Monday, April 5th 2010

It is Estimated that Half a Million iPads Could Have Been Sold for Launch Weekend.

Despite reservations about the iPad's lack of flash and multitasking capability from many in the tech community it appears the iPad is and will be immensely popular. Apple reports sales numbers of 300,000 units for Saturday alone, but has not released sales numbers for Sunday. Gene Munster, an Apple analyst for Piper Jaffray, believes sales did not slow significantly for Sunday and possibly 600,000 units were sold over the entire weekend. If this is true it would make sales numbers for the iPad launch significantly higher than the figures for the launch of the iPhone. While there were some reports of stores not having enough iPads most stores had plenty. Apple seems to have provided enough stock to feed the thronging hordes of Apple fans.
Source: CNN Money
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84 Comments on It is Estimated that Half a Million iPads Could Have Been Sold for Launch Weekend.

Addicted to Bacon and StarCrunches!!!
i probly will NEVER own one.
Posted on Reply
No offense to anybody who bought one, but good lord. If only we could utilize Apple's brainwashing techniques to end world violence and hunger.
Posted on Reply
I honestly can't believe that the iPad sold over 500,000 units...
DanishDevilNo offense to anybody who bought one, but good lord. If only we could utilize Apple's brainwashing techniques to end world violence and hunger.
+1 to that DD!
Posted on Reply
And I thought we are in a recession...
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Senior Moderator
xrealm20I honestly can't believe that the iPad sold over 500,000 units...
Who knows maybe they didn't this is only one analysts opinion. If they did though... :twitch:
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Xtreme Refugee
brandonwh64i probly will NEVER own one.
neither will i, but i dont even want one, if someone gave me one i would most likely hand it off to my sister
Posted on Reply
Phxprovostneither will i, but i dont even want one, if someone gave me one i would most likely hand it off to my sister
i would do the same but sell it to some mindless apple user instead.

and i though the average persons technically knowledge was low enough..., guess not.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
It would be nice having one, but not at that price. It's just a plus size iPhone. :shadedshu:
Posted on Reply
FrickIt would be nice having one, but not at that price. It's just a plus size iPhone. :shadedshu:
which an iphone in my opinion is just a blackberry with games on it. and shit security.
Posted on Reply
yea but I actually know someone who bought one and got to use it, she hates it, but she won't admit it, and its actually pretty hard to hold and type at the same time because its really slim and if you were to use on your lap it slides off alot, you have to lay it on a flat surface, you might think you can hold it with one hand and type but once you actually try it its not easy, its pretty resistant to scratches but very weak when it comes to dropping, even dropping it on a carpet can damage it.
Posted on Reply
At first I was "meh." Then I saw this (which started as an April Fools joke):

That changes my mind a bit, especially since they might actually make them. Still prices will have to come down, and things such as multi tasking need to be worked out. Anyways, I expect many, many copies of this thing from other manufacturers.
Posted on Reply
Black Panther
I can't understand why people would want one.

It's way too bulky for a phone.
Yet way too small for a pc, even a netbook would be better?
Posted on Reply
Nothing like showing up late to the party with bad info. Apple already came out and said they sold 300k, not the 1/2mil or even 700k that some analyst predicted. And of course lets not mention Apple is counting shipped devices, not actual sales. So who knows how many are sitting at the stores.
Posted on Reply
It's smaller than a netbook, but way less functionality
Posted on Reply
RicheemXXNothing like showing up late to the party with bad info. Apple already came out and said they sold 300k, not the 1/2mil or even 700k that some analyst predicted. And of course lets not mention Apple is counting shipped devices, not actual sales. So who knows how many are sitting at the stores.
they sold 300K on Saturday... we are talking bout weekend sale
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
epicfailwhich an iphone in my opinion is just a blackberry with games on it. and shit security.
Now here's something I cannot agree on. But nevermind.

And, I would like it if it was like an ultra light Macbook, but it's not. Apple's products are usually solid, even if they come with a premium price, but this is just .. not what I expected.
Posted on Reply
RicheemXXNothing like showing up late to the party with bad info... ...So who knows how many are sitting at the stores.
Your statement is contradictory. At least you got your jab in, right?;) It is CNN...
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Overclocking Surrealism
Is there an upgrade/overclock app? No? Good day sirs!
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Senior Moderator
RicheemXXNothing like showing up late to the party with bad info. Apple already came out and said they sold 300k, not the 1/2mil or even 700k that some analyst predicted. And of course lets not mention Apple is counting shipped devices, not actual sales. So who knows how many are sitting at the stores.
Please actually read what is written before attempting to correct someone. It is a good rule of thumb.
Polaris573Despite reservations about the iPad's lack of flash and multitasking capability from many in the tech community it appears the iPad is and will be immensely popular. Apple reports sales numbers of 300,00 units for Saturday alone, but has not released sales numbers for Sunday. Gene Munster, an Apple analyst for Piper Jaffray, believes sales did not slow significantly for Sunday and possibly 600,000 units were sold over the entire weekend. If this is true it would make sales numbers for the iPad launch significantly higher than the figures for the launch of the iPhone. While there were some reports of stores not having enough iPads most stores had plenty. Apple seems to have provided enough stock to feed the thronging hordes of Apple fans.
Posted on Reply
well it does seem people love apple garbage as much as people love apple sauce!:o
Posted on Reply
I went and checked the ipad out yesterday, Its actually one of the smoothest Apple devices Ive ever used. The Keyboard/pad design makes it were I can type faster then I can on this Logitech keyboard. It wasn't to heavy also, and with such a big screen, and yet its so smooth, i saw guys with honda's placing orders on the ipad at the apple store.

I love the whole feel of it, and its a great device and there is nothing else out like it ATM.

With some firmware mods, and that 1Ghz processor in there, that ipad will be epic :D

But all of the desktops and laptops I saw over at the store, i don't like them at all and i'm happy with my PC For lIFe!
Posted on Reply
To all the Apple bashing... please stop. You all know the iPad is a fantastic product, just except it. Its cheaper than most tablets, its faster, it does more, it has a beautiful display, its 100% touchscreen, its perfect for computer users who don't play games. This is an amazing product, it WILL sale like crazy, and before a years time it will be just as popular as iPod's, iTouch's, iPhone's. I don't see sales decreasing. Apple's stock has shot up crazy high, I see these selling well until Christmas, and selling even more come holiday time. I'd love one, but I don't have money to buy one. If I did have money, I'd have one right now.
Posted on Reply
My bad misread the damn Apple report...guess that's what happens when you jump the gun a bit. Considering it was Easter Sunday I highly doubt they sold an additional 200k though. And as I said they aren't counting actual sales, they are counting units shipped. I'd put the numbers below 250K
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Senior Moderator
RicheemXXMy bad misread the damn Apple report...guess that's what happens when you jump the gun a bit. Considering it was Easter Sunday I highly doubt they sold an additional 200k though. And as I said they aren't counting actual sales, they are counting units shipped. I'd put the numbers below 250K
I agree the estimate is probably on the high side too, but we'll see.
Posted on Reply
It's definitely a sleek looking product and has gotten some rave reviews. I'm not sure if I should spring for this or a Kindle DX.
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