Monday, June 18th 2012

"NVIDIA is the Single Worst Company We've Ever Dealt With:" Linus Torvalds

Linux creator and Millennium Technology Prize laureate Linus Torvalds called NVIDIA the "single worst company" he and his associates dealt with. Torvalds made these comments in an interactive session with students, developers, and entrepreneurs, at the Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship in Otaniemi, Finland. The session was conducted in English.

Responding to a question by one of his audience complaining how NVIDIA was extremely stubborn in sharing technologies such as Optimus (dynamic switching between integrated and discrete GPUs) with the Linux community, and seeking his comments on the matter, Torvalds called NVIDIA "one of the worst trouble spots [they've] had with hardware manufacturers." He continued "...and that is really sad [for NVIDIA], because NVIDIA tries to sell a lot of chips into the Android market." With this comment, Torvalds reminded NVIDIA that its business with Linux isn't confined to client computing platforms such as PCs, but also the Android-driven portable computing market (of smartphones and tablets), which is growing at a breakneck pace.

Torvalds soon escalated his assessment of NVIDIA as being "the single worst company [they've] ever dealt with." Torvalds then got more 'graphic' (pun intended), and flipped the bird to the cameras. " NVIDIA, f*** you!" he exclaimed. The recording of the event is embedded below. The part in question starts at 0:48:10, though the entire video makes for a very good watch.

Source: Phoronix
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91 Comments on "NVIDIA is the Single Worst Company We've Ever Dealt With:" Linus Torvalds

tricksonI hate smart phones. If you are so dumb as to not know where you are in your own town then get a map! If you are so dependent on a smart phone and app to help you out every day of your life you need to seek some real help and fast!
What is the world coming to when I need to tell my smart phone to remind me to clean up my home? How lazy and stupid are we any way? Really people! so your android phone has a nVidia video card? OH man!
calm thy self,,, its a phone 1st and whatever else 2nd,, i dont use/need maps web books or games, but now and again.:D

your missing the PAD angle too plus other netportal type devices , tegra telly with lynux back os anyone;).
ocrenvidia wants to protect its technology best it can. They support linux completely with drivers, very stable and good drivers at that. They just havent been generous when it comes to giving away their code. Nvidia would rather give out drivers they made for linux than give away their code to open source. If you think about it, why would nvidia want to give away their secrets? Stuff like optimus gives nvidia a competitive edge, lots of money went into it and people really expect nvidia to give this code away to the open source.

the difference between nvidia and other companies is that nvidia considers itself a software company just as much as it is hardware. They have invested handsomely into their software and have some of the best programmers they can grab up. They think highly of their software and want to protect it. Its their investment.

I dont understand what the issue really is
nvidia has drivers available to anyone who uses Linux. There is no need to try to reverse engineer them in the first place. These guys are making a big fuss and it makes you wonder what the underline reasoning is. What are they really lacking here? Nvidia has every reason to protect their technology.
a reasonable and sensible argument, i think the final lines the one

What are they really lacking here? Nvidia has every reason to protect their technology

yes and also in this case ,every reason to help or come to a reasonable compromise so whats up Nv?
Posted on Reply
OH, I have such a headache
theoneandonlymrkcalm thy self,,, its a phone 1st and whatever else 2nd,, i dont use/need maps web books or games, but now and again.:D

your missing the PAD angle too plus other netportal type devices , tegra telly with lynux back os anyone;).
Okay. But still if Linux wants to get "IN" this is not how one goes about doing this. nVidia doesn't need some 2 bit OS maker to tell them to F off and flip them the bird that is not how you make friends!
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
faramirWell, you don't appear to be too bright either, in spite of your snide remak. The girl in video mentioned she bought her computer quite some time ago [when Optimus was fresh] and assumed NVidia would come up with support for it eventually [as they had with basic functions of their graphics cards such as displaying picture]. Not an unreasonable expectation from a paying customer to have a product supported in full. Others have listed examples of companies that either care enough to support their products directly (be it with open or closed drivers) or at least volunteer the information needed to others so they can do their work for them, at no cost.

