Monday, July 18th 2011

Sandy Bridge-E Model Numbers, Clock Speeds Surface

Here are details of the first three models of Intel's "Sandy Bridge-E" Core i7 processors in the LGA2011 package. Some of these details were made public as early as mid-April. It was then analyzed that Intel was driving two distinct lines of LGA2011 client processors: Enthusiast and Performance, and within Performance, there were BClk multiplier-unlocked six-core, and locked quad-core chips. With the new series, Intel will move to the 3000 series of processor model numbering, indicating that the new processors will be part of Intel's 3rd generation Core processors, even though they're based on the Sandy Bridge architecture.

Before we move to the model numbers, here's a quick run up of the brand extenders. "X" denotes Extreme Edition, "K" denotes "Unlocked" (BClk multipler unlocked). Leading the pack will be Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition. This six-core (6 cores, 12 threads with HTT) chip has a nominal clock speed of 3.30 GHz, Turbo Boost speed of up to 3.90 GHz, and features the full 15 MB of L3 cache present on the Sandy Bridge-E silicon. Expect this chip to have a four figure price-tag.
Next up, is the Core i7-3930K, with 6 cores, 12 threads, a nominal clock speed of 3.20 GHz, and Turbo Boost speed of 3.80 GHz; but 12 MB of L3 cache compared to 15 MB on the Extreme Edition chip. This chip features an unlocked BClk multiplier, making overclocking it possible.

The most affordable LGA2011 chip will be Core i7-3820, with 4 cores, 8 threads, nominal clock speed of 3.60 GHz, Turbo speed of 3.90 GHz, and just 10 MB of L3 cache. Unlike the other two, this one has its BClk multiplier locked. All three models feature quad-channel DDR3 memory controllers, but it is likely that the lower-end models could also have lower DRAM multiplier limits. All three chips will have other features in common, including a PCI-Express 3.0 root complex that gives out two x16 links to drive graphics.
Source: DonanimHaber
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124 Comments on Sandy Bridge-E Model Numbers, Clock Speeds Surface

phillThese are the ones I've got my eyes on :)

I'm a big fan of Driver (even thought Driver 2 and 3 sucked!)

Serious Sam is just a game everyone should have :)

Battlefield and COD MW3 sounds like its going to be a great fight between the two. I must admit never playing Battlefield much, I've enjoyed playing COD 1, 2 and 4 very much :) Online is excellent fun!! ( even if I do spend more time re-spawning!! :rockout: :banghead:)

I am trying to collect all the NFS series, I think they had one of the best games around to play when Underground 2 came out, sadly after that though, its gone a little downhill...

If any of these games need a better rig than an i7, I'll just have to upgrade to something!! :D
If your a fan of Bad Company 2 your going to love BF3
Posted on Reply
I've got Battlefield Anthology, Vietnam and Battlefield 2 the complete collection and I've yet to get around to playing the whole way through!! I'm so gonna have to spend more time gaming!! :D
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I don't want to be a party pooper, but the discussion is getting really off-topic :o
Posted on Reply
phill: lol. i dont think those games require i7. maybe an i5 at most. an i5 2500k should be enough for all games :)

going to get ASRock P67 Pro3 this week for i5 2500k upgrade.

should be enough for all those new games. :)
Posted on Reply
n-sterI don't want to be a party pooper, but the discussion is getting really off-topic :o
bigg34phill: lol. i dont think those games require i7. maybe an i5 at most. an i5 2500k should be enough for all games :)

going to get ASRock P67 Pro3 this week for i5 2500k upgrade.

should be enough for all those new games. :)
No but if I say that, it keeps it on topic and it allows me to keep up to date with this SB-E setup :D I just think 8 cores is just the way to go now.. I mean 6 cores are so last year...... :nutkick:
Posted on Reply
phill: no. lol. dont scare me :(.

i suggest you to stop promoting high end stuff.

i just about to upgrade to i5 2500k.

