Tuesday, October 23rd 2012

Xbox 360 250 GB Sold for $99, Too
In May, Microsoft sent ripples down the gaming industry by launching a subsidized $99 Xbox 360 + Kinect bundle. The bundle included an Xbox 360 4 GB console, Kinect, and "Kinect Adventures." The company applied a similar subsidy plan to the 250 GB HDD-equipped variant of the console, priced at the same $99, but which lacks Kinect bundle. One can now get a 250 GB Xbox 360 + Kinect bundle for as low as $149. Under Microsoft's subsidy plans, full-featured consoles are sold at low prices, in exchange for customers subscribing to Xbox Live for at $15 per month for two years.
The Verge
7 Comments on Xbox 360 250 GB Sold for $99, Too
But now I think the game is too heavy for me to play.
So I don't need to play a game anymore.
And I focus on watching Kamen Rider series instead.:laugh:
its great the console is this cheap - but its really not with the contract