Thursday, January 13th 2011

Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II

Here, take some salt. AMD reportedly gave out performance figures in a presentation to its partners, performance figures seen by DonanimHaber. It is reported that an 8-core processor based on the "Bulldozer" high-performance CPU architecture is pitched by its makers to have 50% higher performance than existing processors such as the Core i7 950 (4 cores, 8 threads), and Phenom II X6 1100T (6 cores). Very little is known about the processor, including at what clock speed the processor was running at, much less what other components were driving the test machine.

Taking this information into account, the said Bulldozer based processor should synthetically even outperform Core i7 980X six-core, Intel's fastest desktop processor in the market. Built from ground-up, the Bulldozer architecture focuses on greater inter-core communication and reconfigured ALU/FPU to achieve higher instructions per clock cycle (IPC) compared to the previous generation K10.5, on which its current Phenom II series processors are based. The processor is backed by new 9-series core logic, and a new AM3+ socket. AMD is expected to unveil this platform a little later this year.
Source: DonanimHaber
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424 Comments on Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II

Better Than Native
all i got to say is +1 newtekie1.

what you are saying makes perfect logical sense.

if you were to be building a new system based on an AM3 (lets say Thuban 6 core) CPU when AM3+ boards are out, but BD is NOT yet out, sure get an AM3+ mobo so your set for BD.

if you have and AM2+ or AM3 mobo and AM3 (lets say Thuban 6 core) CPU NOW, there is no reason to get an AM3+ mobo, unless perhaps your board lacks something you particularly want, like sata 6gbps, or DDR3, for example.

if it's all fine now, why spend money on a new board for no gain, it will be cheaper (not to mention there will be more choice) when BD is out and in the flesh.

Posted on Reply
newtekie1He has the $200 for the motherboard now. He has the $200 for the motherboard in 6 months. So in 6 months, he can afford both.

I've read it, and re-read it. You haven't explained anything. You haven't explained why he wouldn't have the money it 6 months that he has right now.

Yes they do. Even the craziest rednecks living in the most backwoods hut can take $200 that they currently have, stick it in a mattress, and leave it there for 6 months. I'm not sure what world you live in where this isn't possible.

As above^
Im not going to debate more on this, i think we have both shared our views on it, i think its time for others to comment and have there say, don't you think?

And for the redneck answer, as i thought your only thinking about 1 country, sorry not every country like the USA has the money to do so, i can give you a list of over 1500 here alone just in my town in AUS that could not afford it all in one big go.

Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
wolfall i got to say is +1 newtekie1.

what you are saying makes perfect logical sense.

if you were to be building a new system based on an AM3 (lets say Thuban 6 core) CPU when AM3+ boards are out, but BD is NOT yet out, sure get an AM3+ mobo so your set for BD.

if you have and AM2+ or AM3 mobo and AM3 (lets say Thuban 6 core) CPU NOW, there is no reason to get an AM3+ mobo, unless perhaps your board lacks something you particularly want, like sata 6gbps, or DDR3, for example.

if it's all fine now, why spend money on a new board for no gain, it will be cheaper (not to mention there will be more choice) when BD is out and in the flesh.

I think Melvis is basing his opinion on some weird idea that saving is impossible...
MelvisIm not going to debate more on this, i think we have both shared our views on it, i think its time for others to comment and have there say, don't you think?

And for the redneck answer, as i thought your only thinking about 1 country, sorry not every country like the USA has the money to do so, i can give you a list of over 1500 here alone just in my town in AUS that could not afford it all in one big go.

Country doesn't matter. Again, you seem to completely ignore the fact that the concept of saving money exists.

No matter what country you are in, if you have the money to buy the motherboard now, you can stick it under your mattress and you will have it when you can afford the processor. It doesn't matter if we are talking $200USD or 17,109PKR, the idea remains the same.

Perhaps it is illegal to save in Australia?
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
newtekie1Perhaps it is illegal to save in Australia?
shhh don't say that out loud!
Posted on Reply
newtekie1I think Melvis is basing his opinion on some weird idea that saving is impossible...

Country doesn't matter. Again, you seem to completely ignore the fact that the concept of saving money exists.
Nope didn't say that at all, maybe you should read back again^

Lets make it easy for you, lets put someone that has this issue right here infront of you now.

