speculated, "three years after the launch of Windows Vista", putting it sometime early 2010. Windows 7 launch will be accompanied by the company's release of Windows Server 2008 R2. While the company is yet to provide an actual release date, a recent statement from Acer's Bobby Watkins saying that it would reach retail by October 23 sounds plausible. It comes after the "back to school" season, and weeks ahead of the holiday shopping season.
TechConnect Magazine
71 Comments on Windows 7 to Hit Retail This Holiday Season
hell, CD burners were expensive enough.
Remember the huge Windows 95 hoopla which was also an X-mas release? Everybody was going nuts about it!! I look back now and say.."What was the big deal?" :laugh:
Looking forward to this release, i will have until march to buy it for my main rig though. Hope it'll come down in price something by then.
*counts my money*
EDIT: though it's 2 DVDs, it's one key for both versions.