Thursday, June 11th 2009

Battlefield 3 Confirmed, Beta in the Making?
The CEO of Electronic Arts (EA), John Pleasants confirmed that the company will publish Battlefield 3, the newest addition to the Battlefield franchise, which is one of the most popular online team-based tactical-shooter games. Pleasants spoke with TechFragments, during a presentation at the William Blair Growth Stock Conference in Chicago. "I've had the luxury of looking at Battlefield 3 over at DICE in Sweden and was highly impressed by the way the team is working on that product. Of course, that's not in [this] fiscal year, but that is a product that is looking very good.", he said.
The source also shed some light on the game, which inherits its gameplay from Battlefield 2, and will be similar to it. The game will support up to 40 players per team, will feature 24 different vehicles, and 17 different weapons. Some kinds equipment need to be unlocked in order to use them, which serve as achievements in online play. From what EA says, the game will not make it this year, though it is likely that it will hit stores in the winter holiday season of 2010. A beta could serve as prelude to the launch, which may arrive by summer of 2010, according to the source.
The source also shed some light on the game, which inherits its gameplay from Battlefield 2, and will be similar to it. The game will support up to 40 players per team, will feature 24 different vehicles, and 17 different weapons. Some kinds equipment need to be unlocked in order to use them, which serve as achievements in online play. From what EA says, the game will not make it this year, though it is likely that it will hit stores in the winter holiday season of 2010. A beta could serve as prelude to the launch, which may arrive by summer of 2010, according to the source.
88 Comments on Battlefield 3 Confirmed, Beta in the Making?
OH HELL YES. 80 player awesomeness sounds win.
I'm getting it!
Not only did they completely ignore bug reports and exploits for the longest time, they actually released expansion packs before fixing these things!
Add in the fact that by purchasing expansion packs, you were gaining an advantage (since it came with better weapons) and you've got a complete stew of bullshit.
EA and Dice can literally eat my shit with a knife and fork.
They have release a recent (like last few weeks) new patch that may have extended that. I played BF2 and the BF2 demos and never saw a 100 man map.
this is some of the features from a leaked source that grabbed my attention. so it looks like they reduced the classes from 7 to 5 however they sound pretty configurable. and hopefully the maps will be designed bigger to accommodate the new max players value instead of just changing it. I think Battlefield 3 will be big but I don't think it's going to have that same ground breaking effect the other two had.
If you are just looking for number of people, then check out MAG.
I kinda hope this gets ported to PC. While I may not see all the stuff going on in the field, it would be cool to see it in the distance.