Hello ITS ME, i have a very hard time saving money, i for one CAN NOT save enough money to go out and buy these new parts (bulldozer, mobo) to save my self. Now or 6months from now.

I take offense to that to be honest, and not pleased at all. :shadedshu

If i wanted to upgrade to bulldozer i for one would buy a mobo now and maybe in the furture i would have the funds to buy one.

I guess you cant get around it that there is people that have this issue??
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
MelvisNope didn't say that at all, maybe you should read back again^

Lets make it easy for you, lets put someone that has this issue right here infront of you now.

Hello ITS ME, i have a very hard time saving money, i for one CAN NOT save enough money to go out and buy these new parts (bulldozer, mobo) to save my self. Now or 6months from now.

I take offense to that to be honest, and not pleased at all. :shadedshu

If i wanted to upgrade to bulldozer i for one would buy a mobo now and maybe in the furture i would have the funds to buy one.

I guess you cant get around it that there is people that have this issue??
it just doesnt make sense to me either... for all that you would gain from the mobo you mayaswell hide the money you'd spend on it and pretend (tell yourself) you bought and installed the mobo, so you dont even think you have the money anymore.

give it to a mate and ask him to keep it for 6 months, anything like that, i think its a better idea than buying an AM3+ mobo before the CPU you want to go on it, considering you have nothing to gain from using it in the meantime.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
MelvisNope didn't say that at all, maybe you should read back again^

Lets make it easy for you, lets put someone that has this issue right here infront of you now.

Hello ITS ME, i have a very hard time saving money, i for one CAN NOT save enough money to go out and buy these new parts (bulldozer, mobo) to save my self. Now or 6months from now.

I take offense to that to be honest, and not pleased at all. :shadedshu

If i wanted to upgrade to bulldozer i for one would buy a mobo now and maybe in the furture i would have the funds to buy one.

I guess you cant get around it that there is people that have this issue??
Yes, you can save enough money to go out and buy these new parts, you choose not to. Don't make it sound like it is impossible, because it definitely isn't.

If these processor are going to be as expensive as you say they are, and you absolutely can not save money at all, you will never be able to afford the processor. No?
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Yes, you can save enough money to go out and buy these new parts, you choose not to. Don't make it sound like it is impossible, because it definitely isn't.

If these processor are going to be as expensive as you say they are, and you absolutely can not save money at all, you will never be able to afford the processor. No?
I didnt say it ISNT, im saying that it can be very hard to and there is cases that people cant save, but only save enough to pay the bills. I for one can save (not alot if any) but we are talking about Bulldozer here, if its going to be a sub $200 CPU then YAY, but i doubt it.

You also gotta think that i could yes one day be able to buy one of these new CPU's but if the cost is anything like what the old FX series was id have to buy it off ebay second hand, that's how i would have to do it.

I make less then $300 a week, just to give you a heads up, in a country that is double everything in cost compared to USA, some times triple.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
MelvisI didnt say it ISNT, im saying that it can be very hard to and there is cases that people cant save, but only save enough to pay the bills. I for one can save (not alot if any) but we are talking about Bulldozer here, if its going to be a sub $200 CPU then YAY, but i doubt it.

You also gotta think that i could yes one day be able to buy one of these new CPU's but if the cost is anything like what the old FX series was id have to buy it off ebay second hand, that's how i would have to do it.

I make less then $300 a week, just to give you a heads up, in a country that is double everything in cost compared to USA, some times triple.
Ok, again none of this matters. The total cost of the upgrade is lets just say $1000 for examples sake. Lets say you can save $20 a week after paying all your bills(you aren't saving money to pay bills, the money left over after paying bills is what you save). You've been saving for 10 weeks, so on the day AM3+ motherboards are released you have $200 saved and that would buy you the motherboard. The bulldozer processor is going to cost $800.

Ok, now you could buy the board or you could continue to save. You don't loose that $200 that you already have saved up if you don't buy the motherboard. You aren't using that money to pay bills. So you keep saving, and 40 weeks later you have now saved up the $1000 and can buy the motherboard and processor at the same time.

It sounds like you are trying to say that if you don't buy the motherboard you will use the money to pay bills, but if you need that $200 to pay bills and have bought the motherboard what are you going to do? Not pay the bills?:confused:

And the people that are just making enough to pay bills aren't upgrading computer parts. Not now, not in 6 months. They never have the extra money to do this.

