Thursday, December 15th 2011

Microsoft will Automatically Update Internet Explorer, if You Let it

In an effort to ensure that Windows users have the latest version of Internet Explorer installed and ready for use, Microsoft has decided to add its browser to the automatic update list. This means that Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 installations which have automatic updating enabled in Windows Update, will also be seamlessly upgrading Internet Explorer, from time to time.

For starters the automatic update switch for IE will be turned on for customers in Australia and Brazil. This will happen in January (2012) and will expand in other areas throughout the year.

"We want to make updating to the best protection possible as fast and simple as we can for Windows customers," explains Ryan Gavin, General Manager, Internet Explorer Business and Marketing. "IE is how millions of Windows customers connect to the Web, so keeping that part of Windows updated at all times is critical to keeping them safe online. With automatic updates enabled through Windows Update, customers can receive IE9 and future versions of Internet Explorer seamlessly without any "update fatigue" issues."

Individuals or companies who don't want their Internet Explorer to get updated on-the-fly can opt out by using the Blocker toolkits available here (for IE8) and here (for IE9).
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16 Comments on Microsoft will Automatically Update Internet Explorer, if You Let it

(FIH) The Don
who uses IE except puplic places/institutions
Posted on Reply
People who don't know any better, which is why IE still has over 50% of the market.

But this is a good thing. FINALLY all those ignuramuses who refused to upgrade from IE6 will have no other choice. :3
Posted on Reply
(FIH) The Donwho uses IE except puplic places/institutions
Red_MachinePeople who don't know any better, which is why IE still has over 50% of the market.

But this is a good thing. FINALLY all those ignuramuses who refused to upgrade from IE6 will have no other choice. :3
A lot of people do, myself included though i also have Chrome if a site I am trying to get to doesn't work right with ie9 and vice versa, I find ie9 just as fast as any other browser out there and the security is much improved, also it has a familiar feel to it, I really am too long in the tooth now to be learning all about FF extensions etc when most of what I want our of a browser with a few tweaks I get from ie.

And a lot of those ignoramuses are probably business users if you are going off some kind of usage statistics for ie6 market share because they simply can't move to anything else without spending serious money upgrading other parts of their infrastructure just to get a new OS and browser, a lot of business critical applications were written specifically for ie6 and moving to something else is not that simple.
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Cool, don't wanna go downloading Chrome with an out of date browser...
Posted on Reply
Nice to see.. If you ever used an older PC you will notice IE9 very slow when using 5 or more tabs, the same with Firefox (but not as bad) I find Chrome to run the best on older systems. People need to upgrade from older versions of IE. Good on Microsoft to do this. I would not recommend people to use IE at all but it's because they tend to use an old version of it that is unsafe. If these people could get upgraded to IE9 it would really help with peoples PCs from getting slowed down with malware and other $H1T.. :)
Posted on Reply
Never heard of updating Explorer outside WU... I was automatically offered IE9 when it came out.
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Red_MachinePeople who don't know any better, which is why IE still has over 50% of the market.

But this is a good thing. FINALLY all those ignuramuses who refused to upgrade from IE6 will have no other choice. :3
Except by the fact that:
a) there won't be any future updates for WinXP platform (stuck with IE8)
b) Vista will probably soon hit the same limit
c) latest versions aren't bad at all
d) so "d" is for why switch if you do like the IE?

Back with IE6, there was a really good reason to switch. Today, IE is really just as good as the rest. I just prefer the Firefox because of various other things.
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"I go fast!1!11!1!"
It makes sense. Internet browsers are the greatest vulnerability to the OS. I think IE9 was a critical security update for me on Windows 7 so don't really see how this is any different.
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I USE IE9 And I love it.
Since my frist day i used a computer i used IE and i will never give up on them becuase its microsoft if it wasn't for microsoft we all wouldn't be on this site. (Windows)
IE9 FTW...:roll:
Thank you Microsoft...
Posted on Reply
matarI USE IE9 And I love it.
Since my frist day i used a computer i used IE and i will never give up on them becuase its microsoft if it wasn't for microsoft we all wouldn't be on this site. (Windows)
IE9 FTW...:roll:
Thank you Microsoft...
Thank you for posting Bill Gates, now please...GET BACK TO WORK! :nutkick:
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is there a comparison study between many browsers to show strengths and weaknesses?
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Yes it should be updated if its being used, but what if its not?
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good news for developer.
more and more viewers need less IE hacks.

oh, and IMHO IE9 is good enough for casual users.
Posted on Reply
Chrome ........... only and only
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