Wednesday, March 28th 2012
OCZ Outs Arowana Firmware Update for Indilinx Barefoot SSDs
OCZ released the Arowana Flash Translation Layer (FTL) firmware update for SSDs running Indilinx Barefoot controllers, and 34 nm NAND flash. The update was announced in May, 2011, and released for the OCZ Vertex Plus family, but it's only now that users of the original Barefoot-controlled drives get a firmware to update their drives with. The new 3.55 firmware significantly improves sequential and random-seek performance. The screenshots below (in order) are of a Barefoot-driven OCZ Vertex drive with the old firmware (IDE), new firmware (IDE), and new fimware (AHCI). To learn more about the update, and how to go about do it to your drive, visit this page. Like most other SSD firmware updates, the process erases everything on your drive, so be sure to make a backup.
10 Comments on OCZ Outs Arowana Firmware Update for Indilinx Barefoot SSDs
Or the other companies might not thnk it's worth it since they've moved on to the next-gen Sandforce controllers.
I bought my Vertex three years ago in april 2009 and RyderOCZ says drives made only after December 2009 have a chance.