I really don't care what you make, if you can save the $200 to buy the motherboard, you can keep that $200 and continue to save. How much you make doesn't affect this fact. When I build my first gaming computer I was making $5/h bringing home less than $200 a week. It took me a year to save up the $500 to buy the motherboard and processor.
Posted on Reply
*sigh* Nevermind, you just don't get it.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Melvis*sigh* Nevermind, you just don't get it.
No, you just don't make any logical sense.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1No, you just don't make any logical sense.
No you just don't live in a world that has issues with income, and don't have your type of wages, good luck with the rest of the thread. :toast:
Posted on Reply
Well done, a whole 2 pages of crap guys :)

Seriously who cares, some people as mentioned can't save $ for shit, I'm one of those, some people can, thats cool too. Some people will wait until the CPU and mobos are avaiable and some will drop it on the mobo now as they have the cash and get the CPU later, its not fricken rocket science!

ON TOPIC..... hope BD is a hit and a fair bit faster than PII, along the lines of core i5 and up is needed
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
MelvisNo you just don't live in a world that has issues with income, and don't have your type of wages, good luck with the rest of the thread. :toast:
I'm pretty sure we both live in the same world. Again, issues with income do not affect the fact that you've already saved the money for the motherboard and that money will still be there in 6 months. How exactly do you think your income changes this fact?

How did you even manage to save the money for the motherboard if your income is such an issue? How do you ever plan on saving enough for Bulldozer if your income is such and issue? Explain that to me.
NdMk2o1oWell done, a whole 2 pages of crap guys :)

Seriously who cares, some people as mentioned can'tchoose not to save $ and will never have enough money to buy bulldozer in the first place for shit, I'm one of those, some people can, thats cool too. Some people will wait until the CPU and mobos are avaiable and some will drop it on the mobo now as they have the cash and get the CPU later, its not fricken rocket science!

ON TOPIC..... hope BD is a hit and a fair bit faster than PII, along the lines of core i5 and up is needed
Posted on Reply
newtekie1I'm pretty sure we both live in the same world. Again, issues with income do not affect the fact that you've already saved the money for the motherboard and that money will still be there in 6 months. How exactly do you think your income changes this fact?

How did you even manage to save the money for the motherboard if your income is such an issue? How do you ever plan on saving enough for Bulldozer if your income is such and issue? Explain that to me.

Seriousley NT you're coming off like an ass, you know what he means by some people are no good at saving and yet are being pedantic about the whole thing. I get your point but I think it's been and gone. And this "and will never have enough money to buy bulldozer in the first place" is just immature imo :rolleyes:

It's too damned early for me
backs slowly out of thread and gets 2nd cup of coffee :o
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
NdMk2o1oSeriousley NT you're coming off like an ass, you know what he means by some people are no good at saving and yet are being pedantic about the whole thing. I get your point but I think it's been and gone. And this "and will never have enough money to buy bulldozer in the first place" is just immature imo :rolleyes:

It's too damned early for me
At this point, it is kind of intentional because he has been an ass for a while now.

I get the point that some people are no good at saving(though he seems to jump back and for between some people are no good at saving to it is impossible to save because they don't make any money). But his point is that Bulldozer will be super expensive. So if you put those two(three) points of his together, the only possible outcome is that these people will never be able to afford Bulldozer. Is there some other conclusion we should be drawing from these two(three) points?:confused:

My point is that if you are able to save up the money for the motherboard, and are continuing to save for the processor, the money you've already saved for the motherboard will continue to be there. I get that some people feel that money in their wallet will burn a hole in it, and must be spent. But if these people can't even manage to hold onto $200, roughly the cost of a high end motherboard, without running out spending it as quickly as possible, how will they ever manage to save the $800+ for a Bulldozer processor?

It's early for you, but late for me, time for bed.:toast:
Posted on Reply
I like how because this news is from AMD its Fud, but If intel made the exact same claims then everyone on this forum would bend over backwards to Suck praise intel.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
Musselsyou hope its not true? shit, a near 20% boost at the same clocks is exactly what you want from a replacement CPU.

