Thursday, January 13th 2011

Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II

Here, take some salt. AMD reportedly gave out performance figures in a presentation to its partners, performance figures seen by DonanimHaber. It is reported that an 8-core processor based on the "Bulldozer" high-performance CPU architecture is pitched by its makers to have 50% higher performance than existing processors such as the Core i7 950 (4 cores, 8 threads), and Phenom II X6 1100T (6 cores). Very little is known about the processor, including at what clock speed the processor was running at, much less what other components were driving the test machine.

Taking this information into account, the said Bulldozer based processor should synthetically even outperform Core i7 980X six-core, Intel's fastest desktop processor in the market. Built from ground-up, the Bulldozer architecture focuses on greater inter-core communication and reconfigured ALU/FPU to achieve higher instructions per clock cycle (IPC) compared to the previous generation K10.5, on which its current Phenom II series processors are based. The processor is backed by new 9-series core logic, and a new AM3+ socket. AMD is expected to unveil this platform a little later this year.
Source: DonanimHaber
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424 Comments on Bulldozer 50% Faster than Core i7 and Phenom II

My name is Dave
That's not entirely true. They are pushing Facebook and Twitter pretty hard, but gain, I don't think that that is enough.

I mean, I see AMD ads fairly often online...but that's about it. A big part of that though, is things like Google adwords prevents stuff like that reaching peopel who wouldn't normally see that sort of stuff...I know that alot of my internet usage is AMD-focused, so Google serves up AMD ads.

So again, do that have to power to actually market worldwide effectively? Probably not. But they do have the money to market to the largest user-base...and that's really, only the OEMs.

I mean, we both know that we already agree on all of this, it's just I do not see it as important as you do, unless truly done on a global scale.

imean really..AMd doesn't need to market to me, and it's kinda my job to market AMD's products to you.
Posted on Reply
im saying after 2 pages of you guys punching and counter punching about only slightly relevant to this thread nonesense(marketing strategy??) i think you should have got a room a while ago:laugh:
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Retired Super Moderator
theoneandonlymrkim saying after 2 pages of you guys punching and counter punching about only slightly relevant to this thread nonesense(marketing strategy??) i think you should have got a room a while ago:laugh:
and I think you should stop poking or flaming the discussion before you get into trouble.

Issue is the whole thread is not much more than speculation, at least this is an intelligent discussion with no feelings being hurt, let it go man!
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
theoneandonlymrkim saying after 2 pages of you guys punching and counter punching about only slightly relevant to this thread nonesense(marketing strategy??) i think you should have got a room a while ago:laugh:
Sure, but you must understand what started the conversation is that this bit of info that started this thread was some guerilla marketing, seemingly more aimed at creating disappointment when the actual product arrives. Alot of people are going to be screaming about how AMD lied about the 50% performance they indicated now, when the product launches. Of course, the info didn't come from AMD, seemingly, so one must wonder why it was even posted in the first place...and I don't mean psoted here on TPU...I mean posted on the orginal website/source.

that point alone, of course, leads to us discussing proper marketing practices. Logical way for the conversation to progess, it seems to me.
Posted on Reply
cadavecaThe big question is...does AMD have the financial brevity to successfully market their products to each and every segment?
TheMailMan78...The fact of the matter is AMD has NO ads ANYWHERE.
I don't see any marketing for AMD except through OEMs and reviews on the consumer level (supplied by AMD marketing).

I see even less advertising. I think computers are a complex market because lets face it, as techies we don't want to see an advertisement. We want reviews, and we want to hear first hand accounts of other users experiences. Its easy to complain that we don't see the advertisements, but I don't think we want them as AMD's primary (consumer) audience.

As far as marketing on the oem/server sides. I don't know what it takes, I don't know what an OEM wants to hear to get a product, I would assume they want a lower priced product. It seems to be that all the major companies release both AMD and Intel based solutions regardless of which has the upper hand, I know more goes into the decision for which they use but we don't hear about it.

P.S. Marketing and Advertising are not the same!
Posted on Reply
ok sorry didnt mean to offend chillax a joke is what it is

I am V interested in this topic i see it as my next upgrade prob and i think you two should both be aware that a statement of performance is niether her nor there as it may have been put out to deter better competition ie downplayed so as to reduce the pressure intel puts on amd or generally be none sense if its actually true it is still mearly a guide as of what to maybe expect final silicon may differ greatly.

and i think if they, AMD flood the market as they will with loads of apu bulldozer derived chips and chipsets OE companies are definately gona buy as it means lower cost more profit better HD handling simples intels trying to move more towards corporately appreciated products (kill switch etc) anyway.. leaving home entertainment for ATI you arent going to see an intel CPU embedded in a telly soon but def AMD
Posted on Reply
Big Member
cadavecaThat's not entirely true. They are pushing Facebook and Twitter pretty hard, but gain, I don't think that that is enough.

