Tuesday, November 4th 2014

NVIDIA Outs GeForce 344.60 WHQL Game Ready Driver
While AMD launches WHQL-signed drivers every three or so months, NVIDIA seems to be making a habit of launching one ahead of every major game release. The company's new 344.60 WHQL "Game Ready" drivers, released today, come just in time for the year's biggest shooter, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. In addition, the driver comes with an updated PhysX System Software (version 9.14.0702), CUDA (version 6.5), and GeForce Experience ( Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare doesn't support Windows XP, so NVIDIA didn't bother with an update for that OS. Grab your driver from the links below.DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 344.60 WHQL for Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit
31 Comments on NVIDIA Outs GeForce 344.60 WHQL Game Ready Driver
Not that I care or play any games that support it.
Going to hammer this driver today with a few diffrent engines and API's and will report back with my findings. :)
Hopefully it's not some intractable bug somewhere.
We arent mind readers you know.
Not my job to do nvidias job for them.
Read for yourself: forums.geforce.com/default/topic/786728/geforce-drivers/-official-nvidia-344-60-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-11-4-14-/
Blackscreens, timeouts, stuttering, games not working, working badly, requiring work arounds, sli not working right in games.
They had to release 4 drivers already for the 9 series because the drivers are such shite. It's been out like a month.
I actually read that entire topic before I posted. Did any of you actually read it or was it just easier to try and discredit my credibility?
Sounds like you are the one who need some credibility if your idea of doing thorough research is just saying people have no credibility.
While it may not be your job to do Nvidia's job for them (thank the lord) It wont exactly kill you to either be more descriptive or if not then at least just say "it has issues" and throw up a link rather than just throw it out there as it makes it meaningless unless you were the one having issues yourself.
afaik TPU doesnt have an Nvidia rep - so we try to help those we can however we can and if we can.
And my credibility gets attacked..
That is beyond stupid..
I tried to help people by letting them know there are a lot of known issues.
Where else should they check?
I thought it was common sense to check nvidia forums for this specific driver.
I said "check" not "take my word for it"
So much for trying to help.
The 1st think came to my mind (after reading your 1st post) is to check the obvious place: Nvidia forums /drivers feedback it's all there every time.
Would it kill you to use common sense?
FFS I tried to help and all I seem to get around here, every time I try to help lately, is some cry baby BS from rager trolls.
You obviously can't help yourself if you don't know to check the forum.
So accept the help or don't
But stop trolling.