Thursday, March 29th 2012

Sony PlayStation 4 Codenamed "Orbis", Runs AMD x86-64 CPU, Southern Islands GPU

Sony may have codenamed PlayStation 4 "Orbis" (IPA: /ˈor.bis/), according to a Kotaku report. The next-generation game console is slated for "holiday season, 2013." This information was sourced by Kotaku, from a reliable source with a good track-record of accuracy. Orbis is derived from the Latin word for "circle", or "to circle/orbit". The term "Orbis Vita" or "Orbis Vitae" denotes "the circle of life." The specifications of Orbis known so far, include AMD-made x86-64 CPU, and an AMD-made GPU, built on the Southern Islands (Graphics CoreNext) architecture. In all probability, it could be a unified SoC, a highly scalar Fusion chip.
Source: Kotaku
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111 Comments on Sony PlayStation 4 Codenamed "Orbis", Runs AMD x86-64 CPU, Southern Islands GPU

hardcore_gamerAm I the only one dreaming of PS4 emulation on PC ?
I hope so.
Posted on Reply
Well, if you are going to pretend your previous comment was smart you can atleast explain it. If you can't explain it then you have no basis for discussion, thus you shouldnt be here.
happyMan, I heard the PS4 or "Orbis" is not going to allow PS4 owners to buy used games or play backward compatible Playstation games. I guess now these used console games aren't going to be so cheap anymore. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA :)
The market is swaying for digital download.

The console market is moving the same direction as PC, they want everyone to download material. That way they can control copyright breaches. With more physical game stores going of business its the sensible move too and it cuts out middlemen or suppliers, thus generating more profit too.

Jurassic1024If i have to explain it, then we aren't even on the same level. Go educate yourself and stop being lazy.
So if I Google "Tapes out" I'll have inside knowledge of AMD's inner workings and have more information at my fingertips than AMD's board of directors and sales & marketing division? Doesn't sound like an educated comment to me.
Posted on Reply
Dent1Well, if you are going to pretend your previous comment was smart you can atleast explain it. If you can't explain it then you have no basis for discussion, thus you shouldnt be here.
If i have to explain it, then we aren't even on the same level. Go educate yourself and stop being lazy.
Posted on Reply
The market is swaying for digital download.

Yea because teh PSP GO was so successful going disc free right?
btw, digital only this early on console would be its end. Everyone would need an internet connection with sufficient bandwidth, which we already know is not where it needs to be, especially in north america.
Throttling, another roadblock. HDD space, another roadblock. no physical media means bye bye gamestop, EB Games, etc. aka a LOT of people out of work.

Stop talking please. Everything you say is what the uneducated repeat online like its truth when it's not.
Posted on Reply
Dent1Well, if you are going to pretend your previous comment was smart you can atleast explain it. If you can't explain it then you have no basis for discussion, thus you shouldnt be here.

The market is swaying for digital download.

The console market is moving the same direction as PC, they want everyone to download material.That way they can control copyright breaches. With more physical stores going of business its the sensible move too and cuts out middlemen, thus generating more profit too.


So if I Google "Tapes out" I'll have inside knowledge of AMD's inner workings and have more information at my fingertips than AMD's board of directors and sales & marketing division? Doesn't sound like an educated comment to me.
If you weren't so lazy and did some research, you would find out. ;)
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024Wow, and I got picked on but this guy gets off scott free for saying consoles with AMD inside will be the end of PC gaming? SMH and FML.
Because he's being either an obvious troll or sarcastic, you're just being arrogant.
Jurassic1024If i have to explain it, then we aren't even on the same level. Go educate yourself and stop being lazy.
See my previous remark.

Anyways, back on topic.

It's not out of the realm of possibilities that there could be a 7970 based GPU in there, I'm sure Sony contacted AMD long ago to start work on a GPU for them.
Posted on Reply
The console market is moving the same direction as PC


I can buy the same mainstream games on Steam @ EB Games. Try again.
Posted on Reply
Dos101Because he's being either an obvious troll or sarcastic, you're just being arrogant.

See my previous remark.

Anyways, back on topic.

It's not out of the realm of possibilities that there could be a 7970 based GPU in there, I'm sure Sony contacted AMD long ago to start work on a GPU for them.
AMD fanboy zone. Good to know. No intelligence and single minded. Not how the world works. Join us sometime.

PS, when did i say they wouldnt use a 7970 variant? Why are you making stuff up?
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024AMD fanboy zone. Good to know. No intelligence and single minded. Not how the world works. Join us sometime.
Please enlighten me as to how I'm a fanboy?
Posted on Reply
Big Member
I would slow down guys. Bad things can happen if we keep going this route.
Posted on Reply
Dos101Please enlighten me as to how I'm a fanboy?
You think the topic is about the 7970 when no one said that is the GPU they would use. It's what you HOPE they use.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78I would slow down guys. Bad things can happen if we keep going this route.
Don't care, i'm not backing down from people too lazy to google and thinking AMD in some consoles makes up for a pathetic server division.
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024AMD fanboy zone. Good to know. No intelligence and single minded. Not how the world works. Join us sometime.

PS, when did i say they wouldnt use a 7970 variant? Why are you making stuff up?
Man, just stop arguing over the internet. No point man. Be civilized. There is no need to always explain your actions man. :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024PS, when did i say they wouldnt use a 7970 variant? Why are you making stuff up?
I wasn't directing my comment at you, it was a general comment.

