Friday, January 23rd 2015

GeForce GTX 970 Design Flaw Caps Video Memory Usage to 3.3 GB: Report

It may be the most popular performance-segment graphics card of the season, and offer unreal levels of performance for its $329.99 price, but the GeForce GTX 970 suffers from a design flaw, according to an investigation by power-users. GPU memory benchmarks run on GeForce GTX 970 show that the GPU is not able to address the last 700 MB of its 4 GB of memory.

The "GTX 970 memory bug," as it's now being called on tech forums, is being attributed to user-reports of micro-stutter noticed on GTX 970 setups, in VRAM-intensive gaming scenarios. The GeForce GTX 980, on the other hand, isn't showing signs of this bug, the card is able to address its entire 4 GB. When flooded with posts about the investigation on OCN, a forum moderator on the official NVIDIA forums responded: "we are still looking into this and will have an update as soon as possible."
Sources: Crave Online, LazyGamer
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192 Comments on GeForce GTX 970 Design Flaw Caps Video Memory Usage to 3.3 GB: Report

TRWOVAnd Guru3d didn't tell people how to correctly use this tool :banghead: so we're sure to find more mis-reports. Well, I'll be watching eBay, picking up a used 970 for $200 shouldn't be hard if shit hits the fan :D
I have recently bought the Asus Strix version. To use the tool you just need to run the test with the monitor disconnected correct? If that is the case, then I can verify that my card has the so called vram performance issue.
Posted on Reply
AnnCoreI have recently bought the Asus Strix version. To use the tool you just need to run the test with the monitor disconnected correct? If that is the case, then I can verify that my card has the so called vram performance issue.
Nope, you must use another GPU for display (iGPU for example) otherwise windows compositing will reserve some portion of VRAM and alter the results.

A better way to test would be to use a game with a high res texture mod or something as to not overload the pixelfillrate. Most users are just cranking up DSR to get over 3.5GB and then think that the fps drop is due to the memory partition. Nai's benchmark is a CUDA program and the driver could be handling those different than a game.
Posted on Reply
TRWOVNope, you must use another GPU for display (iGPU for example) otherwise windows compositing will reserve some portion of VRAM and alter the results.

A better way to test would be to use a game with a high res texture mod or something as to not overload the pixelfillrate. Most users are just cranking up DSR to get over 3.5GB and then think that the fps drop is due to the memory partition. Nai's benchmark is a CUDA program and the driver could be handling those different than a game.
I'm not huge into games but I am curious to see if my card is affected or not. A question of principle if you will. I have Skyrim still installed. Would that do the trick you think?
Posted on Reply
FluffmeisterA user on YouTube, well i might as well copy and paste theoneandonlymrk's childish post, he sounded like he is 8 too, but you didn't call him out on it:

I was playing Shadow of Mordor and cranked it as high as i could, and had soo much fun killing Orcs I forgot I was supposed to be having a terrible experience!
And now you're acting like an 8 year old. No one said anything, people just state observations and they get very little factual explanations in return. If it was that easy to answer, NVIDIA would explain it in detail. And yet tehy just made some half ass excuse in my opinion. If you're not having problems now, that doesn't mean all will be fine half a year in the future when games become more demanding. But since you're apparently on a NVIDIA's payrole, you don't mind it at all. The rest who paid big bucks for the card however do care.
Posted on Reply
RejZoRAnd now you're acting like an 8 year old. No one said anything, people just state observations and they get very little factual explanations in return. If it was that easy to answer, NVIDIA would explain it in detail. And yet tehy just made some half ass excuse in my opinion. If you're not having problems now, that doesn't mean all will be fine half a year in the future when games become more demanding. But since you're apparently on a NVIDIA's payrole, you don't mind it at all. The rest who paid big bucks for the card however do care.
Here we go... I'm on Nvidia's payroll now? It's a waste of time discussing anything here frankly.
Posted on Reply
XL-R8RI think people are too easy to jump on this bandwagon, evidence or none, and start bashing or spouting shit lol
It's the echo chamber.

Note that not a single actual further fact has surfaced since this story broke, yet the thread is moving as if its a constantly updating situation, when in fact it is just the same shit being regurgitated ad nauseam.
Three things seem certain:
1. Testing for this issue is not straightforward for the most part, and requires some effort and particular parameters to be met to be measurable - which goes some way to explain why many owners of the card seem fine with it - if you don't personally encounter a problem, it becomes more academic interest ( the prevailing attitude of owners of Evergreen series of cards during the GSoD phenomena - excepting the vociferous Apple owners of course (see point #3))
2. Most of the hysteria is coming from people who don't own, and would never consider owning the card, or any Nvidia card for that matter
3. Internet culture: Big business + conspiracy theory + overblown sense of entitlement + armchair activism. All that's missing is a trite naming convention alluding to Benghazi or ending in "-gate" (You know its coming).
Posted on Reply
Intoxicated Moderator
Why don't all the people trying to make some form of observational comment based on experience they have themselves just leave so that all the bloody idiots starting fights over shit they know little about can just listen to their own verbal crap.
Frankly it boils down to this:
Does the 970 have an issue above 3.5Gb in real world use? Likely answer is probable but not always. Does this mean Nvidia sold a small lie? Yes it absolutely does. Nvidia owners can't defend that. If it doesn't affect the 980 but does affect the 970, then they (NV) have been 'evasive' and deserve some form of backlash.
If you have a 970 and don't feel any effects of this PR 'lie' then feel free to comment - your contribution adds balance to real world usage.
If you're here trolling like a few are because you're anti NV, state facts, not opinions or at least, keep opinions civil and smart. Don't be retarded asswipes spouting shite.
The way I see a lot of posts here are NV owners saying it's not an issue. NV 'loyalists' blindly defending their brand choice and then their is the AMD crowd baying for blood.
And their are logical people saying yes it's quite bad NV have done this but is it affecting people in real life?

