Thursday, January 13th 2011

Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II
Here, take some salt. AMD reportedly gave out performance figures in a presentation to its partners, performance figures seen by DonanimHaber. It is reported that an 8-core processor based on the "Bulldozer" high-performance CPU architecture is pitched by its makers to have 50% higher performance than existing processors such as the Core i7 950 (4 cores, 8 threads), and Phenom II X6 1100T (6 cores). Very little is known about the processor, including at what clock speed the processor was running at, much less what other components were driving the test machine.
Taking this information into account, the said Bulldozer based processor should synthetically even outperform Core i7 980X six-core, Intel's fastest desktop processor in the market. Built from ground-up, the Bulldozer architecture focuses on greater inter-core communication and reconfigured ALU/FPU to achieve higher instructions per clock cycle (IPC) compared to the previous generation K10.5, on which its current Phenom II series processors are based. The processor is backed by new 9-series core logic, and a new AM3+ socket. AMD is expected to unveil this platform a little later this year.
Taking this information into account, the said Bulldozer based processor should synthetically even outperform Core i7 980X six-core, Intel's fastest desktop processor in the market. Built from ground-up, the Bulldozer architecture focuses on greater inter-core communication and reconfigured ALU/FPU to achieve higher instructions per clock cycle (IPC) compared to the previous generation K10.5, on which its current Phenom II series processors are based. The processor is backed by new 9-series core logic, and a new AM3+ socket. AMD is expected to unveil this platform a little later this year.
424 Comments on Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II
As I'm on an AM2+ board I'm using DDR2 so an AM3+ board would let me get some DDR3 and hopefully a better clocking north bridge for a while and if it's worth it an 8 core bulldozer when i feel like it.
It seams keeping AM3 cpu's compatible with the new boards will keep a lot of people happy.
I'm on AM3 on 3 systems and I don't see any reason to upgrade to the AM3+ boards over the AM3 boards that is unless
1) Bulldozer is competing with Sandy bridge or doing better
2) Cheap
Sorry but for someone that already has an AM3 board this is a tough sale
I just can't see switching when you would also need an AM3+ CPU to gain any benefit
So unless I see some Benches from some reliable sources that suggest a major advance over the competitions current lineup I couldn't justify my next build being AMD...
It is an unneeded upgrade that you would be doing for no other reason than to be able to say you did it. People truly low on funds don't do that.
and btw is it true that AMD bring back FX line ? because if its true then i can't wait to buy it
At least he will be ready for Bulldozer and can sit back and wait for the CPU that fits his needs/budget the most.
As to the FX line. If they drop these in like q4 2011 or q1 2012 I suspect they might be on 28nm and will be a refresh. I wonder if they are already spinning silicon now to see how that might go. Especially with the glo-fo 28nm announcements.
This would also give them timeto make whatever tweak and get some early testing in on bulk 28nm that should be comming 2012 1h.
2- more than likely going to be less expensive than SB
3- gonna have to upgrade one day anyways, right?
And lets get real here, a board is going to drop how much in the next 6moths realy? $20? at most? So it makes perfect sense to get a board now IF your funds do not go far enough for both parts, mobo and CPU, and like i said before im pretty sure these CPU's arnt going to be cheap, unless you know different?
2- The price of SandyBridge doesn't matter one bit here.
3- Correct, but spending money now for no improvement doesn't make sense. Spend all the money at once when you can afford the processor as well. In 6 months? $50-60 at least, depending on the board. It does not make perfect sense to upgrade just the motherboard. Again, you point was about people that don't have a lot of money, but you don't want to save money. Even if it is $20, $20 is $20. There is no point in spending that $20 now just to upgrade the motherboard which gains you nothing. It doesn't matter what the processors will cost, your out of pocket expense will be the same. So your logic is faulty. The cost of the processor means nothing.
I'll lay it out for you so you understand.
If you have $200 now, and the board you want costs $200 now. So you buy the board now. You now have $0. In six months you make another $800, Bulldozer costs $800. So buy a Bulldozer processor. Your total out of pocket cost is $1000.
If you have $200 now, and the board you want costs $200 now. You don't buy the motherboard now, instead you save the $200.(Yes, that is possible.). You continue to get the same performance as if you bought the new motherboard. In six months you make another $800, you now have $1000. Bulldozer costs $800. The motherboard has dropped in price to $180. You buy both at the same time, your total out of pocket cost is $980. You get to buy some beer with that extra $20...WIN!!!
See, the price of the processor doesn't matter, that is a constant that you have to pay no matter what. So it is faulty logic to argue that the processor will be expensive, so you should buy the motherboard now. The only time that makes sense is if the concept of saving money doesn't exist...but it does.
Buy cheap motherboard (785G in my case) and cheap CPU for socket (since i had none at the time - reuse old one here if applicable)
save money. buy new CPU (thuban for me), other CPU becomes spare.
buy new motherboard (in my case, went to DDR3 as well)
suddenly - old CPU and budget mobo (and in my case, the ram) are free. damn, second PC to sell and offset the cost (or, become my HTPC)
You say "why" is because the processor will be expensive, so explain why that matters. Is your out of pocket cost less if you buy the board months before the processor? Does that logic make sense to you? How do you figure they were free? Because you had them left over at the end? That doesn't make them free, it just means you paid for extra shit you didn't need. Was your overall out of pocket expense the same by buying the cheap board and processor first as it would have been by just buying what you ended up with up front?
I feel you But as Newteckie said the prices always fall dramatically within a month or two
Illl say it for the third time, IF his budget does NOT cover for both a mobo and a CPU then it makes SENSE to buy a mobo now that can handle future CPU's (Bulldozer) so there for WHEN the CPU's come out, then he can decide on what one he wants and affords, its just plain common sense, shit even id do the same.
And come on how is he out of pocket? hello he would be buying one anyway so there for why not get it in stages IF thats how he can afford it.
He might have lots of bills or whatever,and not have enough cash at that time to afford both, it doesn't matter, its up to the individual and in this case this is the way HE can make it work.
Also it doesnt mean he will have that cash, i think your just saying this how you would do it with your finances? Im saying this for the people that cant do it all in one hit, hell isnt this WHY AMD made these motherboards compatible for the older CPU's? Im not sure what world you live in, but im sorry not all people have this luxury. As above^
Hmmm... I'm really having a hard time thinking of an instance where this wouldn't be possible. Care to enlighten me? As above^