Monday, July 11th 2011

AMD FX-8130P Processor Benchmarks Surface

Here is a tasty scoop of benchmark results purported to be those of the AMD FX-8130P, the next high-end processor from the green team. The FX-8130P was paired with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5 motherboard and 4 GB of dual-channel Kingston HyperX DDR3-2000 MHz memory running at DDR3-1866 MHz. A GeForce GTX 580 handled the graphics department. The chip was clocked at 3.20 GHz (16 x 200 MHz). Testing began with benchmarks that aren't very multi-core intensive, such as Super Pi 1M, where the chip clocked in at 19.5 seconds; AIDA64 Cache and Memory benchmark, where L1 cache seems to be extremely fast, while L2, L3, and memory performance is a slight improvement over the last generation of Phenom II processors.
Moving on to multi-threaded tests, Fritz Chess yielded a speed-up of over 29.5X over the set standard, with 14,197 kilonodes per second. x264 benchmark encoded first pass at roughly 136 fps, with roughly 45 fps in the second pass. The system scored 3045 points in PCMark7, and P6265 in 3DMark11 (performance preset). The results show that this chip will be highly competitive with Intel's LGA1155 Sandy Bridge quad-core chips, but as usual, we ask you to take the data with a pinch of salt.
Source: DonanimHaber
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317 Comments on AMD FX-8130P Processor Benchmarks Surface

cadavecaDepends on the code.

Say, CPU can process 1x 80-bit instructions on it's own, being 128-bit.

Now, if it can work with another, together, they can do 3x 80 bit within the 256-bit capabilities, with a bit of room for overhead.
And which FPU can do that exactly? :rolleyes:

BD definately not.

And if by any means a CPU could do that kind of thing, 1 core would do 1.5x 80 bit operations every cycle or 3 ops in 2 cycles, that is. It would be 1/2 as fast. As expected.
Posted on Reply
seronxYou are thinking of CMP

Not what CMT/SMT can do
This has nothing to do with multi-threading or any other similar technology. Multi-threading improves the efficiency of the available resources within a core by issuing more threads, it never magically increases the resources within a core.

A single core is always able to issue to it's fullest providing there's enough available resources. If there are not enough resources then it will not improve with multi-threading either, becuse no matter how many threads you can put in, there's no ALU/FPUs to run that code. CMP cannot max out (issue) each of the cores normally because it can only issue instruction from a single thread to each core. Hence scaling is poor.

By issuing instructions to every core independently from which thread they belong to, CMT/SMT approaches scaling to +%100 (not really but let's assume). But never, I'll repeat, never a core will be able to run faster than his single core performance. Are you even considering how stupid your claims are?

Imagine rendering

1 core = 10 fps
2 cores = 28 fps
3 cores = 42 fps
4 cores = 56 fps

Please don't make us laugh and don't embarrass yourself even more...
Posted on Reply
Dude, youre confusing the heck outta me LOL...
I get what youre tryin to say, but...its kinda like annoying w/ all the percentages

Wait, WTF~!@? here did all his posts go? Did my browser freak out or are his crazy % figures deleted???
Posted on Reply
theoneandonlymrktheirs many a reason brother, they drop dead every day
not to be a downer or sound negative cause I think it's a good thing. I'm okay not folding for two reasons. First we have too many people on this planet as is, we can stand to loose a few billion. Second electricity costs and I don't have the cash.
Posted on Reply
I used the wrong graph for that crap and the scaling in this one is more relative Ph2 -> FX

An AMD Zambezi Module provides 200% performance most programs can use all(100% per core)

An AMD Deneb/Zosma core provides 134% performance but most programs only used (2/3)s of that performance (90% per core)

100% -> 200% -> 300% -> 400% -> 500% -> 600% -> 700% -> 800%

134% -> 268% -> 402% -> 536% -> 670% -> 804%
Most programs(99% of the programs you use):
90% -> 180% -> 270% -> 360% -> 450% -> 540%

More realistic and easier to under the change from CMP to CMT
AMD could have easily stayed on CMP and just changed the "phenom II" core but
8x100% = 200% larger die
6x100% = 600%
4x150% = 600%
8 cores on one die with shared components instead of upgrading the socket to allow for a much larger die
Maybe we will see 4 core modules
3x200% = 600% ;)

One warning: Do not compare AMD architectures to Intel architectures, vice versa

Brain seizures happen and you lose reasoning and logic skills and make math errors
Posted on Reply
tilldeathnot to be a downer or sound negative cause I think it's a good thing. I'm okay not folding for two reasons. First we have too many people on this planet as is, we can stand to loose a few billion. Second electricity costs and I don't have the cash.
Yeah, a few billion don't matter.

Until it's your friends and family.

I can agree with the electricity part though, it's the only thing stopping me from folding right now. I do commend those that are doing it though.
Posted on Reply
PestilenceIntel made 4 billion last quarter. Amd made 800 million. Intels not worried at all
Up from last year by a ton, and they have lots of new product going into the pipe with rave reviews and excelent uptake. AMD is going to gain ALOT of market share in the next 24 months if things continue. Balanced architecture is where its at on the oem side and thats where sales ACTUALLY matter. These enthuasist arguments are all over 2% market share more then likely. Its small potatoes.
Posted on Reply
Damn_SmoothYeah, a few billion don't matter.

Until it's your friends and family.

