Monday, October 15th 2012

European Commission Plans Criminal Case Against Microsoft
According to a report, European Commission is planning to level a criminal case against Microsoft for failing to meet the conditions laid down by the judgement of a 2009 case that forced Microsoft to strip its Internet Explorer browser from Windows operating system copies sold in the EU, and presenting new installations of the OS with a browser selection menu. With the advent of Windows 7 SP1, the browser selection menu was not implemented for tens of millions of PCs (out of an error, Microsoft argues). The new case could lead to penalties in billions of Euros for Microsoft.
66 Comments on European Commission Plans Criminal Case Against Microsoft
Man - I hope to get greencard, cuz I dont wana go to mother Russia!
Whats next? Microsoft should include competing products of paint? Like Gimp or Microsoft should include competing disc defraggers, competing media centre, almost every aspect of windows has a third party alternative.
If people are too stupid to download and test different browsers they should stop using the computer.
MS should stop selling Windows in the EU. Heck, they are a devices and services company. They don't have to sell an OS.
they fine polluters that kill people a couple million yet they wanna fine MS around 7 billion for some stupid browser ballot crap.
Whenever i make a fresh install, install my browser program (in my case it's Firefox) and the rest of the programs i use, unless i make it so that my updates are not automatically downloaded and installed, i'll get IE installed in my system.
Why is IE considered an update if the program is not supposed to be installed in the first place?
- I accidently hit your car, no intent... I am responsible for the repairs
- My 3 yr old breaks your window... I, as the parent, am responsible for the repairs
- City law says "get a permit before building". I build without a permit... I am responsible for the cost of demolition
It seems to me that basic wisdom is generally applied to small, every day incidents but large corporations can pay lawyers millions of dollars to argue their way out of anything.
We need to see some jail time for some EU court members.
Every 10 years or so there is a one-way capital flow dressed as "fines" or "insurance claims" from the EU to the US. Here is one time the EU can play payback.
BUT IT IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. No reason to punish MS for having an "open" OS. Go after Apple. Their walled gardens are far greater in the breach of freedoms. Oh wait... I see the EU quite likes walled gardens... ;)
As for this EU thing well......gotta help pay off Greece's and Spains debt somehow I guess.
but the fines are to small for m$ they just need to do what the EU says when selling in the EU
the US of A tries to controle the world daily and need to stop it US of A is a cancer cell that need to be destroyed....
Wont be long before the world police decides to change Earths name to 'Merica.