The comment you made reminds me of dumb people tryiong to tell me that - in their opinion - somebody else isn't very smart, while they seem to be pretty thick themselves.
Except nVidia announced the Optimus wouldn't work on anything other than Windows 7(they didn't even build in support for Vista), so her expectations were idiotic. A smart person will not buy hardware with the expectation that support will be added at some point, a smart person buys hardware that is already supported.

And the product she paid for is supported in full, on the OS that came with the hardware. She can't bitch because she changed something and it broke.
Posted on Reply
tricksonOkay. But still if Linux wants to get "IN" this is not how one goes about doing this. nVidia doesn't need some 2 bit OS maker to tell them to F off and flip them the bird that is not how you make friends!
you have it the wrong way round their Trickson,,, its Nvidia that needs to get more IN to lynux or their bottom line might start to suffer, if they pushed their unique features better and supported it their hardware might impress and sell,, More simples..
tricksonFor the record I hope to GOD in Heaven that the SUN will blast out a CME so big that it wipes out all this shit! Really I do! I have no use for texting, WTF is that all about any way? You text some one WHY? Send a letter a phone is to TALK to people not tell you to feed the baby! Or take a shit! The problem is this as I see it. Technology has gone just way to far and now we are seeing the results of this as the dumbing down of the people of the world. Most people are so stupid now they need a GPS in there car to go 3 blocks away from there home! I mean COME ON! Grow a brain think for your self learn things from a book! Please GOD send this planet a CME so large the aurora's will be seen in Texas!
a completely unreasonable a relatively senseless waffle by you connected and fapping on a world wide web connected game ready pc:roll::laugh:

your only throwin that down cos your pc's old:p and you wana claim the insurance payout for a new 1:p
Posted on Reply
tricksonNo just got the divorce!

For the record I hope to GOD in Heaven that the SUN will blast out a CME so big that it wipes out all this shit! Really I do! I have no use for texting, WTF is that all about any way? You text some one WHY? Send a letter a phone is to TALK to people not tell you to feed the baby! Or take a shit! The problem is this as I see it. Technology has gone just way to far and now we are seeing the results of this as the dumbing down of the people of the world. Most people are so stupid now they need a GPS in there car to go 3 blocks away from there home! I mean COME ON! Grow a brain think for your self learn things from a book! Please GOD send this planet a CME so large the aurora's will be seen in Texas!
if you hate tech then why the fuck are you on a tech forum?
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
theoneandonlymrkyou have it the wrong way round their Trickson,,, its Nvidia that needs to get more IN to lynux or their bottom line might start to suffer, if they pushed their unique features better and supported it their hardware might impress and sell,, More simples..
They obviously have made the decision that going after ~1-2% of the market is not worth the development cost, and I can't say I disagree. Especially when you consider that of that 1-2% nVidia is only likely to see about 25%, so they would really be going after about 0.25-0.50% of the market, I can't see that amount making up for the development costs.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1They obviously have made the decision that going after ~1-2%
if you roll in all lynux os based devices, id imagine a higher percentage, and look at physx, good but shit, and no games use it, yet they push desktop cards on its prowess,, and this trick wouldnt work in other markets:)
Posted on Reply
faramirWell, you don't appear to be too bright either, in spite of your snide remak. The girl in video mentioned she bought her computer quite some time ago [when Optimus was fresh] and assumed NVidia would come up with support for it eventually [as they had with basic functions of their graphics cards such as displaying picture]. Not an unreasonable expectation from a paying customer to have a product supported in full. Others have listed examples of companies that either care enough to support their products directly (be it with open or closed drivers) or at least volunteer the information needed to others so they can do their work for them, at no cost.

The comment you made reminds me of dumb people tryiong to tell me that - in their opinion - somebody else isn't very smart, while they seem to be pretty thick themselves.
I don't really see how you construed that from my comment. I know what the girl in the video said & i was merely pointing out that people i know, that are also very intelligent in their specific computing area will try & argue that macs are a better choice over a pc.