I mean, I see AMD ads fairly often online...but that's about it. A big part of that though, is things like Google adwords prevents stuff like that reaching peopel who wouldn't normally see that sort of stuff...I know that alot of my internet usage is AMD-focused, so Google serves up AMD ads.

So again, do that have to power to actually market worldwide effectively? Probably not. But they do have the money to market to the largest user-base...and that's really, only the OEMs.

I mean, we both know that we already agree on all of this, it's just I do not see it as important as you do, unless truly done on a global scale.

imean really..AMd doesn't need to market to me, and it's kinda my job to market AMD's products to you.
I agree. You being more tech orientated and me being from a marketing background we see this differently. I mean if AMD did a viral marketing attack like the old Xbox it would get them some needed hype.
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
Well, see that's what gets me. they have this nugget planted already into alot of people's brains, but do not realize it...

"We helped bring you the stunning graphics in the XBOX360 and the Wii. You already own our products, with millions of consoles in millions of livingrooms around the world.. Now come and see what else we can do."

But do you think the AMD team has the balls to pull that one off? Or have they even considered it?

LoL. Like I said...I need to be AMD's next CEO. They NEED me. :laugh: Killing off the ATI brand was the stupidest thing done under Dirk's Reign of Terror. Too bad that terror was his personal fear of risk.
Posted on Reply
yeah, AMD marketing deos suck, but you must remember guys that on the AMD64 days, intel was bribing OEMS so they won't buy AMD CPU.

btw at least in my country AMD marketing is everywhere even right now(i see they ads on TV and poster in the street) i sell more AMD CPU than intel one and almost every game center and internet cafe use AMD CPU
Posted on Edit | Reply
wahdangunyeah, AMD marketing deos suck, but you must remember guys that on the AMD64 days, intel was bribing OEMS so they won't buy AMD CPU.
Thats true they got their Intel Edge asses Kicked, luckly I got myself a E6300 combo/Mobo/Vista Ultimate Combo from them before they went under. :D
wahdangunbtw at least in my country AMD marketing is everywhere even right now(i see they ads on TV and poster in the street) i sell more AMD CPU than intel one and almost every game center and internet cafe use AMD CPU
Thats kinda a good thing to know, even if we don't see any marketing here that does not mean they aer not marketing somewhere. At least there is some plan. :roll:
Posted on Reply
GSG-9Thats true they got their Intel Edge asses Kicked, luckly I got myself a E6300 combo/Mobo/Vista Ultimate Combo from them before they went under. :D

Thats kinda a good thing to know, even if we don't see any marketing here that does not mean they aer not marketing somewhere. At least there is some plan. :roll:
yeah its quite shocking to me, i mean its just now AMD have really agresive marketing(the poster and start showing of when dragon platform was launched), but on the AMD64 days i never find AMD ads even a poster :roll:
Posted on Edit | Reply
wahdangunyeah its quite shocking to me, i mean its just now AMD have really agresive marketing(the poster and start showing of when dragon platform was launched), but on the AMD64 days i never find AMD ads even a poster :roll:
I actually sent AMD a rant email once complaining about their complete lack of marketing.
My friends were going on and on about their nV & Intel stuff with screensavers, wallpapers, etc, & I thought let me at least find some cool AMD wallpaper to sport at a LAN too, lo and behold... NOTHING! Nothing on the entire intarwebz, well nothing decent anyway, and I was livid with AMD for not giving me, the die hard fan with the only AMD rig among an army of blue and green, even a morsel of brag-room!:shadedshu
Mind you, I did have among the best performing rigs, but you know how it is when the trolls gather... :p
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
inferKNOXI actually sent AMD a rant email once complaining about their complete lack of marketing.
My friends were going on and on about their nV & Intel stuff with screensavers, wallpapers, etc, & I thought let me at least find some cool AMD wallpaper to sport at a LAN too, lo and behold... NOTHING! Nothing on the entire intarwebz, well nothing decent anyway, and I was livid with AMD for not giving me, the die hard fan with the only AMD rig among an army of blue and green, even a morsel of brag-room!:shadedshu
Mind you, I did have among the best performing rigs, but you know how it is when the trolls gather... :p
AMD do give out some marketing stuff. well, ATI did.

and yes, the fans from my PC make it wave in the 'breeze'
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
TheMailMan78I want that flag. How much for the little flag?
flag is not for sale. it'll go well with my OCZ mug TPU shirt.

