Nanoxia puts the Deep Silence 3 into a black and white cardboard box, with the front holding a simple drawing of the chassis, alongside some icons for its features. The rear details these features and both side panels are identical. You will find the chassis' specifications and a mention of which color variant is within the box on those.
Styrofoam spacers hold the chassis in place and protect it from falling damage, while a plastic bag keeps fingerprints and light scratches away.
Nanoxia also includes a well-sorted set of all-black screws, some zip ties, and a CPU power extension cable. There are also solid rubber grommets, which you may use to replace those Nanoxia already pre-applied to the rear of the case. Nanoxia even includes a 5.25" to 3.5" drive-bay adapter, with a suitable front. All in all, this is a mighty fine set of extras.
Last, but not least, a detailed manual has also been included. It should prove useful to those first-time builders out there.