I think that has a parallel to the girl making the comment. She is obviously cleaver enough to program & be at uni but that doesn't stop her making bad choices with the hardware shes uses.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
theoneandonlymrkif you roll in all lynux os based devices, id imagine a higher percentage, and look at physx, good but shit, and no games use it, yet they push desktop cards on its prowess,, and this trick wouldnt work in other markets:)
Again, those devices are a totally different category that nVidia is handling totally differently. They've made hardware just for that market segment.

No laptops use Optimus, yet the stupid chick in the video bought one, so you sure that trick won't work in other markets? And there are PhysX games for Android...
Posted on Reply
Dj-ElectriCIf you think NVIDIA+linux could be bad... oh just wait to try AMD+linux...
Actually I have had more problem with Nvidia cards under Linux. I have yet to have a problem with a Amd/Ati card.
tricksonHey Linux you want some thing better to work with? Then make a mainstream OS like Windows or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
They do, it's called Ubuntu. And it works great. I have actually though about switching all my rigs over. :toast:
Posted on Reply
My experience with NVIDIA and mobile devices was with Tmobile/LG G2X which had an NVIDIA for processing. The device was terribly unstable and I blame the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chipset for the problem.
Posted on Reply
theoneandonlymrkim no linux fan , ive not a clue how to use it and had the clearly blinkerred view you and nvidia have before, but ive an android phone now so things change and nvidias views on linux need to change, and will, id put my left(rights not leavin me;)) arm on nvidia backing linux or fadeing from this world,tegra2,3,4,5,8,99,x, denver nuff said.

Huang would no sooner cut his left tatty off then loose mobile Oem contracts, so they will get in line.
I own Optimus 2X, world's first dual core CPU mobile phone (Cynogen mod 9 ICS 4.4 Nova Rom), i know how i am being treated by Nvidia. :mad:
Posted on Reply
His comment is backed by reason of course, you only get emotion from a reason, so who ever said yes to emotion :slap:
Posted on Reply
Dj-ElectriCIf you think NVIDIA+linux could be bad... oh just wait to try AMD+linux...
naoanKind of ironic when in the past, ATi is considered a bad match for Linux (and yes it was, experienced one many distro simply not booting because of ATi myself).

It seem to got better these days.
I had Mint Debian running for 3+ months and had no problems, Sapphire Radeon HD5850
newtekie1NVidia has always had a hands off approach to Linux. I thought it was common knowledge to avoid nVidia if you wanted to run linux and have decent video hardware support. And, IMO, that is a perfectly legitimate stance to have. Yes, it would be nice if they better supported Linux, but honestly why would they? The market share for linux is so small that putting all that development time into proper support likely wouldn't amount to a profit.

And the girl asking the question annoys me. She is smart enough to use linux on a daily basis, but not smart enough to pick hardware that properly supports it? WTF?!
Are you a filthy capitalist ?
Posted on Reply
I don't see the problem here. 99.9% of Linux systems over here use integrated graphics anyway, since they're just for word processing, internet browsing, etc.

And there are a lot of Linux systems over here (usually Ubuntu) since they're free and all the donors have to spend on is sending over the hardware here.
Posted on Reply
aussiebearWhat an absolute load of nonsense. You clearly do NOT know the open community and the behaviour of companies it has to tolerate. Linus Torvalds does NOT run a business. He is a project leader for the Linux Kernel. He actually gets paid by other companies in terms of salary and shares. He doesn't lose anything by telling Nvidia to go f**k themselves.
So the brainchild of Linux has nothing to lose by insulting companies that are using a Linux variant as one of their primary platforms? By creating hostility you always have something to lose. Not just those who sign your check effect your business, it is bigger than that. He is the first person you think of when you mention Linux to most people, not just a simple developer. You can't downplay that.

From my understanding from the outside was that Nvidia assisted with open source drivers to the Linux platform.And apparently I am wrong. I also didn't hear about AMD making efforts to help much on the driver side until very recently and was always told the Nvidia drivers were more stable than the AMD/ATi alternative on Linux. You have apparently joined the forum just to say it isn't the case which is fine. But try to show a little respect when you start off. Adults address each other in a mature way(see etiquette). ;) Not with a fuck you like Torvalds. If there was a single man who would be the face of Linux I would say it would be Torvalds. If he is then seen acting out like a child throwing a fit, then it would hurt his cause. Business is what it is and a healthy relation with as many companies as possible is always best. If you feel otherwise then you obviously don't fit within the business world for making business decisions.
MelvisHis comment is backed by reason of course, you only get emotion from a reason, so who ever said yes to emotion :slap:
Or your emotion is your reason.... either way it's a poll that was worded badly. :laugh:
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Editor & Senior Moderator
ocrenvidia wants to protect its technology best it can. They support linux completely with drivers, very stable and good drivers at that. They just havent been generous when it comes to giving away their code. Nvidia would rather give out drivers they made for linux than give away their code to open source. If you think about it, why would nvidia want to give away their secrets? Stuff like optimus gives nvidia a competitive edge, lots of money went into it and people really expect nvidia to give this code away to the open source.
Again, the issue isn't about the source, it's about the features. NVIDIA can give those features via proprietary drivers, and nobody would complain. Linux ≠ "keep everything open-source."

The problem is NVIDIA doesn't give those features with its proprietary drivers, and doesn't allow open-source driver projects such as Nouveau to try and somehow get things to work, either.
Posted on Reply
btarunrAgain, the issue isn't about the source, it's about the features.
I think this point is just being ignored.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
btarunrAgain, the issue isn't about the source, it's about the features. NVIDIA can give those features via proprietary drivers, and nobody would complain. Linux ≠ "keep everything open-source."

The problem is NVIDIA doesn't give those features with its proprietary drivers, and doesn't allow open-source driver projects such as Nouveau to try and somehow get things to work, either.
That seems totally wrong to me. I don't see nVidia not allowing Nouveau to do anything, just like they aren't stopping people from developing open-source ways to use Optimus. They just aren't giving the people any help. If the people want to spend their time developing open-source ways to get nVidia features working on Linux, nVidia lets them, but nVidia isn't wasting any time doing it themselves because there isn't any money to be made.
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Big Member
RuskiSnajperAre you a filthy capitalist ?
I am. Very proud of it too. I don't support slavery in any way.

Also NVIDIA is the worst company against my pocket book thats for sure! Damn them! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Given that you also work with AMD I don't see how that's possible . . .

But in all seriousness I take most things Linus Torvalds says with a grain of salt, this is the same man that called his own Kernel "bloated", I respect him a lot, but sometimes he says some things that aren't true or are fueled by emotion rather than fact.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
tricksonNo just got the divorce!

For the record I hope to GOD in Heaven that the SUN will blast out a CME so big that it wipes out all this shit! Really I do! I have no use for texting, WTF is that all about any way? You text some one WHY? Send a letter a phone is to TALK to people not tell you to feed the baby! Or take a shit! The problem is this as I see it. Technology has gone just way to far and now we are seeing the results of this as the dumbing down of the people of the world. Most people are so stupid now they need a GPS in there car to go 3 blocks away from there home! I mean COME ON! Grow a brain think for your self learn things from a book! Please GOD send this planet a CME so large the aurora's will be seen in Texas!
Funny, I read books on my smartphone. I also just use the map app on it and pick my own route (as GPS always seems to route me some fucked up way) so I am essentially reading a map. I have to service a roughly 200mi radius outward from Pittsburgh at my work. Having maps instead would be a complete and utterly useless waste of paper, especially when one little device does any map I want in the world. Oh, plus it plays my music while on the road.

It's a win/win.
SonDa5My experience with NVIDIA and mobile devices was with Tmobile/LG G2X which had an NVIDIA for processing. The device was terribly unstable and I blame the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chipset for the problem.
Then you would be blaming the wrong thing. My Atrix is unstable too on the stock firmware. Runs like a champ on CM7 though, with no instability at all. Your problems came from LG's code, not the chipset.
Posted on Reply
i'm not surprising at all, oh nvidia..lmao
Posted on Reply
newtekie1nVidia isn't wasting any time doing it themselves because there isn't any money to be made.
see that alone i have an issue with - there is plenty of money to be made you just have to think farther ahead then the next few months.
Posted on Reply
One does not simply said fuck off to nVidia.

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