Budget HD-DVD Player to Include Seven Free HD-DVDs
Blu-ray is an extremely popular HD media format at the moment, mainly because 2.5 million out of the 3 million Blu-ray players out there are PS3s. In an attempt to follow this success streak, the HD-DVD promoters are trying to promote their format by making sure everyone has more than enough HD-DVD movies to go around. When a customer buys a Venturer SHD7001, they get seven free HD-DVD movies. These disks come as a voucher for seven disks, which is redeemable at any store that sells HD-DVDs. This sales event is confirmed in the United Kingdom, and it is very likely that it will soon spread around the world. At the moment, the Venturer HD-DVD player promises to cost under £200, and should become available exclusively through QVC on December 29th.