I can agree with the electricity part though, it's the only thing stopping me from folding right now. I do commend those that are doing it though.
ehh, I could live just fine with a number of my family members just vanaishing. family is just nostalgic attachment to bullshit for no reason.
Posted on Reply
Thatguyehh, I could live just fine with a number of my family members just vanaishing. family is just nostalgic attachment to bullshit for no reason.
They don't just vanish when they get any of the diseases folding is trying to cure. Vanishing is a lot easier to deal with than suffering.
Posted on Reply
Damn_SmoothThey don't just vanish when they get any of the diseases folding is trying to cure. Vanishing is a lot easier to deal with than suffering.
bullets are a cheap and effective way to end suffering.
Posted on Reply
ThatguyUp from last year by a ton, and they have lots of new product going into the pipe with rave reviews and excelent uptake. AMD is going to gain ALOT of market share in the next 24 months if things continue. Balanced architecture is where its at on the oem side and thats where sales ACTUALLY matter. These enthuasist arguments are all over 2% market share more then likely. Its small potatoes.
Llano didn't get rave reviews. Every review said the dual core sandy bridge chips were a better buy for gaming
Posted on Reply
Thatguybullets are a cheap and effective way to end suffering.
Posted on Reply
Damn_SmoothThey don't just vanish when they get any of the diseases folding is trying to cure. Vanishing is a lot easier to deal with than suffering.
Folding doesn't cure diseases

Folding figures out how proteins misfold

Any curing of diseases are a by product of researching the data of misfolding accumulated and tasked by the F@H grid
^not sure if I used the right words
PestilenceIntel made 4 billion last quarter. Amd made 800 million. Intels not worried at all
Intel has more markets than AMD
PestilenceLlano didn't get rave reviews. Every review said the dual core sandy bridge chips were a better buy for gaming
Actually it was the opposite...Llano $140(Max for an A8-3850) chips were better for gaming than $150 dual core sandy bridge

Llano is 32% more denser than Sandy Bridge as well(GloFo has the more advanced 32nm HKMG)
Posted on Reply
seronxFolding doesn't cure diseases

Folding figures out how proteins misfold

Any curing of diseases are a by product of researching the data of misfolding accumulated and tasked by the F@H grid

Intel has more markets than AMD
Either way, it's helping.
Posted on Reply
PestilenceLlano didn't get rave reviews. Every review said the dual core sandy bridge chips were a better buy for gaming
Sure, with a discrete GPU. The current Llano is still a Phenom II design.
Posted on Reply
Damn_SmoothEither way, it's helping.
propogate flawed genetics ?
Posted on Reply
Thatguypropogate flawed genetics ?
Flawed can and will be fixed.
Posted on Reply
PestilenceLlano didn't get rave reviews. Every review said the dual core sandy bridge chips were a better buy for gaming
Are you fucking high ? seriously ? IGP to IGP who in their right mind would have said such a thing ? AMD can't produce silicon to meet the demand, why do you think bulldozer is delayed ? LACK OF FAB CAPACITY

AMD's 3rd/4th quarter profits are gonna be sweet
Posted on Reply
Damn_SmoothFlawed can and will be fixed.
Not really. there actually a gene they creates robust genes and protiens. This can and will not be fixed, unless you are talking about retroviral genetic manipulation. I would not recomend anything of the sort, you endanger everyone around you by doing so.

Let the herd thin for christ sakes and realize life ain't fiar and niether is nature.
Posted on Reply
erockerSure, with a discrete GPU. The current Llano is still a Phenom II design.
Llano is 6% faster than Deneb but lacks the L3 cache i3 have L3 cache but lack the gpu power

Llano 60% the GPU of i3s
39x in absolute brute force performance over an i7 2600K IGP

i3 have 3MB of L3
Llanos don't
Thatguypropogate flawed genetics ?
Damn_SmoothFlawed can and will be fixed.
Radiation, How much sun you get, How much electronics you are next to can all lead to a protein misfold not just Genetics
ThatguyAre you fucking high ? seriously ? IGP to IGP who in their right mind would have said such a thing ? AMD can't produce silicon to meet the demand, why do you think bulldozer is delayed ? LACK OF FAB CAPACITY

AMD's 3rd/4th quarter profits are gonna be sweet
They are meeting demand just fine

Computer Hardware, CPUs / Processors, Processors ...

I don't see out of stock yet
Posted on Reply
seronxLlano is 6% faster than Deneb but lacks the L3 cache i3 have L3 cache but lack the gpu power

Llano 60% the GPU of i3s
39x in absolute brute force performance over an i7 2600K IGP

i3 have 3MB of L3
Llanos don't
I didn't ask. Llano is still based on Phenom II and shrunk.
Posted on Reply
seronxThey are meeting demand just fine

Computer Hardware, CPUs / Processors, Processors ...

I don't see out of stock yet
at the exspense of other products, IE BD etc. Fab is taped out for capcity and a new node to boot.

They get the new fabs up and running ot GloFo things will be just fine. I keep thinking they may just buy glofo back onces its profitable.
Posted on Reply
erockerI didn't ask. Llano is still based on Phenom II and shrunk.
most PC end users " oem customers" won't notice a difference between cpu's, but they will notice video accelration and opencl acceleration etc.
Posted on Reply
ThatguyNot really. there actually a gene they creates robust genes and protiens. This can and will not be fixed, unless you are talking about retroviral genetic manipulation. I would not recomend anything of the sort, you endanger everyone around you by doing so.

Let the herd thin for christ sakes and realize life ain't fiar and niether is nature.
Nobody said life is fair, but if we are allowed enough time, we will master everything.

Posted on Reply
Let's keep on topic, shall we?
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