Sunday, June 16th 2013

Microsoft Pulls a Fast One with E3 Xbox One Demos

With its focus on on-demand entertainment at the expense of gaming prowess, Xbox One didn't impress gamers at E3, who instead flocked to Amazon to pre-order their PlayStation 4, which not only features faster hardware, that could translate to better visuals in gaming, but is also a whole 20 percent cheaper ($499 vs. $399). At E3, Microsoft tried to pull a fast one. It set up several gaming stations allegedly powered by Xbox One, where gamers could play unreleased Xbox One games using the new Xbox One controller, just to get a feel of how rich and smooth the graphics really are. Some of them fell for it, others didn't. When these peeping toms didn't find the screens wired to an Xbox One main unit, they yanked open the cupboards below, only to find a full-fledged Windows 7 gaming PC.

How full-fledged you ask? Keen observers across the forumscape made out a rig powered by an Intel LGA2011 processor, which could at least be a Core i7-3820, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700 series reference design graphics card, which could at least be a GeForce GTX 770. Such a system would obviously give you a rich and smooth gaming experience.
Microsoft Xbox One features a custom-designed application processor by AMD, which combines eight 64-bit x86 cores based on the "Jaguar" micro-architecture, with a GPU that packs 768 Graphics CoreNext stream processors, and a unified quad-channel DDR3-2133 memory interface, holding 8 GB of memory. This memory is cushioned by a large 32 MB SRAM cache on-die. In comparison, Sony's PlayStation 4 features a custom-designed application processor, too, which features the same CPU portion, but a bigger graphics core with 1,152 stream processors, and a 256-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface, holding 8 GB of RAM, which can be used as both main and graphics memory. On top of all that, the PlayStation 4 is $100 cheaper, at $399.
Source: Gaming Blend
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161 Comments on Microsoft Pulls a Fast One with E3 Xbox One Demos

15th Warlock
These demo units look nothing like the final Xbone hardware, for a console that's supposed to be released in less than 5 months this is beyond preposterous.

Saying that MS didn't have time to put together demo units utilizing actual Xbone hardware at this point in the console development cycle shows nothing but utter misunderstanding of how these consoles were developed.

For simple reference, xbox 360 was released in 2006, and chances are MS immediately started working on the successor at some level immediately after its release. Do the math, that's almost 7 years from today.

To also suggest that MS would rent PCs from a third party doesn't make any sense at all, this is MS we are talking about, they are 100% involved in both the hardware and software for this console, why risk failure by renting equipment from a third party for such an important event so close to release date?

The fact that MS used such powerful hardware to demo their games, doesn’t bode well at all for the Xbone, this can only mean they are not confident enough in the performance of the hardware just a few months from release, at this point any hardware specifications are set in stone and MS must have already ordered parts from all the manufacturers to start assembly of the actual consoles before final packaging and shipping , either that or they'll just release a few units in November...
Posted on Reply
wow....i see damage controll from pr firms gittin busy:laugh:
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TPU addict
Well after watching the video below these systems might of been connected to the xbox 1 as i understand it.. Although imo ignore the supposed most wanted to know answers to peoples questions till near the end of the video were the xbox 1 actually have a HDMI input which allows to devices to be used.

Although their example while watching TV or a film you could get messages disturbing your well loved movie lol.

So just maybe there was a xbox 1 hooked up to them too ?..

/r/Games interview with Xbox Live's Major Nels...
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I would rather think that maybe, just maybe, this is Microsoft's way of accepting that PC gaming is better? LOL

But then again they released Windows 8...But then again they crippled the
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That is all....
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phanbueyI've never been to E3... and maybe its just a code showoff... but they are using hardware that is 3x the power of what this software will actually run on.

And lets face it, MS is on a roll. Lately they make shit OSes and they make shitty phones and tablets... is it really that much of a stretch to imagine that they will make a shitty console? Will we all be surprised when the XB1 is just absolutely terrible?

I almost feel bad for the marketing guys:


"But, sir, these are dog feces"


"But, sir, no one wants this, especially over Google!!!"


"Sir, please, have a snickers!!!"

I read this in a "Hitler Reacts to.." kind of way.
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Shou Miko
this just shows that u can build ur own xbox one, if microsoft will release the software that works on Windows 7 :laugh:
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aceraceLinus also talked about this issue in his June 14th live stream. Fast-forwarded to the issue.
I thought you meant THE Linus, the one with his name ending in Torvalds. Now if it was him then everyone would've listened. In this case its just some dude with a youtube channel, and the point stands. They used hardware that was far from representative of what would be in the final console.
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why would they use a pricy, sexy corsair case if it was supposed to be hidden ???!!! :O
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puma99dk|this just shows that u can build ur own xbox one, if microsoft will release the software that works on Windows 7 :laugh:
Why on earth would you want to?
Posted on Reply
jihadjoeI thought you meant THE Linus, the one with his name ending in Torvalds. Now if it was him then everyone would've listened. In this case its just some dude with a youtube channel, and the point stands. They used hardware that was far from representative of what would be in the final console.
Did you even watch the video? Well, maybe he is not as smart as the Linus Torvalds, but he is sure as hell smarter than most people in this thread, me included. No offense. :toast:
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Shou Miko
silkstoneWhy on earth would you want to?
well u can build a cheaper and faster computer than the Xbox One in the first place so why not? :laugh:
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Skulltrail and x-bones. Hilarious. Intel and nV power games. :pimp:
Posted on Reply
So wait,.......

The display above the case showing the Windows 7 desktop wasn't a clue as to what was under the hood,......?


Its not like they had an Xbox One under each display with faux wires coming out of it to fake a connection,.....

Much ado about nothing,....
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Editor & Senior Moderator
OctaveanSo wait,.......

The display above the case showing the Windows 7 desktop wasn't a clue as to what was under the hood,......?


Its not like they had an Xbox One under each display with faux wires coming out of it to fake a connection,.....

Much ado about nothing,....
He quit the game (probably to check out the new home screen), saw a Windows 7 desktop instead, got curious, opened the cupboard.
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it would have been nice if infinium labs waited and launched now with the rest of these pc's, they might have actually been better off.(might have died still though)

I was hoping sega would pull out a console this E3 with the spectrum(I know . . . . . . . yeah) but its probably going to be an arcade board or engine but on that sega's newest current arcade is nothing but glorified proprietary gaming pc's now also with a 2500K and GTX560Ti.
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I dont care if this is usual or not, but its irrelevant.
You cant deny the bad PR, this doesn't look good for MS.
If they at least used amd systems they could release a note stating that it was similar spec hardware. But using a card that is clearly a titan (the gtx780 came too close to e3), looks bad
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Here is the problem, MS is having issues with Windows 8, office upgrades etc. They are offering a console with less, for more. Who wants to use restricted software/hardware when even Sony opened up the terms. I have to log into the internet every day like asking Mommy, can I play it now?
I bought the darn thing, I get to pay $60 a game and they treat you like this "before release." I am the customer, It is not a privilege to buy this. MS needs to hire some people with ethics and an A-game. For all the restrictions I expect a console that would blow the socks off the competition.

This turd has to last around 8-10 years...... Are you confident it will? Are you willing to own all your games for 10 years and not want to show them to your friends or give your old games as a gift?
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btarunrPC gaming costs $200.

The average household already has a ~$300 desktop. Mate that with a $200 GTX 660 or HD 7870, and buy a $25 wireless gamepad if you must; plug it to your TV over HDMI. Sure, that PC will bottleneck the card, but it would still be faster than any next-gen console.
You and I both know that's total nonsense. The XboxGoHome seems like a very, very compromised (some might say crippled design), so the jury's out ... but as far as the PS4 is concerned, a title properly coded for and optimised (and preferably going direct to metal or using very low level APIs) will blow any PC game out of the water at 1920x1080, regardless of what hardware it's running (Titans in SLI or whatever). You sacrifice most of your performance budget for universal compatibility, high level APIs and the engine sitting on top of a massively bloated desktop OS. First party Sony titles for the first couple of years should look way better than any PC game on any hardware.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
midnightoilFirst party Sony titles for the first couple of years should look way better than any PC game on any hardware.
Normally I don't comment on peoples opinions, but this is so far out there:
absolute rubbish....on "any" hardware?! :roll: If you really had any notion of what high-level pc hardware actually is, you would not make such a statement. Unbelievable......
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rtwjunkieNormally I don't comment on peoples opinions, but this is so far out there:
absolute rubbish....on "any" hardware?! :roll: If you really had any notion of what high-level pc hardware actually is, you would not make such a statement. Unbelievable......
You clearly have absolutely no notion whatsoever of how coding or hardware actually work. If there were PC games made and optimised solely for the current cream of the crop, and using some kind of lower level API (like Glide used to be), then sure they'd beat the PS4. But this will never happen, because it would be impossible for the developers to recoup development costs because of the miniscule potential market for games like this.

Why do you think the kind of lighting, detail and enormous size of environment seen in the Killzone engine footage are several orders of magnitude greater than any 7850 (roughly equivalent to PS4 graphical power) could ever hope to render at more than 1 or 2FPS, if ported to the PC?

Comparing base specs of PCs and consoles is apples and oranges .. they're not the same at all.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
midnightoilComparing base specs of PCs and consoles is apples and oranges .. they're not the same at all.
Except for the fact both consoles will be entering the market at basically the equivalent of mid-level gaming PC's. Brute force can overcome almost anything....which seems to be why MS used a high-end gaming PC to showcase games to look better than they will.
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