Some people need a cyber punch.
Posted on Reply
I wonder why other Maxwell and Kepler GPUs (like GTX980M, GTX970M or GTX660) with their asymmetric memory configurations aren't affected?
Posted on Reply
BiggieShadyI wonder why other Maxwell and Kepler GPUs (like GTX980M, GTX970M or GTX660) with their asymmetric memory configurations aren't affected?
It might have to do with the prioritizing of the segmented memory. Nvidia has stated that so unless its force or pushed to recognize the remaining segment it will likely be restricted (Software or Hardwire) to the 3.5GB segment. Then it becomes a question as to how and why for those interested.
Posted on Reply
The problem is the people who paid for the card expecting 4gb to be easily useable just like you would get. Especially considering the way they are handling it on the card seems to be more foolish then just cutting that last 500mb of ram and calling it a day. I am pretty sure people would not be disappointed with the card just buying a 3.5gb card but it would help people be more in the loop on what they are buying especially depending on the scenarios people are expecting with this card. Frankly there are people that were expecting a decent budget option for 4K and for 1440p 60+ FPS or the likes which could get hurt with this problem. Imagine someone who purchased 3 of these and a 4K monitor expecting this to be great and ended up with this problem in some games (Maybe many more down the line) as I would be pretty mad. Its not so much that 500gb is a big deal as most people here probably would not ever use that to its full extent anyway (The 4gb) but the fact that people were advertised as such and now they are in a situation that has very limited options for them to make this right.

It is not something people should just ignore or else things like this become the norm.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
ones trying to defend such a screw up are just like the democratic party of the united states, ass backwards
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1ones trying to defend such a screw up are just like the democratic party of the united states, ass backwards
Its not a screw up if it was intentional. They just told you the convenient details. So its just like the government. :(

If it was a non-issue. It would have been disproven long ago with the million or so of the 9xx series sold users disproving it. There would be no reason for Nvidia to release a statement after having meetings about it.

I do find it curious as to how few of them are in various forums given the owners clubs. I'm starting to think the majority just buy to showcase then return them with-in the return policy window. I was expecting way more test results being posted. Probably the same for both sides.
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1ones trying to defend such a screw up are just like the democratic party of the united states, ass backwards
I think you mean the NAZI/republican party!
Posted on Reply
FluffmeisterIt's a waste of time discussing anything here frankly.
it is with some yes, head buried deep in the sand.

so is this christened 4gb-gate yet or what?

AlienIsGODthis may be of help
that is the same thing copy pasted on another site dude.

this thread has made my weekend, the buttsore fanbois on one side and the stockholm syndrome on the other...priceless
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
marsey99that is the same thing copy pasted on another site dude.

this thread has made my weekend, the buttsore fanbois on one side and the stockholm syndrome on the other...priceless
im not a fanboi, nor do i own a 970, i was just posting something that was relevant.....
Posted on Reply
sorry dude that was not aimed at anyone in particular, just a generalization of the thread on the whole you know.
Posted on Reply
marsey99it is with some yes, head buried deep in the sand.

so is this christened 4gb-gate yet or what?

Hey I guess Nvidia are ruthless and AMD are inept, one is successful the other just can't seem to make any money.

If your implying Nv should give me a free upgrade to a 980, I agree.... I agree with you all!
Posted on Reply
TRWOVAnd Guru3d didn't tell people how to correctly use this tool :banghead: so we're sure to find more mis-reports. Well, I'll be watching eBay, picking up a used 970 for $200 shouldn't be hard if shit hits the fan :D
Well if your in China

$69 Asus Strix GeForce GTX 970 DCII

The shipping is what gets you. Its x3 the price of the card. LOL!
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
XzibitWell if your in China

$69 Asus Strix GeForce GTX 970 DCII

The shipping is what gets you. Its x3 the price of the card. LOL!
Common way of doing it as you end up only being able to claim $69 which is cost of item.
Posted on Reply
Perhaps this is lord`s way of equalizing the market share with AMD. What if Nvidia has to refund every GeForce 970?
Posted on Reply
Uplink10Perhaps this is lord`s way of equalizing the market share with AMD. What if Nvidia has to refund every GeForce 970?
It won't come to that. At worst they'd get hit with a class action suit or something and even that's a stretch.

This isn't as bad as the bumpgate and nothing serious came out of that (they paid 200mill to settle but that's it). Plus they can always force the card to just use 3.5GB by drivers (which I suppose it already does).
Posted on Reply
TRWOVIt won't come to that. At worst they'd get hit with a class action suit or something and even that's a stretch.

This isn't as bad as the bumpgate and nothing serious came out of that (they paid 200mill to settle but that's it). Plus they can always force the card to just use 3.5GB by drivers (which I suppose it already does).
Microsoft had to settle a CALS about usable memory/storage on the Surface. Apple has been fighting off the same thing with there iPhones/iPads/iPods for awhile. They recently got one dismissed and just got hit with another one this month. Both of them MS & Apple make it clear that storage varies.

If anything the marketing will be what hurts Nvidia the most by reputation or financially.

They should have taken a page out of AMDs PowerTune and used "up to" 4GB of memory or kept with the GPU Boost theme and called it "3.5GB base mem with 0.5GB boost"
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