Monday, June 20th 2011

NVIDIA Makes SLI Support on AMD Platform Official with New BETA GeForce Driver
NVIDIA today released its latest version of the GeForce software suite, version 275.50 BETA. With this release, NVIDIA enables SLI support on AMD socket AM3+ platform. The driver enables SLI multi-GPU technology certified AMD 990FX, AMD 990X, and AMD 970 motherboards. Keep in mind, not every AMD 9-series chipset-based motherboard will run SLI, only certified ones, just like not every Intel 5-series and 6-series chipset based motherboard features SLI. Look for the SLI logo when buying the motherboard.
Besides this major change, GeForce 275.50 improves 3D Vision performance on Duke Nukem Forever. It adds new 3D Vision profiles for Duke Nukem Forever Demo, Mars benchmark, Rise of the Immortals, and Rusty Hearts. 3D Vision profile for Alice: Madness Returns is improved. This is a BETA release, use of which is not covered by product warranties. SLI support on AMD, and all features in this release will be carried forward by future WHQL-signed driver releases.
Besides this major change, GeForce 275.50 improves 3D Vision performance on Duke Nukem Forever. It adds new 3D Vision profiles for Duke Nukem Forever Demo, Mars benchmark, Rise of the Immortals, and Rusty Hearts. 3D Vision profile for Alice: Madness Returns is improved. This is a BETA release, use of which is not covered by product warranties. SLI support on AMD, and all features in this release will be carried forward by future WHQL-signed driver releases.
21 Comments on NVIDIA Makes SLI Support on AMD Platform Official with New BETA GeForce Driver
Chipset? Motherboard Model? Doesn't clear. sorry.
Its a badass board period. I got it for 229. I LOVE IT.
And I'll say it again. SLI licensing is such bullshit that I can't get excited by this news. I know for myself that Nvidia could have had a lot more sales letting SLI work on other previous multi GPU AMD chipsets. I think their management is nuts and their business sense is even more nuts. If I want to use SLI I have to buy a new motherboard to get official support or any support at all. What is worth more? IS it a licensing fee or selling multiple GPUs? :laugh:
This new NVIDIA GeForce driver merely now looks for that code also in AMD 990FX, 990X, 970-based motherboards (earlier it would only do so with Intel 5-series, 6-series chipset-based systems). Once the driver sees that code, it will unlock the SLI option.
SLI doesn't come for free on any motherboard that doesn't use nForce. Motherboard vendors have to pay NVIDIA $5 for every SLI-certified motherboard sold.
This is just another way for nVidia to milk users out of money.
It's as bad as cellular providers charging for texting.
Good for people who want SLI on a bulldozer board tho.
I thought it was easy plug and play with stock cd drivers and SLI works on AMD based boards.
Damn the world fell apart and I did not even know about it LMAO.
Shows you when last I owned a Nvidia desktop GPU/s back in 6800ultra SLI days just before bugger up UT3 so must have been 2006/7-ish.
NVIDIA had *already* announced support for SLI in older AMD chipsets. The driver just adds support for the three top-tier chipsets in AMD's bag of tricks.