you are a very high end user and im a budget user. i dont think games will require more than that soon. :P

and these days game developers dont tend to make their games overly demanding like before, which is a good thing for a budget user like me. lol. :D
Posted on Reply
Well I have two i7 rigs here and I've had them for over two years now with them hardly not being used. Only just this morning I have managed to get my first 920 D0 running at a stable 4.4Ghz with HT turned on :) Temps hit about 84C max and I've just ran with the same settings and done a loop of 3D Marks Vantage CPU tests and I've struggled to hit over 74C with those.. I'm very happy and so much so, I'm going to just try and see if I can get it to run again but with 2:10 ram timings so I can actually use the ram I bought for the right reasons!! :)

I love looking and enjoy seeing any system low end middle end or ultra end and I wouldnt call myself a high end user when I see people running SR2's and so on :) I'm just an enthusiast that I enjoy whatever I buy :) Heck I still have some socket A rigs here ;) So they cant be that high end surely?? :)

I think the 8 core CPU would be the only thing I'd consider because these 4 cores and a decent graphics card as you've just said run pretty much anything :) I know I'll end up with SLI in both rigs with a Physx card as well, but its only because I've got hardware laying about the place!!

I do plan on building a Sandy Bridge system with a 2600k CPU in, but not for what people might expect though :D I just enjoy being different and I enjoy looking and learning what other people do with their rigs. I'm nothing special, just someone that enjoys things a little too much :D :)
Posted on Reply
phill: but to me u are a very high end user. lol

because i never saw anyone having 2 cpus. that rig should be enough for you for another 10 years probably. lol :D
Posted on Reply
Big Member
phillThese are the ones I've got my eyes on :)

I'm a big fan of Driver (even thought Driver 2 and 3 sucked!)

Serious Sam is just a game everyone should have :)

Battlefield and COD MW3 sounds like its going to be a great fight between the two. I must admit never playing Battlefield much, I've enjoyed playing COD 1, 2 and 4 very much :) Online is excellent fun!! ( even if I do spend more time re-spawning!! :rockout: :banghead:)

I am trying to collect all the NFS series, I think they had one of the best games around to play when Underground 2 came out, sadly after that though, its gone a little downhill...

If any of these games need a better rig than an i7, I'll just have to upgrade to something!! :D
MW3 will not be CPU intensive. Not even a little. Its the same engine they have been using for over 10 years now. If you can run any of the recent CoD then you can run this one. As a matter of fact MW3 isnt even in the same ballpark technologically speaking of any of those games bigg34 listed.
Posted on Reply
bigg34phill: but to me u are a very high end user. lol

because i never saw anyone having 2 cpus. that rig should be enough for you for another 10 years probably. lol :D
Well if you step over to EVGA forums, you'll be able to see a few of them over there!! I did toy with the idea of having a dual CPU setup, but then I thought, whats the point?! I just decided and stuck with having two PC's and that was good enough and best for me :D
TheMailMan78MW3 will not be CPU intensive. Not even a little. Its the same engine they have been using for over 10 years now. If you can run any of the recent CoD then you can run this one. As a matter of fact MW3 isnt even in the same ballpark technologically speaking of any of those games bigg34 listed.
Well I think it'll be more down to my GPU then not my CPU by the sounds of it!

I cant wait for some new games to come out, I think with the new graphics card (and cards later on :D) this rig will be transformed!

Are there any other games I should be keeping an eye out for that might make me have to upgrade?? :D
Posted on Reply
Big Member
phillWell if you step over to EVGA forums, you'll be able to see a few of them over there!! I did toy with the idea of having a dual CPU setup, but then I thought, whats the point?! I just decided and stuck with having two PC's and that was good enough and best for me :D

Well I think it'll be more down to my GPU then not my CPU by the sounds of it!

I cant wait for some new games to come out, I think with the new graphics card (and cards later on :D) this rig will be transformed!

