Saturday, September 19th 2009

DFI Mashes Two Systems into One, Rolls out Hybrid Motherboard
The term 'Hybrid' these days probably relates most to hybrid cars. DFI has taken the concept of two machines - a high-power one, and an energy-efficient one, to a whole new level with its Hybrid P45-ION-T2A2 socket LGA 775 motherboard. This motherboard literally packs two motherboards sharing a PCB: one P45+ICH10R based socket LGA-775 system, and another portion holding an Intel Atom processor powered by NVIDIA ION chipset. Each has its own memory and storage subsystems, and share the machine's IO (input devices and display) in a somewhat KVM-style. So even as the major system is busy playing games, transcoding media, or running other power-hungry tasks, the minor system is quietly running the downloads, playing music, etc. When the major system is not needed, the minor system provides enough juice for media consumption and internet browsing, and general productivity at a really low energy footprint. A pretty neat concept. DFI's engineers describe it further in this YouTube video.
82 Comments on DFI Mashes Two Systems into One, Rolls out Hybrid Motherboard
A FAR better solution is to a LV i5 system. Faster. Also low power on idle. And cheaper (once you consider the additional cost of the extra HDD and OS license required here).
Asymetric processing, low power, all good ideas. But this is no better than running 2 machines with a KMY switch or with DameWare Remote Control. In fact running 2 separate machines is smarter, since you can upgrade each independently... AND use them in separate locations if you wish... and allow 2 users as and when.
"Share files".WTF? I think we have been sharing files between networked PCs and NAS systems and adding desktop shortcuts for years.
JESUS! $399, ok I don't want one.
I guess thw whole point of this is to only have 1 machine, and obviously in one location. This would be a seriously good thing if you were very cramped for space, say in your 10x10foot tokyo apartment (which I clearly have)
so you wife can use the ION part and you can use P45 part :rolleyes:
Two chasis: yes that is the gain on this system. Only one box and one PSU.
- Two HDDs needed
- Two memory systems
- Two sets of licenses for all software
- Software updates need to be installed twice. Twice the time and effort. What a pain.
- Applications get "stuck" on one side of the machine. Want to do it faster? You need to move everything across
Price the above plus add $200 for the "extra" cost of this mainboard over an i5 board, and you have more than paid for an i5 LV plus you have spare change. Alternatively, Zotac does a nice ION s775 system, and you can buy a low power Q9400s for less than the price of this hybrid motherboardIts pretty cool,you could be downloading yer torrents on the smaller machine,while gameing on the p45 setup.Nice but expensive.
1./ User/student living in studio/tokyo apartment
2./ The Atom side is NOT used for Windows but has a Linux webserver distro on it for running a small webserver/NAS
That does make sense. Windows on one machine only. Processor independent webserver (or such like) on the other. Especially for a developer. Running VMware is a PITA for the "small" user.
ION2 when released maybe, but regular ION is just not so great TBH. It cannot handle HuluHD stutter free even when heavily OC'ed occording to a review I had seen.
You can move to i7 at that price. :o
As it is just 2 computers, except 2 very limited computers as they are stuck with each other.
i wonder if they can combine AMD and INTEL platform, it will super duper totally uber cool (maybe socket AM2+/AM3+socket LGA 115)
"the minor system is quietly running the downloads," :laugh: