Tuesday, April 14th 2015

AMD Releases Catalyst 15.4 Beta for Grand Theft Auto V
AMD released its latest driver with optimizations for the season't hottest game Grand Theft Auto V. Catalyst 15.4 is released as a Beta. The company is yet to launch a WHQL-signed driver this year. Catalyst 15.4 Beta adds game-specific optimizations for GTA V, and CrossFire profiles. It also adds CrossFire profiles for Dying Light, MGS V: Ground Zeroes, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, and Mortal Combat X. CrossFire profiles are improved for Battlefield Hardline, Far Cry 4, and Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Grab the driver from the links below.DOWNLOAD: AMD Catalyst 15.4 Beta for Grand Theft Auto V, for Windows 8.1/7 64-bit | Windows 8.1/7 32-bit
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