Thursday, July 5th 2012

AMD Readies Radeon HD 7950 GHz Edition
NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 670 presents a big problem to AMD's Radeon HD 7900 series lineup. It clearly outperforms Radeon HD 7950, outperforms Radeon HD 7970 in most cases, and maintains a healthy cost-performance lead over Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition, even if it lags behind in performance. To combat this, AMD is reportedly working on a new SKU, called Radeon HD 7950 GHz Edition.
The "new" Radeon HD 7950 GHz Edition will be priced competitively to the GeForce GTX 670 (around $350-400), will retain the core configuration of the original HD 7950, with 1,792 Graphics CoreNext stream processors, 112 TMUs, 32 ROPs, and 384-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface holding 3 GB of memory; but will feature higher clock speeds, with a core clock speed ≥1.00 GHz, and could feature AMD PowerTune with Boost feature. It is also reported that a majority of HD 7950 GHz Edition graphics cards launched to the market (later this quarter), will be cost-effective non-reference designs by AMD's add-in board (AIB) partners.
Sources:, Expreview
The "new" Radeon HD 7950 GHz Edition will be priced competitively to the GeForce GTX 670 (around $350-400), will retain the core configuration of the original HD 7950, with 1,792 Graphics CoreNext stream processors, 112 TMUs, 32 ROPs, and 384-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface holding 3 GB of memory; but will feature higher clock speeds, with a core clock speed ≥1.00 GHz, and could feature AMD PowerTune with Boost feature. It is also reported that a majority of HD 7950 GHz Edition graphics cards launched to the market (later this quarter), will be cost-effective non-reference designs by AMD's add-in board (AIB) partners.
55 Comments on AMD Readies Radeon HD 7950 GHz Edition
AMD really has to get out of this price bubble where in their mind their is no competition. The 7850 should really be $220, the 7870 should be $270 and this new 7950 GHZ should show up for $350 at the absolute most. Considering it's probably likely that the GTX660 will perform like a 7950 but cost much less, if AMD doesn't do these price corrections fast then more and more people like me will switch to nVidia who, while still pricey, has the price/performance crown. Only if AMD can get it's ego in line and understand that the 7950 really (will) compete best with the GTX660 and pre-empt it's release with a $300 7950(non-Ghz), Just as the 7970 should be $370-$400 as it competes well with the GTX670.
Nvidia pricing is aweful - E-tailers are at MSRP and Retailers prices have gone up since launch.
I was just at Fry's and MicroCenter this morning. You see more 670s on shelves then 7900s or 7800s. Still havent seen a 680 or a 690 at the retail level.
If the Radeon 7950 ran as close to the 7970 as the GTX670 runs to the GTX680, I would have upgraded my Graphics card months ago. AMD really shouldn't have cut BOTH the cards ROPs AND the clockspeed...In my opinion, the 7950 should have just been a downclocked 7970...and introduced what we have now as the 7950,as the 7930 later on.
I for one want to try nVidia for a turn as I've had a 4870x2 and now my two 5870s. I would like to go nVidia now, but with the smaller bus they seem to be limited when running multiple monitors, so I'm waiting around until next year until prices drop on the then GK110.,70&sort=a5
$320 with rebate...
and on a side note...
$621 for a 7950... do they really expect this to have a chance of selling?
The fastest known Radeon HD 7950 is Sapphire 100352OCSR i.e. factory clocked @ 950Ghz.
SAPPHIRE 100352OCSR Radeon HD 7950 3GB 384-bit GDD... Not supported by
Only one 7950 item line is above $400 USD. Depends on the benchmark mix.
Note that
1. XFX 7950 Black is keeping up with Zotac GTX 670 AMP.
2. XFX 7950 Black has lower power consumption than Zotac GTX 670 AMP i.e. 7950 has less CUs with the same ROP count as 7970.
XFX 7950 Black is factory clocked @900Mhz.
in rupiahs mode, you can covert them into us$ by dividing each item's price with 10,000 (assuming 1us$ is equal with 10,000 rupiahs)
2. XFX 7950 Black has lower power consumption than Zotac GTX 670 AMP i.e. 7950 has less CUs with the same ROP count as 7970.
XFX 7950 Black is factory clocked @900Mhz.[/QUOTE]
that's the definition of cherry picking your benchmarks...dirt is a game amd dominates at, and I currently am looking to get a 7970 for at the right price it's a great option but the 7950 even according to all of the wiz's reviews rarely kept anything near to close to 670's at any speed nevermind the amp and that goes for most every review site I checked...I"d love to believe I could get a 670/680/7970'ish performing product when I oc it for 300 bucks but unless some driver magic happens or tpu/hardwarecanucks/TT/everyotherreviewer I went to hates 7950's and was "hatin" on them in a massive conspiracy it simply isn't nearly as fast as a gtx 670 in most anything even in high resolutions and AA where it does catch up it only comes somewhat closer not really matching or beating the 670 very often.
For 7950 Ghz Edition's performance hints, look at XFX HD 7950 OC @1025Mhz benchmarks e.g.,3123-3.html
7950 OC @1025Mhz rivals 7970 @ 925Mhz.
AMD is making factory/user overclocks as standard. In terms of "out-of-the-box", current HD 7950 ranges from 800Mhz to 950Mhz e.g.
I'm very happy with my Sapphire HD7950 OC 950mhz Edition which I have found a sweet spot of 1300/1600 @1.22v.
I wouldn't trade my HD7950 for any GTX670.