Thursday, February 16th 2012

Far Cry 3 Coming September 4, 2012; New Trailer Packs Incredible Visuals

For all of you PC gamers who didn't play the Uncharted series, and are starved of the visually-intense tropical-island setting that Dead Island miserably failed in, Far Cry 3 promises to be a bomb! Ubisoft released the latest "Stranded" trailer on the 15th, with a fuller trailer slated for later today, that shows incredibly detailed visuals, that are a throw-back to the original Crytek-made Far Cry. The trailer follows a possible protagonist touring a tropical island with his explorer friends, most of it is shown in found-footage style, leading up to one of the explorers' encounter with the game's antagonist. The trailer also gives out the release-date, September 4, 2012.

The trailer video can be watched here.

Caution: The trailer contains strong-language, violence, and dubstep.
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40 Comments on Far Cry 3 Coming September 4, 2012; New Trailer Packs Incredible Visuals

Big Member
CG. I wanna see game engine......oh and less dubstep.
Posted on Reply
btarunrCaution: The trailer contains dubstep.
rofl you crack me up tarun.

Trailer looks cool btw
Posted on Reply
The only thing that can save you Ubisoft is to let go of the DRM. Then I will consider buying your mediocre games once they hit the bargain shelf.
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Big Member
happitaThe only thing that can save you Ubisoft is to let go of the DRM. Then I will consider buying your mediocre games once they hit the bargain shelf.
Ya know I forgot all about the always on DRM. I REALLY hope this game doesnt have that. If so then screw this game.
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actual gameplay can be seen on the game webpage
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Overclocked quantum bit
I haven't seen the trailer yet (I'm about to after this post) but if it comes with Ubisoft's legendary 'consumer friendly' DRM then I'll pass. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Yeah, the graphics are so almost real that they're deep into the uncanny valley. It's just weird.

That trailer plays like a movie though, one has no idea what the gameplay is like. They should have given us some idea of that.
Posted on Reply
I'll be buying this game IF the game isnt filled with bugs like fc2 was
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nickbaldwin86it is CGI... not in game... :slap:
I hate when people see "movies'' like this and say ''wow'' expecting the game to look like that and in reality it look like shit in comparison.
Posted on Reply
I hate when people see "movies'' like this and say ''wow'' expecting the game to look like that and in reality it look like shit in comparison.
my point... so many people are already going WOW! and really it is just CGI... this CGI only looks as good as CGI has for years... not impressive. the in game footage doesn't look much better than Far Cry 2 imo. :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
"New Trailer Packs Incredible Visuals"
you cant call yourself a gamer if you cant discern "ingame" from "prerender CG" footage

killzone 2 all over again :D
Posted on Reply
The game uses the same engine as the Far Cry 2, so I am not worry of game quality. They even said it is an improved version of the engine special tuned for vegetation and water effects. Cannot wait. The trailers seems to advertise a really good game.

Here is the actual gameplay video:
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraThe game uses the same engine as the Far Cry 2, so I am not worry of game quality. They even said it is an improved version of the engine special tuned for vegetation and water effects. Cannot wait. The trailers seems to advertise a really good game.

And I am not saying the game will not be good or bad... if it is as good as 1 I will love it and if its not a pile of junk like 2, I will get 2 minutes into it and hate it and uninstall
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Yeah, FC2 sucked big time. On the other hand, Far Cry 1 was 2x times better than all Crysises and Farcry 2 combined!
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Big Member
I enjoyed Farcry 2. I liked riding around killing random bandits with a gold AK.
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This game looks like it actually made for adults for a change.
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
overclocking101I'll be buying this game IF the game isnt filled with bugs like fc2 was
Im getting the game if theres much less driving and if guns actually kill the enemy instead of take a fully clip to the face.
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Man that dude will feel might silly not having shot that guy ;)
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Big Member
ZoneDymoMan that dude will feel might silly not having shot that guy ;)
Im pretty sure he didnt feel much. Thats a .45 ACP. There was more head left then what should have hit the floor.
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Ubisoft :eek:
No Thanks
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Gameplay better not be as boring as Far Cry 2. Im surprised as didn't Ubisoft say they where fucking done with pc gaming? or did i miss read that somewhere?
Posted on Reply
Not to bad. The beach area looked similar to dead island. I really liked far cry 2 but this one seems way different. Gonna look it up and get more info on it. Big far cry 2 fan but not a ubisoft fan.
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