Jeez man take a chill pill. If you don't have a chill pill, take a chill strip. You know, put it on your tongue, it dissolves, chilled.
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024The market is swaying for digital download

Yea because teh PSP GO was so successful going disc free right?.
I said the market is swaying towards digital download. I never said it was going to be successful.
Jurassic1024btw, digital only this early on console would be its end. Everyone would need an internet connection with sufficient bandwidth, which we already know is not where it needs to be, especially in north america.
Most western countries where console sales matter have an broadband connection.

From a technological standpoint, bandwidth doesnt have to be a major bottleneck. They could implement many ways around it. i.e. user downloads just the files needed for the first few levels, the next few levels can be downloaded slowly as the user plays silently.

Also like any product roll out, it won't be immediate, they will introduce it slowly, to give their consumers a chance to adapt to the change. I can tell you've never studied business.
Jurassic1024Throttling, another roadblock. HDD space, another roadblock. no physical media means bye bye gamestop, EB Games, etc. aka a LOT of people out of work.
Gamestop is moving to digital download. Shows you have no clue what you are saying!

And to shut you up. Evidence that we are moving towards digital download in gaming :nutkick:

Hard drive space is not a factor. Before the flooding in Thailand HD prices were at an all time low, prices are stabilising again. Average consumer HDD is like 500-1TB, so I don't see how HDD is a bottleneck.

Like I said a lot of physical stores are out of business in the UK "Game" and "Game Station" have gone bust. Sales in "HMV" are down too. Physical media including DVD sales and Music sales are on the decrease. Look at stats before you speak nonsense.

As for people getting laid off work, why would Sony or Microsoft care about unemployment figures. They are in the technology and gaming business not welfare and humanity business.
Jurassic1024Stop talking please. Everything you say is what the uneducated repeat online like its truth when it's not.
Says the person that didn't know Gamestop was moving to digital download too.
Posted on Reply
I can haz computer?
I don't like this, crappy old hardware, they really should go for high end hardware,
Now they will this be slower than pc's offcourse consoles are better coded and optimized but i want to see a something that can really compete against pc's
Sorry for crappy english xd
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where the hell are my stars
Wonder if I will be sync the new one with the PS3. I rather like using mine as a media server.
Posted on Reply
TheMailMan78I would slow down guys. Bad things can happen if we keep going this route.
No, no, no, no....I think Jurassic should keep double posting, being arrogant, and very rude to others here. It gives a mod a reason to make something happen to which all of us frankly would like to see happen.

Anyway, on topic. I really don't see the price of a 7970 or 7950 going down too much in order for them to start manufacturing PS4's in time to get out by Christmas 2013, it's just not possible. The 7k series looks to repeat the history of the 5k series where the price didn't come down for at least a year after it debuted. The market yearns for GPU competition. Like others have indicated earlier in the thread, the GPU that will most likely be used will probably be something along the lines of a 7850/7770/7750. The CPU, that has yet to be decided. I don't have any input on that end.
Posted on Reply
Jurassic1024Don't care, i'm not backing down from people too lazy to google and thinking AMD in some consoles makes up for a pathetic server division.
Just keep your posts civil without throwing names at one another. Also use the edit button instead of double posting. Read the forum guidelines for any further information:

Everyone stay on topic.

Thank you.
Posted on Reply
The Lurker
I don't really care about all the drama...all I will say is to please stop double/triple posting please. It is against forum policy and there is an edit button for a reason. Also, disregarding the advice of a well-loved mod (TheMailman), or any mod for that matter, is a good way to find yourself under the ban-hammer. Let's keep it civil.

On topic: This can only be good for AMD. I think this could really boost R&D and maybe get AMD back to a competitive stance, which is good for all of us consumers.

EDIT: DAMNIT!!! Double Ninja Posts got me!
Posted on Reply
ps4 running windows coming soon
Posted on Reply
Big Member
JATownesI don't really care about all the drama...all I will say is to please stop double/triple posting please. It is against forum policy and there is an edit button for a reason. Also, disregarding the advice of a well-loved mod (TheMailman), or any mod for that matter, is a good way to find yourself under the ban-hammer. Let's keep it civil.

On topic: This can only be good for AMD. I think this could really boost R&D and maybe get AMD back to a competitive stance, which is good for all of us consumers.

EDIT: DAMNIT!!! Double Ninja Posts got me!
lol I'm no mod. Just giving some friendly advice. Anyway my best guess is a 7770 or an equivalent. Hell maybe a 6770.
Posted on Reply
Kind of curious if eyefinity would be supported considering the resolution its said to support.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
TheMailMan78lol I'm no mod. Just giving some friendly advice. Anyway my best guess is a 7770 or an equivalent. Hell maybe a 6770.
Doubt it. Last gen console was a NV "7800" series GPU. Why would sony of all companies cheap out? I am betting a full fledged chip with the core clock dropped to save power.
Posted on Reply
cdawallDoubt it. Last gen console was a NV "7800" series GPU. Why would sony of all companies cheap out? I am betting a full fledged chip with the core clock dropped to save power.
Vita is quite cheap as Sony products go. My money on Pitcairn silicon (7800 series), since that they should offer decent performance (comes within 10% of 7970) at a reasonable price point, on top of being simpler to mass produce. Also, their reworked API should boost even more processing power still. With Newegg selling 7850 at about $250, I think we will be seeing Orbis at about $400 starting price.
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