If AMD can get 20% faster than current at the same clocks and 12 cores out... they may not win over intel fanboys and their single threaded games/benchmarks, but everyone else will be damned glad for the excessive multithreaded performance.
Rumor has it that LGA2011 is also supposed to bring 12 core cpus. That's 24 threads, and bulldozer getting bulldozed.

Even speaking in current gen, the 4 core HTT i7 threads just as well as 6 core AMD's in things like encoding, giving almost Identical performance per clock, so I'm not sure where the "Intel fanboys and their single threaded games/benchmarks" statement comes from?
newtekie1Yes, but what is the point in upgrading just the motherboard? It will add little performance to no performance or features, and you pay more for it then you would if you waited 6 months until you had the cash for the motherboard and processor.

It is an unneeded upgrade that you would be doing for no other reason than to be able to say you did it. People truly low on funds don't do that.
I agree. This whole new AMD gen is no different than Intel changing sockets. You still have to buy both a new mobo and a new cpu to get the benefits of the platform. AM3+ being able to take AM3 cpus doesn't mean squat, as it gives you no performance benefit. On the Intel side, I can buy a new 2011 mobo when it releases, but just continue to use my current setup until I can afford a cpu to put it it. It is no different at all. I get tired of hearing that argument from people blindly devoted to AMD. They are changing the socket just the same as Intel.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
newtekie1How do you figure they were free? Because you had them left over at the end? That doesn't make them free, it just means you paid for extra shit you didn't need. Was your overall out of pocket expense the same by buying the cheap board and processor first as it would have been by just buying what you ended up with up front?
by free, i meant available/leftover. bad choice of a multi purpose word.

"freed up" would be a better choice.

you get improvements in the interim, and a second machine when you're done - and if you had a use for that second machine, awesome.
Posted on Reply
pr0n Inspector
Nick89I like how because this news is from AMD its Fud, but If intel made the exact same claims then everyone on this forum would bend over backwards to Suck praise intel.
It's not from AMD, that's the point.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
Wile E its like this man. Its simple.

I have a 1090T running on a DDR2 board. Now I want to upgrade to a DDR3 board. SO all I have to do it buy the 990FX board and I am future proof without the need of a new CPU.

If I were on an Intel platform not only would I have to buy a new board but also a new CPU. Now do you understand? Its not about a massive performance benefit. Its about the flexibility of the platform that allows it to work with a tight budget. If I wanted the 133t's system I wouldn't even be running AMD.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Wile E its like this man. Its simple.

I have a 1090T running on a DDR2 board. Now I want to upgrade to a DDR3 board. SO all I have to do it buy the 990FX board and I am future proof without the need of a new CPU.

If I were on an Intel platform not only would I have to buy a new board but also a new CPU. Now do you understand? Its not about a massive performance benefit. Its about the flexibility of the platform that allows it to work with a tight budget. If I wanted the 133t's system I wouldn't even be running AMD.
You would still not see any improvements with just a board swap. It'd be wiser to wait until you can afford both a board and a CPU, you'd be paying less for the board since the value dropped while you were saving for a CPU.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
KantasticYou would still not see any improvements with just a board swap. It'd be wiser to wait until you can afford both a board and a CPU, you'd be paying less for the board since the value dropped while you were saving for a CPU.
No difference between DDR2 and DDR3? :laugh:
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78Ok man. Read this....

Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II
Ok, so rather than buying the future proof board now, wait until you need the upgrade that you want it for, and buy it then? It'll even be cheaper, and it may support things that a board bought now would not. What's the issue here?

Please don't take me as criticising AMD's backwards and forwards compatibility, I love it. I just don't see why it is cheaper to buy upgrades before you need them.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
blibbaOk, so rather than buying the future proof board now, wait until you need the upgrade that you want it for, and buy it then? It'll even be cheaper, and it may support things that a board bought now would not. What's the issue here?

Please don't take me as criticising AMD's backwards and forwards compatibility, I love it. I just don't see why it is cheaper to buy upgrades before you need them.
Well I do need to upgrade. I need more RAM at a higher speed. If I go 8 gigs on DDR2 I am limited to 800mhz. Thats not the case with DDR3. So the money I saved by skipping the last gen. of mobos is now open to the new gen. which happens to use the new socket. This is not something you can do with an Intel platform.
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