Are there any other games I should be keeping an eye out for that might make me have to upgrade?? :D
Metro 2034
Crysis 2: Upgrade mods.
Posted on Reply
rage wont be demanding.

and its very unlikely those games will be hard on your rig. lol.

u are fine either way.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
bigg34rage wont be demanding.

and its very unlikely those games will be hard on your rig. lol.

u are fine either way.
DICE said there isnt a rig made today that can max out BF3 yet you say he will have no

Metro 2033 was demanding as hell. Still is on most rigs out yet 2034 will be less demanding?

Rage wont be demanding? You have run the Tech 5 engine before have you? Thats funny because RAGE will be the first game to run Carmacks new engine.

Crysis 2 with the update will bring most any system to its knees.

I mean really where do you get your facts from?
Posted on Reply
I have Crysis 2 here, I can give that a go when I have my new cards and let you both know :)

I hear Metro 2033 is a right hard nut of a game to run, so I will look out for that one :D

In fact any game that I'd have to upgrade for I look forward too :D Its what having a PC is all about!! :lol: :banghead: :rockout:
Posted on Reply
Big Member
phillI have Crysis 2 here, I can give that a go when I have my new cards and let you both know :)

I hear Metro 2033 is a right hard nut of a game to run, so I will look out for that one :D

In fact any game that I'd have to upgrade for I look forward too :D Its what having a PC is all about!! :lol: :banghead: :rockout:
For Crysis 2 make sure you DL the new texture pack and such. It wont stress that rig you got unless you do. Also make sure you are using Nvidia's GeForce 275.50 at the minimum.

Heres a link for all the goodies.
Posted on Reply
I don't know which game stresses what parts, but aren't a few of those games going to be GPU limited more than CPU limited?
Posted on Reply
Big Member
n-sterI don't know which game stresses what parts, but aren't a few of those games going to be GPU limited more than CPU limited?
Did you look at his CPU's ;) Notice its plural?
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78For Crysis 2 make sure you DL the new texture pack and such. It wont stress that rig you got unless you do. Also make sure you are using Nvidia's GeForce 275.50 at the minimum.

Heres a link for all the goodies.
Thank you very much for that :) I will try to give it a go with my 8800GT just to see what its like but hopefully my new card will laugh at it and say, is that all you got?? :D :roll:
I have just checked and I will have to update my drivers as I'm currently running 275.33 :) Thank you for the information!!
TheMailMan78Did you look at his CPU's ;) Notice its plural?
I have two CPU's but they are in separate systems!! :) :toast:
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78: where is the source that says there isnt any computer that can play B3 as of now?

can you link me to the official source?

because i doubt it very much and never heard it myself.

heres the verified specs for BF3.

looks like i should be fine as i have a 460 1gb and will be having i5 2500k :D.
Posted on Reply
verified specs for BF3 from DICE:

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850

Posted on Reply
why don't they say how big of a card is required when you crank up all the gfx settings? they never say that! that's what most people with good video cards interested about.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
bigg34verified specs for BF3 from DICE:

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHzRAM2GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card

Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPURAM 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850

Those specs are fake man. Please come on over and hang out in the BF3 clubhouse. We got all the dirt in there. The epic news man Gully keeps us all in the loop.
phillI have two CPU's but they are in separate systems!! :) :toast:
Then you may have a bottleneck on your hands. I don't know much about Intel to be 100% sure. I would ask around. Someone like Sneekypeet might be able to help ya.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78: you cant say its demanding. because there is not official specs out yet.

but im betting i can play it on my overclocked 460 1gb and with an i5 2500k on high settings at 1920*1080 resolution well.

it wont be unplayable.

a gtx 460 1gb is still adequate for 99% of the games on high settings :).

i played The Witcher 2 on ultra settings (without ubersampling) just fine until i bored from the game.

so dont be so negative and scared about the possible high system requirements and upgrading.

i am 100% sure that we are able to play future games on MAX settings just fine with our current computers :).
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