Monday, April 5th 2010

It is Estimated that Half a Million iPads Could Have Been Sold for Launch Weekend.
Despite reservations about the iPad's lack of flash and multitasking capability from many in the tech community it appears the iPad is and will be immensely popular. Apple reports sales numbers of 300,000 units for Saturday alone, but has not released sales numbers for Sunday. Gene Munster, an Apple analyst for Piper Jaffray, believes sales did not slow significantly for Sunday and possibly 600,000 units were sold over the entire weekend. If this is true it would make sales numbers for the iPad launch significantly higher than the figures for the launch of the iPhone. While there were some reports of stores not having enough iPads most stores had plenty. Apple seems to have provided enough stock to feed the thronging hordes of Apple fans.
CNN Money
84 Comments on It is Estimated that Half a Million iPads Could Have Been Sold for Launch Weekend.
It's because of the iPhone that manu's began making competitive phones like the G1, Pre, Droid, etc. Apple is a game changer and thinks outside the box that most manu's focus within. Yeah, Apple charges a lot, but who else is making brilliant products like Apple is? No other company is making quality products like Apple does outside of the desktop and mobile computer market. First iPod's, then iPhone's, and now the iPad, they are brilliant.
I don't like the company because of some of the ways they do business and lock people into things - but in most cases it is those practices that have led to the success of the company's products. The thing that pissed me the most, and why I have sworn myself off iTunes, is their 5-computer activation limit on music bought from iTunes. I have a bunch of albums that I bought from them that I can't use now because I have changed pieces of hardware in my PC. :mad:
EDIT: It was inevitable.
I guess 800 songs isn't enough for you on-the-go then xD I usually keep all the songs I like to listen to on-the-go or in the car in my iTouch, but the rest stay in my harddrive, since I listen to them not so often... :p But I usually listen to ~5 ish new songs of the month and ~10 ish that are 2-3 months old, and another 5 that are older :laugh: Aside from those 20 songs that keep on repeating themselves in my playlist, I listen to the others when I have the craving to listen to that particular song
If I had a car, I'm not sure I'd need an iPod as much - as I'd listen to the radio more. On my iPod I have 4,117.
I like having some songs at full blast with the Bass maxed out in the car with my friends though :D