also, random fact: i have a (distant) relative in the second blues brothers movie.
Posted on Reply
inferKNOXI actually sent AMD a rant email once complaining about their complete lack of marketing.
My friends were going on and on about their nV & Intel stuff with screensavers, wallpapers, etc, & I thought let me at least find some cool AMD wallpaper to sport at a LAN too, lo and behold... NOTHING! Nothing on the entire intarwebz, well nothing decent anyway, and I was livid with AMD for not giving me, the die hard fan with the only AMD rig among an army of blue and green, even a morsel of brag-room!:shadedshu
Mind you, I did have among the best performing rigs, but you know how it is when the trolls gather... :p
are you sure ? because a have a dozen of AMD dragon poster, thats poster is really cool, and i also have a spider platform poster, i will give you the photo when i have my digital camera back
Happiness or Impressed

I'll be very happy if they can compete head to head with Intel, even if at the same price points. I'll be impressed/ecstatic if they can beat them at any price point. Either way, I can't wait for the release!
Posted on Reply
btarunrHere, take some salt. AMD reportedly gave out performance figures in a presentation to its partners, performance figures seen by DonanimHaber. It is reported that an 8-core processor based on the "Bulldozer" high-performance CPU architecture is pitched by its makers to have 50% higher performance than existing processors such as the Core i7 950 (4 cores, 8 threads), and Phenom II X6 1100T (6 cores). Very little is known about the processor, including at what clock speed the processor was running at, much less what other components were driving the test machine.

Taking this information into account, the said Bulldozer based processor should synthetically even outperform Core i7 980X six-core, Intel's fastest desktop processor in the market. Built from ground-up, the Bulldozer architecture focuses on greater inter-core communication and reconfigured ALU/FPU to achieve higher instructions per clock cycle (IPC) compared to the previous generation K10.5, on which its current Phenom II series processors are based. The processor is backed by new 9-series core logic, and a new AM3+ socket. AMD is expected to unveil this platform a little later this year.

Source: DonanimHaber
Until games start utilizing more than 2 or 3 cores the performance is going to be constrained no matter how many additional cores they add. Until there are games that take full advantage of all the cores, it's an expensive waste. A similarly clocked 2 or 3 core probably wouldn't be too much slower. I'm actually impressed by how well the Core i3 games even when compared to a Phenom II x4.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
slideriderUntil games start utilizing more than 2 or 3 cores the performance is going to be constrained no matter how many additional cores they add. Until there are games that take full advantage of all the cores, it's an expensive waste. A similarly clocked 2 or 3 core probably wouldn't be too much slower. I'm actually impressed by how well the Core i3 games even when compared to a Phenom II x4.
Just to be fair, games aren't the only thing cpus are used for.
Posted on Reply
slideriderUntil games start utilizing more than 2 or 3 cores the performance is going to be constrained no matter how many additional cores they add. Until there are games that take full advantage of all the cores, it's an expensive waste. A similarly clocked 2 or 3 core probably wouldn't be too much slower. I'm actually impressed by how well the Core i3 games even when compared to a Phenom II x4.
Firstly, what guy above me said is true.

Secondly more and more games/apps will support multi threading as time goes on, I've already got a whole bunch of programs that use all 6 of my cores.

The rate that multithreading is supported will increase and actually only get faster and faster.

Eventually every app that comes out will be multithreaded by default ( free potential performance boost after all)

Also, bare in mind a some games you can fiddle with settings and force them to multithread :P

Sometimes it doesn't make a difference but other times it will reduce minimum fps/frame drops in general.
Posted on Reply
If it's true and the price is right tis easier to get AMD cpu's here rather than intel, budget wise here in the Philippines AMD is the way to go, and intel chips are rarer and pricier than amd chips here. :(
Posted on Reply
Wile EJust to be fair, games aren't the only thing cpus are used for.
And here I thought this was a gaming forum.
Posted on Reply
slideriderAnd here I thought this was a gaming forum.
Clues in the name of the forum actually :p

he he
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Wile E
Power User
slideriderAnd here I thought this was a gaming forum.
Not really. It's a computer tech forum.
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Big Member
pantherx12Firstly, what guy above me said is true.

Secondly more and more games/apps will support multi threading as time goes on, I've already got a whole bunch of programs that use all 6 of my cores.

The rate that multithreading is supported will increase and actually only get faster and faster.

Eventually every app that comes out will be multithreaded by default ( free potential performance boost after all)

Also, bare in mind a some games you can fiddle with settings and force them to multithread :P

Sometimes it doesn't make a difference but other times it will reduce minimum fps/frame drops in general.
I own a few games that utilize all 6 of my cores.
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